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January 11th, 2008

[info]ibringlife in [info]whoville


Rose played with her phone, tongue sticking out slightly as she tried to send her mother another text message. It kept coming back 'Out of Service Area'.

It had never done that before, not since the Doctor had supercharged it on the Platform. That, more than anything really scared her. Even in her nightmares, she figured she'd still be able to contact her mum. Like this? She was completely cut off.

"Come on, you bloody thing. Work damn it."

[info]general_support in [info]whoville

Becky's Jack-2

Ianto was actually relaxed after putting up his bulletin board and a good night's sleep, wandering around the hotel with a cup of coffee, sleeves rolled up and tie loose. He caught sight of Jack, grabbed another cup of coffee and jogged a bit to catch up with him, offering it, "Morning, Jack."

[info]doctorladyten in [info]whoville

Any Jack

The Doctor skipped down the street, humming to herself as she looked into shops, trying to avoid thinking about the reason she was currently exploring shops instead of dragging her companions off on another adventure. Well, dragging her companion off on another adventure after dropping her unexpected passenger off in Cardiff. She really didn't like the idea of having Jack in her TARDIS for too long, no matter how much the woman pouted. It really just was... well, wrong.

She shook her head, peering into another window, studying the jewelry displayed. "Now that's a girl's best friend. Especially if the girl has a TARDIS which needs parts," she said out loud, not particularly caring if someone heard her. It wasn't as if she had companions to complain she was acting funny at the moment, anyway. "Wonder if that's the right size to fit..." she muttered, quieter, trying to visualize the repair she was contemplating. After all, if she was outside time and space, she could finish up some repairs she'd been intending to make, and still have time for some proper exploring in the bargin.

[info]half_human in [info]whoville


Jamie walked through the door announcing, "No, seriously, Jack, I just don't kno-" he cut himself off as he didn't walk into the hub, walking into the foyer of a hotel. "-know where I am at all." He finished, confused as hell. "What the hell?"

[info]doctordamaged in [info]whoville


He felt more like himself. At least, physically. That helped. He didn't feel nearly as vulnerable now that he had most of his strength back, and there was still several heavy mental and emotional burdens weighing him down. And one of those burdens was currently resting within his link of sight. He'd frozen when he saw her, standing there like nothing had ever happened. And in all likelihood, nothing ever had. He'd been momentarily fixed in place, unable to think, unable to move, and it wasn't until his lungs started to burn that he realized that he'd forgotten to breath.

"Tosh?" Owen called, the name almost dying on his lips, falling off at the end. "Tosh!"