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Sep. 25th, 2009


Mel's Ten

The Master was walking along (in gloves and a particularly buttoned up jacket) and caught the Doctor's presence nearby. He turned, eyes flashing with prickly frustration, and started, "I said." Then he paused, re-assessed, and shook his head. "Not to you."

Aug. 4th, 2009


Lis' Romana

The Doctor had been, well, trying to avoid Romana. Successfully, so far, but it was only a matter of time. It figured that when he ran into her, he actually ran into her, or bumped into her, anyway. He reached to steady her automatically, still looking in the direction of the thing he'd been chasing, and then realized who he'd bumped into. He looked a bit deer-in-the-headlights for just a second, and then at least attempted cheerily casual. "Hello, you. Heard you were around here someplace."

May. 23rd, 2009


Mel's Ten

Continued from here.

His gaze slid sideways. He didn't have clue what to do with the gentleness. As opposed to disapproval.

Apr. 14th, 2009


Mel's Ten

The Master was trying not to be in a viscous bad mood. Collecting parts and building something seemed like an simple potential distraction. Except now he was engaged in some sort of bartering haggle with a shopkeeper, which was not what he'd excepted.

The rules had changed, or there was a glitch, he wasn't sure. He was beginning to get into it now that he getting the feeling of his plans being blindsided, though. Completely not paying attention to what was going on around him, past the conversation.

Apr. 6th, 2009


Lis' Alt!Ten

The Doctor was wandering, as usual, idly trying to figure out exactly how good a replica this was of New New etc.York, and looking for people to talk to. Just his luck to run into, well, himself. Which version it was, he couldn't tell, of course. And he really wanted to know.

"Did you lose someone?" he asked, a little coldly.

Mar. 30th, 2009



He approached the first blue telephone box he spotted and rapped sharply. When the door open he said, extremely precisely: "I have lost my TARDIS. And I do not mean that she didn't come with me."

Mar. 23rd, 2009



He'd ventured out of the TARDIS in search of really good chips. He'd found them, in New New (etc) York. He'd had precisely one when a massive gull swept down, screaming, and stole the second right out of his hand. He looked up in disbelief, then cursed. "Fucking bird."