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January 12th, 2008

[info]impossiblething in [info]whoville

Vae's Jack

After he'd finished eating, he'd gone to claim a room.

He walked around the hotel for a bit before he took a room, getting a feel for the layout of the place and looking out all the windows. In the end he'd settled on a room at the very end of the hall, on the top floor. He locked the windows and door, and content that he was as secure as he was going to make himself, took a shower and a nap.

He woke up stiff, groggy and nauseated. He took a leak, another shower, and a moment to appreciate the water's heat (and pressure).

Clean and more awake, Jack went back downstairs. A quick trip through the kitchen to grab a package of crackers, and he headed out of the hotel and into the town. He stopped to open the crackers and glance at the sky. He snorted softly, and started walking again. He didn't know what he was looking for, but he knew when he'd found it.

The library.

He finished eating his crackers just as he found it. He dropped the generic cellophane wrapper into the rubbish bin, pushed the door open and walked in. Ten minutes later he was in a chair, stack of books at his side and another open in front of him and thinking he'd kill for a decent computer.

Five minutes after that he glanced up and looked into his own face.

"Shit, this just keeps getting better."

[info]half_human in [info]whoville


Jamie was humming softly under his breath; it had technically been a Boeshan lullaby that his father denied knowing, but Jamie had added flourishes to it as a child. Drums. Trumpet. So the rhythm was slightly different and he played the drum parts with his fingers against his thighs, and made the trumpet sounds with his lips in the appropriate places.

Jamie slid down the column outside a second floor window to the ground finishing with a "dum dum da. Exit three then."

"I'm sorry, I didn't land on you did I? I'm working on my landings." He asked the person, he landed near before turning to face then.

[info]romanathesecond in [info]whoville

Any Doctor

Romana wandered out of the hotel and down the street, looking for any sign of the Doctor, whatever point in time he might come from. Being brought here and her encounter with the Master had rattled her, but she was still determined to try to discover the rules of this strange place, and get back to her proper time, if possible. She was fairly certain that if the Doctor had been here for while, he'd be investigating too. He might even have answers. And despite what the Master said, she was sure he'd be happy to see her.

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville

Anyone not a version of the Master

The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS, and stopped short. He appeared to be no where neat where he'd thought he'd be. He reached out and patted the TARDIS, "That's been happening much less since we gave you an overhaul. There's no way I got the coordinates wrong. What's the matter? Did something grab your attention?"

He stepped back in, and checked the coordinates anyways. He's set them correctly, but all his other instruments said he was both no-where and no-when. But he was clearly somewhere. How very strange. Well, he didn't need to go home right now, that was the joy of a having time machine. Might as well take a look around. Might be fun. Might be some trouble that needed fixing.

He ambled around looking to see if there was anyone else in the area. He wandered up to the first person he saw, put on his brightest grin, and said, "Oh, hello! This may seem rather odd, but could you tell me where we are? And what year it is?"

[info]chippedspike in [info]whoville


Spike flung open the trapdoor and clambered through, rolling away instinctively as he let it slam behind him and only just managed to stop himself rolling out of the shadow and into the sunshine.

"Bugger." He wasn't going to get very far in broad daylight. He scrabbled backwards till he had his back against a wall and looked around wildly, breathing heavily.

An alley. A pretty clean one, for a change, and not one he was familiar with. And he was familiar with most of the alleys in Sunnydale. It wasn't, after all, a large place and they were good places to hang around.

Oh, and the trapdoor had disappeared.

Standing up and feeling in the pockets of his duster, he discovered he'd also lost his fags.

"Bollocks," he said forcefully.

[info]bravernow in [info]whoville


Gwen ran her hand over her forehead as she looked up and down the unfamiliar street. Where was she? "Think Gwen," she commanded, her hand reaching down to rest at the hilt of her gun. "Where were you just now?"

She and Owen had heard there was a few people hiding out in a factory. They were going to see if they wanted to seek shelter somewhere slightly safer. What had happened? She looked around for Owen, she nearly shouted for him but then she remembered. Shouting brings attention, attention brings the Toclafane.

That's how they had lost Tosh.

"Don't think about her right now."

She took a deep breath and sat down on a nearby curb. It wasn't often that Gwen had let her guard down but this was just too confusing.

[info]ex_bad_wolf582 in [info]whoville


Rowan curled his toes, stretched out in the sun in a park near the hotel. He was soaking up the sun, eyes closed and sleepy. "If I fall asleep, wake me up, okay then?" he said, without opening his eyes, sensing someone over him.

[info]general_support in [info]whoville


Ianto was looking for the Doctor for Jack.

Pregnant Jack, Jack is pregnant, mustn't forget that Jack is pregnant and tired and

He viciously cut off his own train of thought and kept looking through out the hotel, turning a corner and running straight into someone. "Sorry! Sorry," he apologized immediately. "I didn't see you."

[info]half_human in [info]whoville


Jamie left Jack with a determination to um. Lie his ass off for the rest of his time he was here. That was careful, right?

He went to the kitchen and started poking around, finding a shop that had coffee. He came up to the counter, asking the person beside him without looking, "Do you think peppermint coffee?"

[info]ex_ninth542 in [info]whoville

Becky's Jack

A dark haired boy with a Welsh accent had found him and told him to look for the crankiest Jack he could find. That was. Vague and disturbing enough that the Doctor actually started looking, combing the town.

[info]newnew_rani in [info]whoville


The Rani was bored, there were only so many planets you could enslave before it began to get boring. She's spent the last few hundred years doing just that before things had gone a little wrong and she'd not got away quite fast enough. Still only one regeneration in a little under 900 years was a very impressive record for a Time Lady.

Things had been different since the regeneration though, while she still loved her science it didn't fill her life quite as much as it once had, and for the firts time ever she found herself missing Gallifrey, something she was barely able to admit to herself. However being the kind of woman she was she wasn't going to dwell on that, the place was dead, and all those stuffy Time Lords dead with it, it was good thing, it made her special, unique. Well that was what she was telling herself at least.

It was time for a little adventure, she decided and thus she did something she'd never done in her long life before- closed her eyes and programmed in a set of co-ordinates completely at random. Who knew, perhaps she'd find something that would finally excite her again.

With the Tardis landed she stepped outside and looked up at hotel in front of her. "I had better not be on Earth," she muttered, frowning to herself, it was such a dull place after all.