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Jun. 5th, 2008



Just when Samuel had thought the whole thing was a dream, he woke up back in the Hotel in a bed that was definitely not his own. He sat there sulking for a moment before he gave a overly-dramatic sigh and climbed out of the bed. If this was a dream, at least it was a pleasant one with comfortable sleeping and good food. With that his stomach growled very softly and he gave it a pat before pulling on his dressing gown. Ordinarily he wouldn't have dreamed of going out anywhere in pyjamas, but that really was another nice thing about being stuck here. So he went down to the restaurant and climbed into a chair, only to see the table was already taken. "Oh, sorry," he apologised with a sheepish look.

Jan. 29th, 2008


Open to anyone (again)

Samuel had explored the restaurant and bar area of the hotel once he'd parted with Adric and now he made his way toward the front desk. As far as he could tell there were workers and they were all very friendly, but none of the asked after him. This surprised Samuel because people were always worried if he ended up somewhere without his mother or a household worker to look after him. He took the opportunity to see what a hotel was like and to observe it in operation. Of course this didn't help him find his mother and that's what he was really keen to do.

Now he went into what looked like a ballroom, complete with a piano at one end and a wall of mirrors. He looked around curiously and then walked around the edge of the room, running his small fingers along the glass and leaving streaks in it. Maybe he'd find someone to ask if they'd seen his mother, but that would have to wait until he was done exploring.

Jan. 28th, 2008


Open to anyone

He appeared in the middle of nowhere quite suddenly and as a result, seemed to have fallen into some grass. This in itself was unusual because there was no grass on the Valiant and he was not often permitted to go down to the surface, both for security reasons and for the fact that no one wanted to take him. So as Samuel stood up and dusted off his trousers, he looked around and tried to get an idea of where exactly he was. It seemed to be a pub of some sort, though obviously he hadn't a clue what it was called or where it was. In fact he'd only heard of pubs from workers on the station. But there he was, all the same, and he became curious as to the nature of his arrival.

"Hello?" he called timidly. He seriously hoped that someone had either brought him here as a joke, though since he couldn't remember getting here it wouldn't be funny. Even if it were a more nefarious reason he was here he decided that they wouldn't just leave him here alone. He was never alone if his mother could help it and the very idea terrified and excited him.