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Mar. 3rd, 2008


Morgyn's Eleven

She had thought that over the years she'd become more than prepared to meet herself, but here it had just been strange, especially considering she probably hadn't even scratched the surface of how many other Doctors there were here.
And Masters, those too...
After having met that particular Master, who was so like hers and yet so different, she felt a good stiff drink was in order.
This place was at least good for what you needed, so she found her way to the hotel bar quite quickly, and wasted no time in taking a seat and ordering herself a drink.
Now, if this place would just give her a moment to catch her breath...
She closed her eyes, cursing herself for thinking it. Of course, sod's law states...
She opened one eye a crack and peered to the side.

Feb. 19th, 2008


Open (Female Eleven & Lis' Master) - finished

The Doctor lay on his back in his favourite spot in the park, gazing up at the stars, a big box of chocolates at his side.

He was finally - finally - starting to get bored with his holiday.

"I miss my TARDIS," he grumbled.

Feb. 18th, 2008



Theta had left the Master and the Doctor and had been intending to find Koschei, really he had, but he ended up face pressed against an aquarium, staring at the fish with fascination.

Feb. 19th, 2008



Kathy had swapped her usual smart clothes for more casual attire since she had arrived. She was struggling to relax into this place but at least there were interesting people around; it kept her from going completely insane.

If she wasn't already.

She had just settled down on a bench in a nice secluded spot and was quite happily not thinking for the first time in a very long while. Maybe this break would do her good.