April 2010




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Jan. 25th, 2010



Godric found his way back to Eric's bar.

He'd wandered, to the ends of the city, every nook and cranny until he knew it, until he could find any bolt hole, leave no hiding spot unchecked.

At least, he'd hoped. The city kept changing on him and, eventually, he'd come to accept that.

He sat on a stool in the bar, comfortable inside his own skin and strangely at peace here. He smiled at the person next to him, inquiring politely, "May I buy you a drink?"

Sep. 19th, 2009


Backdated to after the De Final opening - Godric

Two hours to dawn and the bar closed, the last patrons invited to get out. The staff was cleaning up, and Eric quietly walked up to Godric, remained silent for a few moments.

"Should I show you the basement now?"

Sep. 9th, 2009


De Final opening - Open to all!

The designers Jason had found for him had done a good job, and by the time Eric opened De Final had taken on a very different look from the abandoned bar he had first walked into. The colors were darker, and much classier, the chairs had become sofas and armchairs, all in sleek angles. Pam would have approved.

Time for the opening, and the local staff that had somehow showed up to be interviewed and hired was ready to work the place. All of it had been too easy, but the tough part would be making it work.

Flyers had been dropped all across New New York and the Old Town both, making no secret that a vampire ran the place, and as soon as he opened locals started showing up to have a drink. The place was quickly busy, and his staff were both alluring and professional. Exactly what he'd wanted.

Yes, Pam would have approved.

OOC: let me know if you want a thread with Eric and any one of your characters at all!