
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'max+guevara'

Apr. 3rd, 2016




I think I might have figured out a way to fuel Fenrir with the energy sources used on Naboo. Going on a test run today. Hopefully, we won't end up on the news in a ball of flames.

Mar. 31st, 2016




There's a bit of trickery required to become accustomed to shooting a phaser when you've come from a place that hurls metal projectiles. In my world, when aiming a weapon, one must account for a myriad of things like recoil, calibre, and even the weather. A phaser is so light, so agile, one must only bend one's elbow and shoot.

Long live technology, I say.




And I still would choose my bike over the space ship.


I haven't decided if your silence is a good thing or a bad thing.




So this has been going on for 30 years and still no sign of possible return yet. Unfortunate. I need to get back and find my last remaining version of myself I wonder if the Order has any leads on it But luckily, I require very little to get by. I already have suitable clothing and food, and will soon be able to leave for other planets.

But I will need a form of protection, aside from just myself. So, is there any who can part with one blaster? I am willing to pay for it if that's agreeable.

Mar. 26th, 2016




Whats there to do on this planet?

Mar. 19th, 2016



[ OPEN ]

It's been some time since I've been on Naboo; anyone have any suggestions for a decent watering hole that doesn't charge an arm and a leg for the drinks?

Mar. 16th, 2016




So... no chance of being taken back home by next week? See, it's Spring Break and I'm supposed to have classes at Yale after the 21st. Also have other important plans. I believe them about this being accidental, since no sane person would even think of summoning the Antichrist against his will Might as well summon a hurricane, it's actually not much difference honestly

Greetings all, I'm Damien Thorn. Yale student. And also soon to be CEO and President of Thorn Industries. Of course, being a president of the U.S. might be a nice goal to have too. Not that I'd stop at one country, I would in fact prefer to have the entire planet Earth under my power

Mar. 14th, 2016



[ OPEN ]

I see the rift's been busy. Unless I'm mistaken, it doesn't look like any denizens of the Barrel have crawled through; or if you have, it's time to speak up. You lot have never been shy before.

Otherwise, if anyone is looking for work, I might be able to lend a hand. Figuratively, anyway.

Feb. 19th, 2016




I'm back?

Ollie, we need to talk.

[Potential spoilers in comments]

Feb. 18th, 2016




I'm thinking I might need to take my skill sets on the road. So-to-speak. I like this whole planet-hopping thing and if I'm going to be stuck here, I might as well start making a name for myself.

SO, anyone need anyone to help them get items from point A to point B? Or to protect item A from item B? Items can be people or stuff. And payment can be credit or stuff. I'm a flexible kind of guy.

Feb. 12th, 2016




What kind of work is out there for someone with military training? Pay's not important. I have other concerns. If you plan to sign a contract with me, there are going to be questions, and it's in your best interest to answer them honestly.

Jan. 24th, 2016




Let me get this straight. This galaxy is governed by a Republic. Or it was. Apparently, humans still can't avoid going to war with each other. Or other species. So at least that's stayed the same. And you've got problems with remnants of an empire that used to control everything. But no problems with Entitled, no armies built up from splices, no planets seeded for harvesting.

Oh, and you've got a wormhole you can't close or aim anywhere randomly spitting people out on a space station.

Have I covered everything important?

Jan. 14th, 2016




So I did that "Get Out of Jail Free" course thing you have to do to leave. Stuff about ships, stuff about space, stuff about culture, diversity, blah, blah, blah. But what's this Force stuff and how do I know if I can use it?

Jan. 10th, 2016



Filtered to Alec

Are you going to stay or go?

Jan. 3rd, 2016





Dec. 29th, 2015




So.... this is new. Did anyone see all the ALIENS? Weird, am I right?