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Jun. 2nd, 2008



It had taken Ianto a little while to get his shit together. Not just with Jack, not just with work, not just with the bizarreness of this place, but with everything. But he'd gotten his shit together, went back to trying to map this strangeness of this place.

And take some leisure time. He went to the bar, sat on the stool, and propped his chin on his hand, to look at the person next to him, "Hello."

May. 19th, 2008


Open for character reactions

Jack pinned the big piece of paper with his survey chart on up on the notice board in the lobby of the hotel, stuck a couple of marker pens in the tray at the bottom, and stood back to make sure everything was there.

The Survey – cut for length )

It all seemed to be there. Jack nodded, and went off to the TARDIS to get some sleep.

Mar. 20th, 2008


Open to all!

The Master was sitting at one of the tables savoring a shot of whiskey as he waited for people to show up. He'd traded out of his usual politician's suit, for a longer, more closely tailored knee length jacket, and had actually lost the tie. The white rose remained pinned, of course.

Everything was set up. Tables, large enough for 4 or 5 people to sit comfortably, around the outside of the room. Food and open bar at the far wall from the doors. And still a fairly large space in the middle for dancing. It was going to be interesting to see how many people showed up, because frankly he wasn't sure what the population of the town was. He couldn't help but wonder, given the malleable and mind bending nature of the this place - if more people showed up then could really fit, would the room mysteriously seem bigger? It wasn't a completely absurd idea, here.

As predicted, there were no Doctors with red roses and black converses in sight, yet.


Open to all (for character reactions to notice)

Finally, the Master was ready to post his notice for the party. He pinned it to a large bulletin board easily viewable in the hotel lobby. In careful flowing calligraphy it read,

"All are cordially invited

To an evening of conversation, food, drinking, music, and dancing

In the company of fellow visitors and semi-residents

Located at the hotel ballroom beginning at dusk tomorrow

Dress up is highly encouraged

Less than civilized behavior while in attendance not tolerated

With warm regards,

Koschei (who will be dressed in style) & Theta Sigma (who will probably be late)"

He was trying really hard not to laugh, as he stood back and looked at it. Ok, he laughed. And then wandered off, with a stupidly happy grin on his face.

Mar. 11th, 2008


Any immortal Jack

The Doctor wandered out of the hotel dining room and into the bar, looking for an after-dinner drink and some company.

When he saw a familiar figure at the bar, he grinned and ambled over, even though he could feel the Vortex radiating out of this one from the doorway. It was time he dealt with his aversion to how wrong Jack felt to him.

"May I get you another drink?" he inquired, eyeing the nearly-empty glass in Jack's hand.

Feb. 18th, 2008



Jamie flopped down on a couch in the lobby, hand over his eyes and sighed exaggeratedly before bursting into giggles.

Feb. 4th, 2008



Jack raised an eyebrow at the shelf of books in front of him, a faint smirk coming to his face at the titles before he looked over his shoulder to see if the door that he'd stepped through was still there. Figured that he'd go to check up on the progress on the renovations to his office only to step through a dimensionally transcendent door that vanished as soon as he'd done so. And of the four species he knew had that sort of technology, three wouldn't drop him in a library.

"Amusing," he said out loud, glancing up at the ceiling for lack of anywhere else to direct the statement. "Hope you're better than the Doctor at getting me back to the time and place I left," he added before shoving his hands into the pockets of his trousers, sauntering down the aisle between the stacks.

Peering into an open space, he let a grin creep onto his face at the sight of someone sitting reading a book. He leaned against the nearest shelf, waiting for them to look up.