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Aug. 15th, 2008



Harry had. Calmed down a bit. He'd been here a few days and he was starting to get used to the fact that absolutely nothing made any sense.

He had – eventually – found Lucy's note in the hotel lobby and gone up to her room several times, but she hadn't been there. Well, sometimes, he could swear there was someone in there but the door was locked and no-one answered.

Eventually he remembered the final part of her instructions and left her a note telling her where his room was and could she please come and find him instead.

Then he went for a walk. With an ice-cream. Might as well enjoy himself while he was stuck in the place that made no sense.

Jun. 26th, 2008



Jo sat under a tree, playing with a toy that a robot in a shop had given her after she said "Good morning," to it. She'd said it mostly out of habit, but she figured it couldn't hurt to be polite to them. Besides, the Doctor talked to Bessie half the time and at least the robots could understand you when you asked for something.

She guessed it was a toy, anyway. It had looked like a cat when she'd gotten it, but when she'd thought of a dog, it'd turned into that. Since then, it had been a horse, a giraffe, an orange-striped zebra, and was now kind of a cross between an eagle and a lion. She frowned at it. There was a name for a thing like that, but she couldn't remember it.

"Do you know what this is?" she asked the first person who walked by.

Jun. 19th, 2008


Lis' Master

After tea with Sergeant Benton, Jo had gone exploring. She was wandering around the town, looking in shop windows, when the reflection of someone wearing a lot of black caught her eye, and she turned quickly to face him. Oh. Not the Master then. Not the one she'd met, at least, she thought, remembering what Benton had said.

Jun. 15th, 2008


Lis' Benton

Jo was carrying a box of--well, it was hard to say what, exactly. Some of it looked like radio parts, but she doubted that the Doctor was planning on making a radio with any of it. At any rate, she stepped through the door into the lab, saying, "Doctor, Mr. Campbell said this is the last--" And stopped. Not the lab, but somewhere that looked like a hotel lobby. She swung around to look back the way she'd come, and...no door. She took a couple of hesitant steps back in that direction, frowning, and then turned back to face the lobby. "Doctor?" she called, puzzled and starting to get a little scared.