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Feb. 12th, 2008


Lis's Master

Adric had been initially shocked when the Master had just left him sitting there. No more threats, no injuries, he'd come out of it unscathed. Well, mostly. He certainly had a lot more on his mind now than he wished to. Standing, Adric crossed over to one of the trash bins, dumping the rest of the unfinished breakfast into them before turning on his heel and heading out of the cafe. He need to try and sort through some of this stuff before the doubt settled.

Feb. 5th, 2008



Cut for length and relevence )

Finding a lift, he carefully stepped inside, giving the buttons a once-over. Three floors and a lobby. He jabbed the button for the lobby with perhaps a touch more force than neccessary, tense until the door opened to reveal a nearly empty lobby. Just one person there, and the Master stepped out of the lift, his expression carefully calm as he approached them.

Jan. 28th, 2008


Open to anyone

He appeared in the middle of nowhere quite suddenly and as a result, seemed to have fallen into some grass. This in itself was unusual because there was no grass on the Valiant and he was not often permitted to go down to the surface, both for security reasons and for the fact that no one wanted to take him. So as Samuel stood up and dusted off his trousers, he looked around and tried to get an idea of where exactly he was. It seemed to be a pub of some sort, though obviously he hadn't a clue what it was called or where it was. In fact he'd only heard of pubs from workers on the station. But there he was, all the same, and he became curious as to the nature of his arrival.

"Hello?" he called timidly. He seriously hoped that someone had either brought him here as a joke, though since he couldn't remember getting here it wouldn't be funny. Even if it were a more nefarious reason he was here he decided that they wouldn't just leave him here alone. He was never alone if his mother could help it and the very idea terrified and excited him.

Dec. 26th, 2007



One minute Jack was chatting with his ship's computer, sipping a HyperMartini and contemplating what it would feel like to be blown to smithereens-the next, he was sitting in what appeared to be a hotel lounge, empty glass in his hand. He considered himself lucky that his death had been quick and painless, but he wasn't quite sure why the afterlife entailed mid-21st Century furniture in neutral colors and tastefully subdued wood paneling.
"Could be worse," he told himself, looking around. But something was tickling at the back of his skull, that same subtle feeling he's learned to listen to in order to stay out of danger's way. It told him something was amiss, and he wasn't one to ignore his gut feeling when it spoke.
Pulling himself to his feet, he straightened his uniform jacket and put on his most charming smile when he heard footsteps coming toward the entry.

Dec. 16th, 2007


Becky, Tenth Doctor

There was definitely more to this place. It seemed distressingly normal. There was nothing grand or spectacular about it. And he didn't see Varsh anywhere. Or anyone else that he'd known that had died either. He was starting to think that this wasn't where he thought it was. But that line of thought left him at an impasse. There was nowhere else that this could logically be. Maybe, someone else would have a better idea of what was going on. It wouldn't hurt to ask around.

"Excuse me?" Adric called to the first person that he happened to spot. "Do you have any idea where we are?"

Dec. 14th, 2007



So. This was death. There wasn't anything else it could logically be considering he was clearly someplace that he had not been several seconds earlier. He hadn't expected to still be able to see and hear and feel and...well, he hadn't expected any of his sensory perceptions to still be intact. He had expected darkness, nothing, perhaps quite a lot of pain from the force of the explosion. But apparently all of his assumptions had been wrong. Death looked suspiciously like a London pub. And another thing up on his list of unexpected developments.

"Well, I suppose I should make the best of it," Adric said, frowning to himself as he took a good look around, suddenly realizing just how starving he was. Dying really did a number on your appetite.