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Dec. 13th, 2009



The Doctor was at a flat out run, barreling around a corner, and ran *right* into some one. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Did you see a woman coming this way? Blonde hair, blue eyes? Where did she go?" he asked, looking around wildly, before he met the eyes of the person he'd smacked into.

Dec. 5th, 2009



Brant was, not to put too fine a point on it, bored. He was also in an atypically crabby mood. He wasn't lashing out or angry, but he wasn't feeling particularly sunny, either.

He stumbled out of the hotel with a cup of coffee, flopped on a bench and generally looking both very sleepy and very cranky.

Also, very young.

"Hey," he said, immediately upon sending one of the two time lords he knew best.

Oct. 27th, 2009



Eric was talking to one of his bartenders, right after De Final opened for the night, when somebody walked up to them, and he turned around with raised eyebrows. "Yes?"

Oct. 20th, 2009


Lis' Doctor

Jack had taken as much time as he'd let himself with Jason, but there was one more thing he needed to do before heading out. Carefully, cautiously, he re-opened the place in the back of his mind that linked to Brant. Not enough to call out, just enough to be aware of his presence, and for Brant to know he was there. Not enough to let Brant know (hopefully) what was going on inside his head.

Then, he showered again, ate again, drank more water, put on fresh clothes that still didn't involve his coat because he was disheartened every time he felt how big it was on his wasted frame, and went out in search of the Doctor. The TARDIS was a bit of a clue, but he wasn't confident enough to use his key, stopping outside instead to rap a rhythmic knock on the closed doors.

And belatedly hoped that River wasn't around.

Sep. 3rd, 2009


Lis' Doctor

Mulder had spent the better part of the last few weeks studying up on Vampire myth and legend, and occasionally wandering around at night with equal parts curiosity and caution. Which meant he really wasn't around a lot and was sleeping a lot of the time he was. At least he wasn't depressed and struggling with his sexuality.

He brought a cup of tea to the console room when he went, handed it to the Doctor and folded himself to sit beside him. "Talk to me."

Aug. 17th, 2009



The Doctor was in New New York, crouched down in the park nearest the hotel and cupped a beetle into his hand. "Oh, now, you're not from here," he breathed. "You've been extinct since the 23rd century. Blip in the system, hmm?"

Jul. 10th, 2009


Becky's Jack

He'd heard about young Koschei's sensor array. Or course he had to go have a look, sometime when the kid wasn't around. He poked a bit, careful not to really disturb, as much as he wanted to tweak. So, here he was on a room with a lot of equipment, grinning like a fool.

ETA: Spoilers for TW Season 3 in the comments.

Jul. 7th, 2009


Dea's Ianto

The Doctor, with red paper rose pinned to his lapel, was wandering more shops. He wasn't even sure what he was looking for. He'd know it when he saw it.

He looked up and caught sight of Ianto. "Oh, hello, haven't seen you around in a while, Jack'll be thirlled," Grinned broadly. Then paused. "Wait, have we actually met before?"

Jul. 5th, 2009


Lis' Master

He was sprawled out on his bed, glasses perched on the end of his nose reading a technical manual for Jack's sonic blaster. It made no sense to him but that was okay, because it was *really* not boring. He got up when he heard the knock at the door and went to answer it.

Jul. 1st, 2009


Vae's Martha

The Doctor was trying to convince a shop keeper that the folded paper rose he'd found amongst the shop's goods really was his. Given that is was a gift shop with a stationary section, it did take a little talking. Then the shop keeper just wanted to see how it had been done. The Doctor insisted he needed the paper as it was, thank you, it might be important. But he was pretty sure he knew who had made it, and he'd send them along to the shop to explain, when he found them.

He turned and practically ran into Martha.

"Oh, hello, Dr. Jones!" he said, beaming.

Jun. 2nd, 2009



The Doctor was being pressed to sit on a stretcher by paramedics, who were giving the police officer who was questioning him dirty looks. Blood was dripping into his face, his hands very bloody, and he looked a bit dazed.

He was a little ways off from a smoldering wreck of two air cars, that other police officers and medics was swarming. And...that was a body bag being carted off.

"I don't know," the Doctor said slowly to the woman questioning him. "I was on the ground. It looked like maybe one of the drivers just lost control. The one what didn't make it."

May. 12th, 2009


Open to all

It was an extraordinarily gorgeous day even for fake New New York. The Master and Doctor had taken over a corner of Central Park to try to gather together cricket teams, from visitors or natives, whoever knew or was willing to learn the basic rules and play. Captaining opposing teams, of course. The easy banter back and forth indicated high, good spirits.

Apr. 29th, 2009



The Doctor literally ran into Brant in the hallway of his TARDIS. Stopped. "Hello, Brant. Did you need something?"

Apr. 28th, 2009



The Doctor ran into Mulder in the kitchen, and immediately gave him a huge smile. "Hello. Coffee?"

Apr. 6th, 2009


Lis' Alt!Ten

The Doctor was wandering, as usual, idly trying to figure out exactly how good a replica this was of New New etc.York, and looking for people to talk to. Just his luck to run into, well, himself. Which version it was, he couldn't tell, of course. And he really wanted to know.

"Did you lose someone?" he asked, a little coldly.

Mar. 25th, 2009


Lis' Master.

He stood in the doorway watching the Master quietly before saying, "You were a beautiful boy."

Mar. 23rd, 2009



Seasons seemed to happen in faux New New York - it was definitely warm today.

The Doctor held out a shaved ice type thing in a cup to the first person who walked by as he turned away from the vendor. "Muscida fruit? Now there's a flavor I haven't had a chance to enjoy in a while," he said happily, beaming.

Mar. 21st, 2009


Lis' Doctor

"Do we have a theory about why the Master and I can't go half an hour without fighting?" He walked into the console room talking, cup of coffee in one hand, mug of tea for the Doctor in the other.

Mar. 2nd, 2009


Vae's Jack

"We didn't really have a chance to say hello properly the other day," the Doctor said, spotting Jack and sliding into step beside him.

He was a little wired. Twitchy.

Feb. 14th, 2009


Lis' Ten

The Master had got tired of waiting in the TARDIS eventually and started wandering aimlessly about the town. He'd spotted a couple of other TARDISes in his travels, but no-one had answered his knocks so he'd wandered off again.

He'd calmed down anyway, after a few days, and stopped actively looking for a Doctor. Which didn't mean he wasn't pleased to see one, when he glanced up from his beer and sandwich at table in the garden of an English-style pub overlooking the river and saw a Doctor pausing in the doorway, glancing round at the garden.

The Master grinned and waved.

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