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Mar. 24th, 2009



Corwen had gotten braver. She was sitting in a park, feet up on a bench, reading intently a large history book. As she felt someone watching her, she asked out loud, "How many New York's have there  *actually* been then?"

Feb. 21st, 2009



"Yes, Harry, I know, but I'm being careful and for goodness sake, I'm not ill! And I'm only shopping, you know, not... Harry? Harry?"

Lucy stared at her phone as it abruptly lost its signal - and then stared about her. Because she was fairly sure that Oxford Street didn't have skyscrapers that tall.

The next moment, her eyes widened and she gave a little gasp as memories returned - one in paticular. "Oh, my," she murmured, slipping her phone away into her jacket pocket and turning on the spot, wondering just where to go first.

Jan. 24th, 2009



Corwen had been hiding out.

This city was too big. Too much going on. Too many variables beyond her control. Unknown and frightening. Alien in a way the old town hadn't been, shiny and new.

Too much high thrumming psychic energy around. It made her nervous after so long relaxing..

So, she'd taken a room at the old Hotel as her bolthole, taking small exploratory expeditions into the city, widening the circle as she felt safer and safer.

She was currently curled up on a corner couch in the old Hotel foyer, arms wrapped around her knees, and head resting on them. She was fast asleep, worn out from too many sleepless nights.

Dec. 8th, 2008


Open to all

Rose was all bundled up, and looking more chipper then she had in a while. The Doctor just had his coat on, as usual. A good 6 inches had blanketed the town, enough to really play in not enough to trap people indoor is they wanted to get out. The worked on a snowman for a bit, when Rose turned to the Doctor and commented, "Snowball fights work better with more people. Where is everyone?"

Dec. 1st, 2008



Corwen was laid lengthways on her back on a bench by the Hotel, head hanging off the end, looking up at the 'night sky'.

"Do you think they are the right constellations for anyone anywhere, or just what we think should be there?" she asked conversationally as she heard someone approach.

Sep. 29th, 2008


Any full Time Lord- Doctor, Romana or the Master

Corwen left Harry and Lucy and started heading towards her little house in the woods, her mind was very much taken up with thoughts about the situation. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she was extremely startled when she walked straight into someone walking on the path towards her.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry," she said, flustered.

Sep. 11th, 2008



Harry had missed the party. He'd missed a lot of things, actually. He'd been doing a lot of wandering about, a lot of sleeping, and a lot of dozing. As soon as he'd decided to just accept the strangeness of the place he'd found himself, he'd calmed right down.

He was currently in the hotel lounge, relaxed in a chair and reading a newspaper. Well, ostensibly reading. In reality, dozing.

Aug. 31st, 2008


Open to All, Fireworks Party Thread

Koschei peered over the shoulder of the server he'd coaxed out to the lake, nodding to himself at the charcoal, and the plates of meats waiting to grill to the demands of party guests. He grinned as he turned away, watching the path leading towards town for anyone who'd come down for the party.

Jul. 29th, 2008



Corwen had finally met up with John in the hotel bar. There'd been talking, rants and tears, and they'd both gotten extremely rat arsed as they'd both tried to put their immediate world to rights, talking drunkenly and long into the night about Jamie, Gray, immortals, and lost loves. 

Corwen had finally tucked John up in his own bed, after much coertion to get him there. She'd crashed out herself there for a few hours, before dragging herself down to the restaurant in search of some caffeine, a hangover cure and sober company.

She was sat at a table, head in her hands, nursing the worst hangover headache she'd had in years when she heard someone approaching.

Jul. 20th, 2008


Open (Anna's Buffy)-Finished

After leaving the restaurant, Corwen had set out for a walk in the early evening air. She was pleasantly merry from the wine at the meal, and, well, wanted to make the most of the gorgeous frock the Doctor had rustled up for her. It was about time she got to explore a little, and see what and who else was around here. So when she saw someone up ahead, she caught them up, and dropped into step beside them.

"So, fancy a drink?"

Jul. 12th, 2008



The Doctor was striding through town under his very own localised rainstorm. A raincloud was actually following him, raining on him and a patch a few feet wide around him. He didn't look particularly bothered by this.

He was wearing a tux. A very wet tux. And looking furious.

Jul. 6th, 2008


Anyone not the Doctor or Jack (Corwen, Finished)

Gray slipped out of the TARDIS, closing the door gently behind him, a small frown on his face. He glanced up at the sky, staring a moment at the wash of stars before looking back at the street, and creeping along it uncertainly. Staying close to the buildings as he explored along the street, pausing just at the edge of the window of a restaurant, peering in cautiously. Just because he trusted Jack didn't mean that everyone here was safe.

Seeing just one person sitting near the back, Gray padded to the door, pushing it open, and sat in the table in the corner nearest the window, looking at the menu. Jenny was still sleeping, and Gray had left when the Doctor came to check on her. He looked over the menu, chewing on his lip as he tried to figure out what might be interesting to eat. Or rather, what looked the most interesting right now, because it all looked interesting. Not like tasteless slop.

He glanced up at the person at the other table, hesitating a moment before calling out, "What would you get to eat here?"

Jul. 3rd, 2008


Open (Romana)-Finished

Corwen's head was swimming somewhat with thoughts of immortals, parallel worlds and  impossible places. She'd wanted to get away somewhere quiet to try to unwind, and she'd ended up at the library. She was currently sprawled comfortably in a large high-backed leather armchair poking through a book called 'The Universe Next Door'. She sighed loudly. "Quantum Physics gives me a migraine."

Jun. 27th, 2008


Open (Morgyn's Methos)-Finished

After talking with Jack, Corwen had set about finding somewhere to stay. Walking slightly out from town, she'd come across a small house in a clearing in the woods. Experimenting a bit with it's contents, she'd finally got it in a state where she felt safe and secure. It was nice to be able to flex her psychic muscles without worrying unduly what people would think. 

When she was happy with it, she strode out into the early evening, and headed towards town. She walked by the hotel, and found a small cafe that was open. She'd just ordered some sandwiches, and a coffee from the server, when she looked up to see someone looking over at her. "Hi, I'm Corwen," she offered, smiling at the stranger.

Jun. 24th, 2008


Open (Anna's Jack)-Finished

After leaving John with Jamie, Corwen had set off to explore. She really hadn't known what to make of Jamie, but he seemed okay. John obviously cared a great deal for him, and so Corwen was fine to go along with that for now.

She made her way into the main street, peering into shop fronts full of weird and wonderful items. She was looking into the window of  a curious looking bookshop, which seemed to only contain various copies of Alice in Wonderland stories. "Huh," she said out loud. "That's strange." As she looked she saw a figure approaching in the reflected glass. She whirled around to face them.

Jun. 23rd, 2008


Open (Mecca's Jamie)-Finished

She looked quizzically at him. “What the hell?”

“Short version? Pocket universe hun, lots of different versions of people, mostly stunning by the way, psychically malleable atmosphere. Just what the Doctor ordered.” He started bouncing on his heels, suddenly excited, “Lots to explore, you'll love it.” He saw a figure approaching, and made to wave them over, not sure how much time, if any had passed since he'd been here last.