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Aug. 31st, 2008


Open to All, Fireworks Party Thread

Koschei peered over the shoulder of the server he'd coaxed out to the lake, nodding to himself at the charcoal, and the plates of meats waiting to grill to the demands of party guests. He grinned as he turned away, watching the path leading towards town for anyone who'd come down for the party.

Aug. 4th, 2008



When he saw Jenny reach out to take down the sign she'd hung up earlier, Gray slid off his chair, heading back over to the TARDIS, and peering in the door.

"Come on in, Gray, girls-only party is over." Jenny ran a hand through her hair as she dropped the sign on the captain's chair. "River's still somewhere in the TARDIS, haven't found her yet, and I'm heading out."

"Where're you going?"

Jenny shrugged. "Don't know. You've been out and about, any place interesting?"

"There's a hotel, with lots of people. And a restaurant where I got the chips. And I saw a park." Gray smiled. "I can show you where I've been, if you want?"

Jenny tilted her head, watching him with a considering look a moment. "Sure. Why don't we start with that restaurant, grab some fries, and maybe hang out somewhere and do some people watching."

Gray beamed, and held out his hand, happily leading the way. In the end, they settled onto a sunny patch of grass in the park with a basket of chips, with Jenny watching people, and Gray watching clouds.

Jul. 24th, 2008


Open to all female characters

cut for length )

The sign she'd hung out read:

Females only.

No male beings allowed. Not even you, Jack. And especially not the Doctor.

Snacks and movies in the the first door to the left past the control room.