
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'mara+jade+skywalker'

Jul. 1st, 2016




This is going to sound weird, and morbid, but how exactly does death work for everybody else? Or after death, I guess. Do you have an afterlife? A grim reaper? Does anyone even know for sure, or is it one of those things that people talk about but really have no idea?

May. 29th, 2016




What the hell am I doing back here? Why does this keep happening

May. 27th, 2016




Is anyone there? I don't know what happened, one minute I was somewhere and the next I was here, only I think I hit my head because it hurts and I can't seem to remember who I am, does anyone know me?

[Encrypted to First Order]

This is Gemini, I thought I'd try and winkle some of the Jedi out of hiding and trap them, I know you like those guys even less than I do. I'll forward all comms with them to you, it's up to you to decide what to do with them.

May. 26th, 2016




Just when I finally think I'm getting used to all of this, I end up with repeating feelings of unease.

May. 12th, 2016





So. Who do I hitch a ride from to learn how to not drop accidentally levitated stuff on my head?

May. 11th, 2016



through these fields of destruction

Private to Masters Kenobi, Jinn, Vel Aath, and Jedi Jaina Solo and Mara Jade Skywalker

Master Obi-Wan has made the recommendation that we consider forming a new Jedi Council, and I am in agreement with him upon this. There are four Masters here to begin the Council. I would like to consider both Jaina and Mara Jade's input as well, as they have firsthand knowledge of the Council from their timeline, one that dealt with the same issues we have faced here: the defeat of the Empire and the rise of new Jedi. I would like to hear your thoughts.

Apr. 18th, 2016



Private to all Jedi

My sister and I have determined that Dermos, in the same system as D'Qar, will be best suited to our purposes. The accommodations there are rudimentary, but it's temperate enough that we can live there without the need for extensive building just yet. There is a long abandoned outpost there that can hold at least a dozen of us comfortably for now, and I would have us move there as quickly as possible. As there are scarcely a half dozen of us, I would ask that if there are those you wish to include as your potential apprentices, tell them now and make arrangements to journey there. I will be moving myself there now to oversee preparations.

Apr. 7th, 2016



Filtered against dark siders

Kriff. I'm back here again?

How long has it been, can anyone tell me? It's been about three years for me.

Ben isn't here this time. Maybe it's best. It was getting too dangerous here.

I still want to fight if I can. It's better than sitting and not doing anything. And now I can commit more fully.

Mar. 14th, 2016



Filtered to Jedi only

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.. )

Mar. 7th, 2016



(003) Jacen Solo

Order and structure can sound appealing. Particularly if you've been living in a situation where there's not a lot of that. The dark side of order and structure of course, can be that it looks one way - only one way - and that if you don't look that way you're expendable, or worse still - unwanted.

Being newly arrived, I can only speak to the histories I've been able to make sense of thus far. But I'll say this - I'm not certain the galaxy wants the First Order's 'order' or 'structure'. I suspect it might lend itself to a galaxy as one-note as a legion of stormtroopers, where everyone is forced to cover up their individuality for the sake of order and I can't say that has as much appeal to me.

[Filter: Legends Solos/Skywalkers]
I've been doing some talking to people and I think we all need to do some chatting.

Mar. 1st, 2016



Filtered to the Solos and Padme

Luke's gone. I can't feel him anymore. I think he went home...I didn't feel anything else happen.

I'll manage...been making it on my own most of my life. Never been essentially a single mother, though. That will complicate things.

Padme: I still want to meet with you. I know you want to get to know Ben, and I can still tell you some good Luke stories.