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Mar. 20th, 2008


Open to all!

The Master was sitting at one of the tables savoring a shot of whiskey as he waited for people to show up. He'd traded out of his usual politician's suit, for a longer, more closely tailored knee length jacket, and had actually lost the tie. The white rose remained pinned, of course.

Everything was set up. Tables, large enough for 4 or 5 people to sit comfortably, around the outside of the room. Food and open bar at the far wall from the doors. And still a fairly large space in the middle for dancing. It was going to be interesting to see how many people showed up, because frankly he wasn't sure what the population of the town was. He couldn't help but wonder, given the malleable and mind bending nature of the this place - if more people showed up then could really fit, would the room mysteriously seem bigger? It wasn't a completely absurd idea, here.

As predicted, there were no Doctors with red roses and black converses in sight, yet.

Feb. 19th, 2008



Potential spoilers for 2.05 - Adam )

Feb. 5th, 2008


[ Sarah ] - Gwen

Cut for spoilers )

Jan. 19th, 2008


Toshiko had been slowly working her way through the library since she'd run into Yana there; she was still in the As mostly because she was going book by book, afraid she'd miss something important if she went skipping about the shelves.

"Now, let's see. Where was I?" she asked, trailing her fingers down the books. She almost wished for the alien reader device.

Jan. 11th, 2008



He felt more like himself. At least, physically. That helped. He didn't feel nearly as vulnerable now that he had most of his strength back, and there was still several heavy mental and emotional burdens weighing him down. And one of those burdens was currently resting within his link of sight. He'd frozen when he saw her, standing there like nothing had ever happened. And in all likelihood, nothing ever had. He'd been momentarily fixed in place, unable to think, unable to move, and it wasn't until his lungs started to burn that he realized that he'd forgotten to breath.

"Tosh?" Owen called, the name almost dying on his lips, falling off at the end. "Tosh!"

Dec. 29th, 2007


[ Becky's Ten ]

It had both taken her by surprise and not -- Tosh had returned to her room in the hotel, opened the door and stepped in to the HUB. Her HUB. And Jack had been right. She'd returned to the time and place she'd left, hardly a second's worth of difference.

More than a week had gone by before she'd turned a corner, chased a Weevil through a doorway and tumbled back through the rift.

And right into someone.

"Sorry!" she exclaimed, grabbing on to his arm as she tried to balance herself.
Tags: ,

Dec. 20th, 2007


Karen -- Toshiko

The Professor had slept, had breakfast, gone exploring--and found the library. It took him all of fifteen minutes to end up with an armful of books, and he's now, some time later, sitting in a very comfortable chair flipping back and forth between two books, with more spread out on a low table in front of him. There are Physics books, an Astronomy book, probably some Shakespeare in there somewhere, and a couple of books that are in languages he probably shouldn't be able to read, but he certainly hasn't noticed that.

Dec. 17th, 2007


Tosh - Karen

Jack was sitting in the cafe with a cup of coffee and his feet propped up in the opposite chair. He was still stuck, he still didn't know what he was going to do about it, and he still didn't actually like this coffee. For all that, though, his mood wasn't completely horrible and meeting himself had definitely been. Interesting.

Dec. 15th, 2007



Anne stepped out of the quaint pub she'd found herself in, mentally shaking her head at the young man she'd just run into. Interesting, but young. As young as many of her students. And with as much of the arrogance that being chosen to go to the Acadamy seemed to introduce into all but a handful of those students. Tolerable, she supposed, but not very helpful when one is lost.

Looking around, she sighed when she found the buildings around her resembled the late twentieth or early twenty-first century architecture as much as the inside of the pub. So much for hoping the pub had been into an authenic historical appearence. Chosing a direction, she began to walk, hoping that perhaps she would find some sort of information booth, even if in this century, she suspected she'd find a map and printed brochures instead of a computer interface.

Though there were people on the streets, and it was possible one of them might be able to lend her assistance. If they didn't think her crazy, asking the date and place. She let out a small snort at that thought, and put on her smoothest professional smile as she approached the nearest person.

"Pardon, but would you happen to know where we are? I'm afraid I am a little lost."

Dec. 12th, 2007


[ Open ]

After checking in with Donna and sharing what information she'd garnered -- which wasn't much -- Toshiko got a drink at the bar, then a table near the window. She tried to appear at home while scanning for familiar faces, listening for any clues to what might have happened ... anything that would help her get home

She took out her ear piece again and started to test it. Maybe that office building they'd been in had been blocking the signal somehow.

Dec. 10th, 2007


[ Open ]

Toshiko was still in a state of shock. Jack had died, Jack had almost really died, he'd laid on that slab cold and white and motionless for days. And then he hadn't. Died. They'd hugged and she'd been able to reassure herself that he was real. That he was really alive.

And just when she thought things were settling down, he disappeared. The temporary calm and happiness that they'd all just started to accept disappeared with him.

Toshiko was at her station, CCTV links on every screen she could see, but there was no Jack. She rubbed at her eyes and stood to get more coffee. As she opened the door to the front room, there was a glow. Tosh blinked, raised her arm to try to block the light. The Rift? Who had opened it again!? When she could see again, everything was different.

"Hello?" she called.