
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'selene'

Jul. 24th, 2016



[ text only, anonymous source ]

NEEDED: crew for older model Interceptor. Pilot, Engineer, Muscle.

Top tier compensation.

Independent contractors preferred.

Jul. 23rd, 2016



Last Call

Tomorrow afternoon, 1300, at the Banshee for anybody else who is thinking of signing on.

Preflight crew briefing followed by leave time for quick personal shopping trips afterwards. Liftoff is scheduled for 0900 the next day.

cc: all current crew members' holopads

Jul. 19th, 2016



Encrypted message to Selene.

Alucard wants to meet with me. He's even said flat out for me not to trust him, so I'm not going into this blind, but I am going. But I'm letting you know. Just in case it goes really bad.

Jul. 16th, 2016




Looks like I've got room for another pilot on the roster. Incom or starfighter experience preferred, but we can provide training for the right person.

Jul. 12th, 2016



Private to Selene

Do you have a moment to talk?

Jul. 11th, 2016




So, what would you do if you just now realized that one of your favorite bars was destroyed by some power hungry chumps that blew systems up for giggles? They had a version of karaoke that I actually liked. Stupid jackasses.. just gotta ruin everyone's fun.




[Source Encrypted; Transmitted on Old Temple Frequencies; Anonymous User]

If you are following these frequencies, then you most likely have questions. You may have sensed that something about how you see the universe is different. You may have been told that what you feel is the Force. There are many who would ask you to bend your ear, to listen to what they can tell you of the Force and its use.

I would rather hear what you have to say. I do not promise you that I will say what you wish to hear. I do not promise you power. What I do promise is that I will listen if you have questions, or simply wish to talk. The most valuable answers are the ones we discover ourselves.

Jul. 4th, 2016




Too many thoughts inside my head, it's making me dizzy. I wish the Professor were here.

Jul. 1st, 2016




They told me when I woke up, I was lucky to be alive. Usually means I need a new suit. Too bad that bacta goop doesn't work on clothes.

Jun. 27th, 2016




I went back home, again, but this time some horrible things happened....

I'm not sure how someone is suppose to deal with this. I wish I didn't go back now.

Only good thing that came out of it was learning more about space travel. I now know how to pilot a ship, but I'd rather not have that knowledge if it meant changing what happened..

Jun. 25th, 2016


update; update; update; update

[OOC: All of these got queued and then posted all at once when Wanda finally managed to get her connection to the holonet back up. I put RL dates because I'm not sure what they are in Star Wars time, but Wanda is using Star Wars time.]

June 15

I am home.

The thing that I didn't expect was that the air in the domes smells strange. I thought it would smell like home, but...no. It does not.

The thing that I did expect is that there is a new dome, and it is beautiful, new and gleaming and full of hope. We are expanding.

June 16

Yesterday I tried to use this network and it told me that my message had been queued, and today I do not see that it has posted, so I will try again.

Today I am going to the other hemisphere of the planet, to give the ones that are monitoring the terraforming towers there the gifts that I brought home for them. And to install the new regulators that I brought as well. It will be a busy day.

June 20

I do not understand why there are so many shortages here.

Food is fine, though dull and unvaried. It is grown in the domes and there are domes all over the world, in the north and in the south, so there is food in every season. And this is a turbulent, stormy world; there is no shortage of water. Air must be filtered, but there is oxygen to breath...

But even with the new dome... None of us, human or any of the other species who have come together to form this colony, can survive without shelter, and all of us look forward to the day when the weather patterns have been tamed and the composition of the air has been modified to allow us to live outside without suits. But the technology that does this -- there are many ways it could be better, there are many things that are very common in the rest of the galaxy that we hoard and use very carefully, or create inferior substitutions instead of using what is very common elsewhere.

And when I try to recall, it was always like this. I did not think it strange before I spent time in the wider galaxy myself.

I have talked to those who lead in these matters, but they are evasive. Even the people I thought would be on my side, the ones who came with me on the trading trip... Because they know. Some things are difficult to find, some things require searching and very careful trade... but there are more shortages than that.

But perhaps it is simply that no one wants to have to leave again. There is so much to be done here, and the rest of the galaxy cannot solve all our problems. And the rest of the galaxy is also a source of problems, that much is obvious. Perhaps... Perhaps it is better to suffer the shortages? If it means that we do not come to anyone's attention.

June 25

Oh! It has posted! I guess it really did mean that it was queueing it after all. I was beginning to wonder.

