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Feb. 15th, 2009


Anyone not a version of the Master

"Well, at least I can put off seeing the Master again for a while," the Doctor muttered to himself as he stepped out of his TARDIS onto what looked like a street in New New York. From the memories that were just returning though, he assumed it wasn't.

Feb. 8th, 2009


Vae's Nine

Jack had found a 1940s-style dance hall (there wasn't much you couldn't find in New New York, especially this somewhat psychically-sensitive one). He'd had a grand evening dancing and flirting with the more or less real patrons of the dance hall, and was wandering out of the hall with a girl under each arm, both laughing at the outrageous story he'd just told them, when he caught sight of the Doctor across the street. Not his - definitely not his, unless the Master had somehow managed to make him regress a regeneration - but the first he'd seen here with that face. And a face that just fitted his evening.

"Hey, Doc!" he called, sending the girls back inside with a wink and a pat on the rump and crossing the street instead. "It's goood to see you!"

Jan. 29th, 2009



The Doctor slipped in a chair in the dining of the hotel. Chipper and almost...smug.

"Care for some company?" he asked the person already at the table.

Jan. 18th, 2009



Jack was sitting in the sun on the top of one of the lower skyscrapers in New New York, swinging his legs over the edge and enjoying gazing down at the city, being able to see the bustle of people without having to be amongst them. He wasn't quite ready to be part of that again, after six months spent virtually on his own but it was really good to know that he could go and join them if he wanted.

He was drinking champagne from the bottle and nibbling at a picnic lunch, revelling in the different flavours and textures of the food.

Dec. 29th, 2008



"You really thought I'd believe that?" Jack scoffed. "Seriously thought I'd believe the Doctor would do that? You're even more insane than I realised!"

The Master shrugged. "Believe what you want. It was in your head."

"Yeah - because you put it there!"

"If that's what you want to believe." The Master smiled thinly. "Or you could choose to believe the truth, that that's the reality of those two years you were missing. Up to you."

He snapped his fingers at the guards. "Take the Captain back to his room. Give him some time to think about all this."

The guards reached for Jack but he shrugged them off. "I can walk by myself, thanks," he said sourly. A small gesture, but the only one he had right now.

He pushed ahead of the guards, relieved to get off the bridge and away from the Master, and... out into a street???

Jack stood in the middle of the street, hands in his pockets, shaking his head as a slow smile crept onto his face. "Well, well, well. It's been a while."

Oct. 23rd, 2008


Lis' Master

Another night, another bar. Jack was on a bit of a spree. He'd decided it was time to have a bit of fun, and fun he was having.

He was sitting at the bar, drinking Malcusian vodka and chatting up the bardroid. If 'droids could blush, this one would be blushing. He'd certainly made it very, very confused.

Aug. 31st, 2008


Open to All, Fireworks Party Thread

Koschei peered over the shoulder of the server he'd coaxed out to the lake, nodding to himself at the charcoal, and the plates of meats waiting to grill to the demands of party guests. He grinned as he turned away, watching the path leading towards town for anyone who'd come down for the party.

Aug. 24th, 2008


Open (Anna's Jack)-Finished

John had spent a fun couple of hours with the Master, trying to investigate the bar droid further, then finally putting the damn thing back together. They hadn't found out anything more, but the time spent playing with electrics with a like-minded enthusiast had settled him. A lot. And the droid still worked. Which was. A bonus.

In fact, he was feeling so much more relaxed, he'd gone back out to the lake when they were done. Walking around the lake a bit from his usual haunt on the beach, he'd  found a sheltered area where a stream joined the lake.  He'd set up a kind of makeshift swing rope over the water, hung from a tree whose branches overlooked the lake, and was currently tugging hard on the rope to test it's strength before using it.

He saw a figure vaguely at the periphery of his vision, some way back from him, and called out to them, "Care for a swim?"

Aug. 21st, 2008


Lis' Master

Jack was on the look-out for someone tall, dark and handsome, who didn't look like himself.

He found someone fitting that description in a coffee-house that had sprung up out of nowhere, and wandered over, eyeing him up with interest. The Doctor and Rose hadn't been lying about the handsomeness.

"The Master, I presume?" he murmured, one eyebrow slightly raised and eyes twinkling.

Aug. 17th, 2008


Anna's Jack

Rose stared at her sandwich a little morosely - not really feeling like eating - but going to make herself unlike some people. She took a bite, a set it down for a second, and saw Jack when she looked up.

Some how she didn't think he was as old as the old she was currently sharing a TARDIS with. There was a something more familiar about how he held himself. She waved at him.

Aug. 5th, 2008


John and Romana - finished

Continued from here and here.

Jack unlocked the door of the TARDIS and pushed it open, more relieved than he'd have liked to admit to see the Doctor and Romana in the console room.

He crossed to the Doctor without a word and just gathered him into a strong hug. Then eventually he let him go enough to look him over. "You all right?" he asked in a low voice.

