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Posts Tagged: 'jaina+solo'

Jul. 18th, 2016




Private to Masters Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Kestriel, and Jaina Solo, Mara Jade

I am ready to take Rey to Ilum for her Gathering, to craft a lightsaber. It might be good for several of us to go. I do not know if any of the others are ready for that step; it seems many chose to remain with their homeworld weapons. But I would welcome your input, and if you would like to travel with us.

Jun. 2nd, 2016




[Jedi and Jedi Students on Dermos]

A student has requested permission to bring crewmates to the planet. She assures me that she trusts them, and I have no reason to doubt her word.

Will you also accept her promise of your safety?

May. 19th, 2016




[Filtered against all First Order and sympathizers]

Something dangerous has come up on Coruscant, and I need a small crew to help us track it down. It won't be easy, so please don't offer unless you can handle yourself. You don't need any spaceflight or ship experience, you just need to be able to defend yourself, if needed.

[Private to Caine]

It's Cassie. I'll tell you more when I get back, but I don't want you on this job, so don't even think about volunteering. You have something more important right now, so cherish it. I can handle this.

OOC: this is for the Cassie/Slasher! plot, so if you are interested in the fight, just chime in! I'll be capping at roughly four more, if I get that many, otherwise it might get unwieldy.

May. 16th, 2016




It feels good to be flying again. I didn't realize how much I had missed it. I guess it's just such a part of me that it's like losing a limb to be grounded. I'm happy with where I am right now, for the first time since Jacen left, I feel at home.

May. 11th, 2016



through these fields of destruction

Private to Masters Kenobi, Jinn, Vel Aath, and Jedi Jaina Solo and Mara Jade Skywalker

Master Obi-Wan has made the recommendation that we consider forming a new Jedi Council, and I am in agreement with him upon this. There are four Masters here to begin the Council. I would like to consider both Jaina and Mara Jade's input as well, as they have firsthand knowledge of the Council from their timeline, one that dealt with the same issues we have faced here: the defeat of the Empire and the rise of new Jedi. I would like to hear your thoughts.

May. 9th, 2016




I have a new friend. Her name is Emma. She's beautiful.

May. 5th, 2016



I have traded my ship (the one that I held the title to, but which was inaccessible to me) for a share in another ship, so I am back to wandering the galaxy to buy and sell and observe. This time, with a trading partner who I can only trust as far as I can throw her. (That is a very strange expression. There is no actual throwing going on. Only tricks and maneuvering.)

Perhaps I should also trade my name for Jack, who also made an unfortunate trade, and hope that my new position is at least as profitable as fantastical beans.

(And since anything is possible, I am curious: does anyone have any fantastical beans in the world they come from?)

The main share of the ship is owned by my new partner's family, who own enough ships that I can only hope they will be kind to my old one after they have retrieved it. I find that I miss it, now that it is truly no longer mine. I did not know that I could care about ships that much.


I have been careful, and I think I have left behind those that were watching with this move, but I am still...curious. If anyone else has any similar experience with watchers, I would still like to find out more, if you are willing to compare notes.

May. 4th, 2016




I'm not quite sure if its comforting or disconcerting that the more things change... the more they inevitably seem to stay the same.

I did feel the loss of Padme. A familiar pain that only served to underscore my previous statement.

[Private to Liriael]

How are you faring?

[Private to Luke Skywalker]

Luke, if you don't mind my asking, what are your plans for the Jedi refugees that have since appeared? This isn't my time so I don't want to step on any toes, but I am curious.




Raven is gone. I hope she's okay. It's like I felt her leave this place.

Apr. 8th, 2016





This world, this place, the people! Where do I even begin! Of course I blamed father at first, but I don't think this is his doing. I wouldn't put it past him to have some secret other worlds. Maybe even thought this was my punishment for leaving hell, but this place is too amazing to be punishment.

Anyways, I'm Lucifer Morningstar, and yes I am that Lucifer; the devil, prince of darkness, ruler of hell, whatever you might call me in whatever world you're from. But, it doesn't seem like this universe has a devil or angels and demons. Bit strange, but who am I to complain. Maybe now I can live my life how I want to live it. I do see that there are Jedis and Sith that have some power and what's this thing about the force?

I say we all celebrate this new found world and say goodbye to our old lives! Besides, who could resist a good party.

Apr. 4th, 2016




[Filtered to Jedi | Filtered Against Exar Kun]

The First Order has begun moving against Force-sensitive beings who come through the rift. Liriael D'lander was attacked by one of the Knights of Ren on Coruscant. He claimed to be seeking a healer who found herself to have some ability in the Force when she arrived in this universe. His methods were ... extreme.

We have left other Force-sensitive beings without defense for too long.

[ooc: Sorry, Exar! Qui-Gon's a little wary. x.x]

Apr. 2nd, 2016




[Filtered to Jedi]

Can you tell me more about how the whole Dark Side thing works?

Apr. 1st, 2016




Jacen's gone. I saw it happen, he just....vanished.

Mar. 24th, 2016



Filter to Liri

Hey. I heard what happened and I hope you're doing better. I think we might have spoken a few times on here but in case you don't remember me, I'm Jaina Solo. If you're up to it, I'd like to stop by and see you later today.

Mar. 7th, 2016



(003) Jacen Solo

Order and structure can sound appealing. Particularly if you've been living in a situation where there's not a lot of that. The dark side of order and structure of course, can be that it looks one way - only one way - and that if you don't look that way you're expendable, or worse still - unwanted.

Being newly arrived, I can only speak to the histories I've been able to make sense of thus far. But I'll say this - I'm not certain the galaxy wants the First Order's 'order' or 'structure'. I suspect it might lend itself to a galaxy as one-note as a legion of stormtroopers, where everyone is forced to cover up their individuality for the sake of order and I can't say that has as much appeal to me.

[Filter: Legends Solos/Skywalkers]
I've been doing some talking to people and I think we all need to do some chatting.

Mar. 5th, 2016




It's so nice to see that there's still a war to keep me busy.

My leash is terribly loose in this place. I wonder which side wants me more.

Mar. 4th, 2016




Of all the alarming facets to my sudden arrival on Naboo, temporal displacement not excluded, I believe the tricks the Force seems to be playing on me to be the worst of them. How is it I seem to sense the dead

Mar. 1st, 2016




I was sixteen when I got here, and now I'm in my thirties. This place hurts even my head.

Resistance. You were talking to me about it. How do I get started?



Filtered to the Solos and Padme

Luke's gone. I can't feel him anymore. I think he went home...I didn't feel anything else happen.

I'll manage...been making it on my own most of my life. Never been essentially a single mother, though. That will complicate things.

Padme: I still want to meet with you. I know you want to get to know Ben, and I can still tell you some good Luke stories.

Feb. 19th, 2016



Filtered to Leia, Jacen and Jaina

I just figured out the Falcon came through with me. Us? At least once the time we're stuck here is up, we can leave if we want to. Not that I have any idea where else we'd go at the moment.

I also want to talk about helping out the Rebellion on this end. We're stuck here anyway, and we might as well do what we can. Never woulda said that about 10 years back.