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Dec. 21st, 2007



Adam slammed the door to his room behind him, gasping for breath as he leaned back against the door, closing his eyes and letting his head thump back against the wood. Whenever his mother came to, she'd definitely demand answers, answers that he couldn't give her. Damn the Doctor. Damn him. The least he could have done was take him to get the implant removed. The least he could have done... Adam cursed under his breath. If he hadn't been so stupid, so selfish and determined to bring back that information, he wouldn't be locked in his room right now. Instead, he'd be...wherever the Doctor and Rose had gone next. Lifting his head, Adam thumped it back repetitively against the door.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid," Adam muttered to himself, opening his eyes with a heavy sigh. Only to find that he was standing in the lobby of a hotel instead of his room. "...what in the world?"

Dec. 18th, 2007


Jack - Becky's

Rose stepped out of the room where she'd been drowsing, checking her wrist-comp a moment to locate where the Apprentice was. Moving around, somewhere else in town, and not alone. She pressed her lips together a moment, a small frown on her face before she decided to leave him alone. He wasn't getting lost in his head if he wasn't alone, and right now, that was more important than keeping a close eye on him.

She yawned, stretching before she headed down the hall, looking for... well, not particularly looking for anything, when she thought about it. Just wanting a bit of company for a while. She poked her head into what looked like a bar, spotting a familiar coat.

Approaching slowly, she stopped just out of arm's reach. "Jack?"

Dec. 14th, 2007


Rose - Morgyn, The Apprentice

Rose contemplated using the teleport on her wrist-comp for only a moment before shaking her head, taking a different path that her younger self had, following the trace on the Apprentice's bio-signature, stepping into the lobby, looking for her companion. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding when she spotted him sitting in a chair which had a view of most of the lobby, hurying towards him.

Dec. 13th, 2007


Ten, Rose, and Rose

They followed one of the lights on Rose's computer screen to the person with the sonic screwdriver. The corridors were windy, twisting through the buildings, leading them out, then in. "He's just ahead," Rose caught the other Rose's wrist, "You okay?"

Dec. 12th, 2007



She woke on a lush carpet in a lush room; not the floor of Satellite Five, the last place she remembered being. She remembered...she remembered getting the Tardis to bring her back, back to the Doctor and Jack, back to the Emperor of the Daleks. She remembered seeing everything. All of time and space, but it was distant now, a story she was told, not the surge in her veins that she remembered. Rose sat up on the floor, rubbing her arms, head throbbing. She remembered watching the emperor burn. All of the Daleks disappear at her thought, scattered across time and space. She remembered Jack breathing again because she couldn't lose him. She remembered pain, the sun and the moon and the stars aching in her body, part of her. She remembered tears and then she remembered being kissed and feeling everything disappear, glowing and hot into the Doctor.

Then nothing.

It was cold here and she grabbed the blanket off the bed, wrapping it around herself until she was warmer, rocking back and forth and achingly lonely after feeling the entirety of time.

Eventually she got out of the blanket, decided the Doctor was not coming, and headed out the door, whobbling a little, unsteady on her feet as she headed out into the hall, looking for a familiar face or a familiar anything and looking very lost. She was looking another way when she felt someone come up beside her, turning slightly to ask, "This sounds stupid, but where are we?"