After a moment's surprise, the Doctor hugged him back, but there wasn't much strength in his arms. "I'm fine," he told Jack, with as much of a smile as he could muster.

Then he looked over Jack's shoulder. "Hello John," he said, surprised again.

Aug. 2nd, 2008


Anna's Jack (finished)

John had been standing under a tree out by the woods, sharpening his knife, when he felt a very distinct pull. He dropped the blade onto the floor, and held his hand to his forehead, eyes squeezed shut. His mind skittered as he tried to place it, but it was too garbled and faint to make much sense. Like a radio tuned to the wrong frequency. Too many snatched voices, and not enough clarity. He slumped down the tree until he was sitting at the base of it. 

He thumped the ground with his free hand and he growled low, as a strong twinge of pain racing through his head made him wince.

What the ever-loving fuck was that?

He was aware dimly that footsteps were approaching, and his eyes shot open to see..

Jack, standing over him.

"What the.." he managed to croak out, before letting his head drop back into his hand.

Jul. 28th, 2008


Lis - Romana and Master and Becky's Jack (finished)

It wasn't until Jack coughed back into life that the Doctor realised that he'd never seen it happen before. He'd heard about it, here, but this was the first time he'd seen it, and it shook him to the core. The extreme wrongness of it. The way it went so completely against nature - not life rushing out of a body the way it should, but into it. He was shaking as he resisted the urge to run, run away from this abhorrence of nature and bent to gather the newly-woken, confused and terrified Jack into his arms.

It took a while of just holding Jack - sitting on the floor and leaning back against the bed with Jack practically in his lap, rocking him like a child - to calm him into coherence. But eventually calm came, and Jack was able to tell the Doctor what had happened. There then followed a period of self-recrimination from the Doctor which Jack promptly put an end to by straddling him and kissing the hell out of him.

No way the Doctor could continue to think with Jack kissing him like that.

Jul. 25th, 2008


Lis' Master (finished)

Morning. The morning after the night before, and the Doctor was banging frantically on the door of the other TARDIS.

Really, really frantically. Because he'd spent the night lying beside Jack, wanting to make sure he was all right, and when Jack woke - headache mercifully subsided and his shields much more intact - they'd talked, their quarrel of the evening before forgotten, and the Doctor had told Jack he was furious with the Master for messing with his lover, and Jack had asked him to show him just how furious, and, well, the Doctor had had to go to some lengths to convince him...

And then things had suddenly got really out of hand.

"Come on!" he shouted, almost sobbing, battering at the TARDIS door with his fists. "Please! Come on!"

Jul. 18th, 2008



(Continued from this thread.)

Jack was sitting in the middle of the road with his head in his hands, groaning and shaking.

It was probably a good thing there was no traffic here, because there was no way he'd have been alert enough to get out of its way. He was pale, weak and nauseous, with a pounding headache, and not completely sure what had just happened. Except that he'd gone for the Master and he'd woken up dead.

Jack abruptly moved his head out of his hands and threw up on the ground next to him.

Jul. 15th, 2008


Morgyn's Giles!Master

Jack had stayed in the TARDIS for a while after the Doctor had stormed out, half-waiting to see if he'd come back.

Then he decided he wasn't actually ready to face the Doctor again just yet, so he left too, in case the Doctor did come back.

He walked about the town as it got dark, kicking at things and grumping a bit. He wasn't furious anymore. He was just frustrated and pissed off.

He kicked hard at a streetlamp - and then hopped away, cursing.

Jul. 7th, 2008


Any Jack (Anna'a Jack, Finished)

Jack sat down at the hotel bar, looking around with a small frown. He'd been here for almost a week, and this place was still unsettling. At least Tosh was settling in well, engrossed in her efforts to find a way to predict this place. They hadn't had any luck finding the Doctor, though he had at one point found the TARDIS.

And he still hadn't run into anyone called Jack Harkness yet.

Jul. 1st, 2008


Open (except to Morgyn's Jack)

Jack found a pub and walked straight up to the bar. "Got some hyper-vodka, buddy?" he asked the bartender. "Make it a triple - nah, what the hell, give me the bottle."

Jun. 25th, 2008



Cut for length )

"Yeah." The Doctor scowled at the street a moment. "A lot of people could be here."

Gray looked down the street again, carefully stepping out of the TARDIS, looking over his shoulder to make sure something didn't happen to it, the Doctor's earlier actions making him wonder if it would just vanish. He spotted someone coming down the street, and tensed, frowning.

Jun. 24th, 2008


Open (Anna's Jack)-Finished

After leaving John with Jamie, Corwen had set off to explore. She really hadn't known what to make of Jamie, but he seemed okay. John obviously cared a great deal for him, and so Corwen was fine to go along with that for now.

She made her way into the main street, peering into shop fronts full of weird and wonderful items. She was looking into the window of  a curious looking bookshop, which seemed to only contain various copies of Alice in Wonderland stories. "Huh," she said out loud. "That's strange." As she looked she saw a figure approaching in the reflected glass. She whirled around to face them.

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