April 2010



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Jul. 15th, 2009



Romana was riding a bicycle.

It wasn't stealing if you intended to return it, and did it almost entirely to make someone twitch. Or cheer yourself up. The Doctor had taught her well.

She waved cheerfully to the next person she passed. There went her hat - she hadn't pinned down quite a enough.

"Oh, blast."

Mar. 19th, 2009


Dea's Sam

It couldn't be.

It freaking well couldn't be.

But there, it was. Tall, shaggy haired, lanky, unmistakable.

Dean started to run. "Sam! Sammy!"

Feb. 28th, 2009



William had found the library. In fact, he'd found several libraries, but this was his favourite - looking as if it had come straight from his era, with lots of dark wood shelves filled with ancient-looking volumes, and little corners with comfortable chairs and reading lights and tables to put piles of books on.

He was currently chuckling at a book that claimed to be an authority on vampires.

"Can you believe this?" he asked out loud, when he heard someone nearby. "As if any vampires actually sleep in a coffin!" He cocked his head. "Well, except Dracula, but he only does it for theatrics."

Jan. 28th, 2009



He hadn't know where he was going. Waking up with the hangover from hell, he'd gone back to drinking again - and it'd gone on for a few days before he shook himself out of it. There might not, apparently, be any demons to kill but somewhere in this city, someone had to have some answers.

Or something.

Whoever thought that they could keep the hang over away by just staying drunk was clearly not human because he was starting to get a little scared for his liver. There would be no fighting evil if he died from alcohol poisoning first.

So he took a walk. He was currently looking around the street, trying to decide if he wanted to go into any shops or anything - not that he quite understood how this place worked. It wasn't like he had money. Or his fake credit cards or anything.

"What the fuck is this place anyway?" He said to no one in particular.