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Posts Tagged: 'bellamy+blake'

Jun. 5th, 2016




Did you go home?

May. 4th, 2016




He killed Cassie because she and Liri wouldn't tell him where he could find another force sensitive girl. I thought you should know.




Raven is gone. I hope she's okay. It's like I felt her leave this place.

Mar. 25th, 2016




I need off this fucking planet now. Before I kill someone.

[ Private to Glasya ]

My sister is dead. I don't know how to live without what to do. I've tried to focus but what's the point I can't.

[ Private to Raven and Clarke ]

Octavia died.

Mar. 15th, 2016



I have been thinking about war. It is hard not to when everyone around is also thinking about war, or planning for it one way or another.

I have only seen a small part of this galaxy, and only traveled a little. But I already know that the map is not the territory in some very important ways. Sometimes it takes a long time to get somewhere close, or a short time to get somewhere far away, because of the way the stars are arranged and the way that the routes must go.

And this, this unexpectedness between map and reality, it makes me wonder:

What is war like in this galaxy?

I have seen wars that were fought street to street, with guns or with missiles or with tanks. I have seen planes flying to battle, seen explosions far up in the sky. I have abandoned homes in ruins, and half starved when food was unable to arrive on roads that have been destroyed or that are guarded by enemies. I have run from snipers and taken long detours through basements and tunnels propped up with beams from the ruins above, where the bullets cannot penetrate. I have seen all this and more. I have fought

That is war, where I come from.

But I understand that the strategies change with the weapons that are used, offense and defense in a perpetual race. Or perhaps I should say offense and defense and the people just trying to avoid getting killed.

It is hard for me to imagine war in this galaxy.

Do battles take place in space, where there is room to maneuver? Perhaps the one who holds the space around planets holds everything? But space is a cold and dead place, so perhaps space doesn't matter so much as planetary support and control on the ground?

Is there such a thing as a front, in a galactic war? Do armies (navies? space navies?) advance across the galaxy like a wave, or do they more usually jump from place to place in more unexpected ways? Do you expect surprises, or slow grinding advances that cannot be stopped?

...I assume that destroying planets is not ordinary.

Is there anything else to look out for, in war as it is practiced here?




Has anyone seen my sister, Octavia? I can't feel find her. I've tried every way I know to contact her. I slipped back through the Rift not too long ago and I thought she did too but when I reach out with the Fo she's not back.

Mar. 7th, 2016



(003) Jacen Solo

Order and structure can sound appealing. Particularly if you've been living in a situation where there's not a lot of that. The dark side of order and structure of course, can be that it looks one way - only one way - and that if you don't look that way you're expendable, or worse still - unwanted.

Being newly arrived, I can only speak to the histories I've been able to make sense of thus far. But I'll say this - I'm not certain the galaxy wants the First Order's 'order' or 'structure'. I suspect it might lend itself to a galaxy as one-note as a legion of stormtroopers, where everyone is forced to cover up their individuality for the sake of order and I can't say that has as much appeal to me.

[Filter: Legends Solos/Skywalkers]
I've been doing some talking to people and I think we all need to do some chatting.

Feb. 24th, 2016




[Filtered to Bellamy, & not accidentally Octavia & Clarke]

Hey Bellamy! I'm around this evening or tomorrow, would you be interested in meeting up for that drink we talked about?

Feb. 21st, 2016




I'm universes away from home and it still keeps managing to screw with me.

Clarke, I think we should talk I need you to

[Filtered to Clarke, Raven, and Octavia]

I am and always have been determined to do what's best for us. And I'm telling you the people I know, the ones from this galaxy, say not to trust what the Resistance says.




I hope you're really proud of yourself, Bellamy.

[spoilers likely in comments]




[Filtered to Issan and Glasya Ren]

So what's the Resistance? They're recruiting and claiming they're the good guys.

Feb. 20th, 2016




[Bellamy, Octavia, & Raven]
We're joining the Resistance.

Feb. 18th, 2016




The technology is similar here, but different too. I should take my ship apart. It'd be a good distraction from Gina...

Feb. 16th, 2016




Where the hell is Bellamy Blake?

Feb. 12th, 2016




If there's a way to turn off going back, I'd like to know it.

Raven, are you still here?

Feb. 7th, 2016




[Filtered to Individuals Who Came Through the Rift]

I've spoken with some of you already, but I would like to introduce myself to the rest. My name is Tabe Kana, and I am one of the immigration officers who works with beings who arrive on Naboo through the rift.

It has been my privilege to assist newcomers over the last six standard years. If I can do anything for you, please don't hesitate to let me know. If I do not have the answers you seek, I will do my best to put you in touch with someone who does.

Feb. 1st, 2016




[Filtered to Clarke and Raven]

Octavia's gone.

Jan. 8th, 2016




I talked to someone about getting prepared to leave Naboo. I've never piloted anything before in my life, but they said that's what the astromech droid is for. Whatever that is.

[Private to "The 100" characters]

So I know we talked earlier about staying together. What's the vote for staying or leaving? I go wherever Octavia goes. But a ship might give you something to work on, right Raven?

[Private to Clarke]

Are you staying with us here or heading out on your own?

Jan. 3rd, 2016




What is this? Why is everything so...

Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru en ai laik gona.

Where is my brother?

I want answers.

Dec. 29th, 2015




Great. Lots of people. Exactly what I didn't want to be around.