Jun. 21st, 2016



Peter Quill

Banshee private scramble code
Saw your handle on the Holonet. Star Lord saved the damsel in distress? Nice going. Told you people would start to call you that when word got around.
Question: How is the shopping going? Reason I ask is that I've got a line on a pair of ARC-170s.
Downside: One is going to be max load for Banshee. The 170 is a 50+ year old design - these are Clone War surplus. They are built to take a crew of three, pilot, copilot/gunner, and tail gunner. They aren't as fast or agile as an X-wing. If I buy them both, we'll need at least one more pilot.
Upside: They are new in the box. Built at the end of the war and never put into service. And cheap. I can get the pair for CR60K plus shipping to Naboo. I'll sell you one at my cost. Incom built them, so changing the engines from 4J4s to the 8-series and swapping in turbolasers for the laser cannon should just about be plug and play. Controls are about the same as Banshee; they did that with almost everything they made. Flying solo will triple the range to 15 days consumables. Not only are they heavily gunned, they have excellent armor and deflectors, as well as six proton torpedoes. Hyperdrive has a 1.5 rating, and I'll bet that can be upgraded too.
What do you think? Should I go ahead and buy them?
Something else to throw out there. From reading the net, looks like your new ladyfriend is a crimefighter from Earth. Says she used to pilot her own plane, wants to learn to be a starpilot, and needs credits to buy a ship of her own. Think she'd be interested in hiring on? Since a 170 has dual controls, we could even give her starfighter pilot training as well as a good grounding in running a big ship. Comments?

Jun. 19th, 2016




I have a cargo hold full of crap I don't want. Some weapons, armor, food, clothes, blah blah blah. With the exception of a few things, it's all for sale.
Some Earthling once told me it was a garage sale? Whatever it is you call it, I'm having it.
I take credits, but if you have other forms of payment or trade that interests me, we can talk.

Jun. 13th, 2016




I find myself growing restless with little to do. While I have found a gym I am curious about the process of finding a job since I'm not originally from here.

Also, it seems while I was gone a number of people from my home universe was returned. Is that normal? For those of you are still here I would like to know.

Jun. 2nd, 2016




Banshee will be grounding on Naboo sometime Friday, Threed starport.
Saturday around noon we will drop the cargo ramp and roll out the barbecue to celebrate an excellent month. Steaks, beer, wine, and Wookie Brandy for those with the head for it. Non-meat grillables for those who find it necessary. Stop by if you are in the neighborhood and share our good fortune.              
{Private to Banshee Crew}
This celebration is a testimony to your abilities and  hard work this past month. We've been more than successful. I've checked the bank balance; the yard will start mounting the docking collar on Banshee's topside when we ground, and Peter can go shopping for a starfighter. Maybe not a latest generation X-wing, but next to latest, or the equivalent if something catches your fancy. River, help him find one with a good soul, and an astromech we can trust. If Peter will dub his tapes into the computer we can even expose the locals to some Earth music over the cargo bay speakers. 
Thank you,

Jun. 1st, 2016



Private to Buffy Summers

My name is Selene.
I recently ran across a distant cousin of mine. He suggested that you and I should become acquainted; he seemed to think we have much in common.
I have my own ship and can meet up with you just about anywhere. Currently, I am headed for Naboo to restock and give the crew a bit of shore leave, if that would be convenient for you.

May. 27th, 2016




I figured I'm doing myself a disservice if I don't look to make gains wherever they're available. So to those of you from the Rift - are any of you well-versed in technology? Not just in general, but as it relates to cybernetics and, specifically, human enhancements.

May. 25th, 2016




Something has occurred to me, given that according to my records, June (Earth month) is coming soon. My birthday is on June 6th. Which means... party time. I also realize -- this will be my first birthday in this new galaxy.

May. 24th, 2016




It's still painful to look up at the sky and not see the familiar pinpoints of light that were the Hosnian System. To know the death of a dear friend spared me from my own in that very system.

The Republic is stretched far too thin and all I see these days are complaints. Dismissals. The Republic for all its good seems to have burned into nothing more than a frustrated sigh on the lips of those who it sought to do the most good for. It begs the question: how do you move forward when there is so little left to move?

May. 19th, 2016




[Filtered against all First Order and sympathizers]

Something dangerous has come up on Coruscant, and I need a small crew to help us track it down. It won't be easy, so please don't offer unless you can handle yourself. You don't need any spaceflight or ship experience, you just need to be able to defend yourself, if needed.

[Private to Caine]

It's Cassie. I'll tell you more when I get back, but I don't want you on this job, so don't even think about volunteering. You have something more important right now, so cherish it. I can handle this.

OOC: this is for the Cassie/Slasher! plot, so if you are interested in the fight, just chime in! I'll be capping at roughly four more, if I get that many, otherwise it might get unwieldy.