
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'npc:+tali+nessroya'

May. 10th, 2016




[ A fanfare sounds before footage of a crime scene is shown, various security officers - some Coruscanti and some with clear First Order insignia - are seen milling around. After a moment, the footage is replaced with an image of Tali Nessroya. She looks polished, her hair tightly braided back as always, but she also looks disconcerted. ]

"I come to you tonight with breaking news from Coruscant. A brutal assault has left two dead and a whole planet on alert.

[ Pictures of a man and a woman are flashed, side-by-side, both looking polished and proud in their First Order uniform. ]

Family man Vertu Modell along with Lieutenant Azalyn Tsark, both upstanding members of the First Order, were found brutally murdered on a lower level of Coruscant.

While no suspect has been identified, experts believe the attack to have been perpetrated by at least individual. These murders come as a direct assault against the progress and stability the First Order stands as a beacon for. Many believe radicals to be at the heart of this devastating situation and we urge all those traveling to Coruscant to be wary of your surroundings. Those responsible for such acts only wish to incite chaos and and fear.

If you have any information regarding the deaths of these dedicated members of the First Order, please contact authorities immediately.

[ ooc; This holo is in response to slasher!Cassie's recent activities ]

Apr. 13th, 2016




[Private Memo to All First Order Personnel]
(while encrypted, this is a low-level memo with nothing flagged for importance, meaning someone interested in hacking First Order systems could stumble across it. let me know if that's something your character would be potentially interested in!)

TO: All Personnel

FROM: Tali Nessroya

SUBJECT: Concerning Extragalactic Immigrants

My advisers seem to think it prudent that I remind us all of the situation on Naboo. While we have been content to place the Rift and its immigrants to the side in years prior, with the First Order poised to finally bring stability to the galaxy, I would think it necessary that action must be taken on this matter. While the people of Naboo have never been an obstacle, they did in truth support the Republic. The immigrants entering into this galaxy are therefore under threat of, at best, being exposed to the corruption and depravity of Republic ideology. At worst, these immigrants could be dragged into service for the Resistance, who would use them as fodder in a war they can't hope to win.

We cannot allow our enemies to harvest such a resource. The Republic is licking its wounds while the Resistance gloats in the destruction of Starkiller Base, all the while collecting impressionable refugees. We cannot allow this to continue. There is no way to quantify the potential resources found in those who are consistently pulled into our galaxy from worlds we cannot comprehend, but suffice it to say that we would be amiss not to want those potential resources for ourselves.

As an officer of Public Relations and Communications, I cannot overstate the importance of controlling the narrative. Those who would speak ill of the First Order must be targeted and removed. There should be nothing but glowing testimony for these immigrants to be exposed to. The Republic must look antiquated, crippled, and corrupt. The Resistance must look like the dangerous terrorist group that it truly is. People like to view things in terms of good and evil. We must be good and our enemies must be seen as evil. I encourage speaking out in favor of the First Order, doing everything you can to outwardly support our cause. The more support shown, the more likely people will be to fall in line. People want to be agreeable. They want to fit in. They want to be safe. Control the narrative to make them feel that way.

Thank you for your time,
Tali Nessroya
Public Relations and Communications

Mar. 4th, 2016




[ A fanfare is given, followed by footage of a smoldering hangar bay with First Order workers and droids dousing flames. The footage is only a minute long before it cuts away to a young woman who wears a sad, worried expression. ]

"There has been an attack on Hevurion, a planet that as many of you know, was once aligned with the Republic. While details are still emerging, we can confirm that four people were killed, gunned down by none other than the Resistance. We extend our deepest sympathies to those who lost loved ones in this senseless attack. First, they attacked and destroyed our Starkiller base and now they are attacking civilian targets. Without your help, these terrorists might soon target your system and your planet.

The First Order needs your help to bring peace to the galaxy. The Resistance offers nothing but chaos and destruction, as is evident by this tragic event. The First Order promises safety in order and structure. Help us fight the Resistance. If you know any information about this group, contact the First Order right away.

[ The woman tilts her head and flashed a sympathetic smile and then is replaced by a montage of, again, footage of the smoldering hangar before the broadcast finishes with the First Order's emblem. ]

Jan. 18th, 2016




[ The visual of a young woman, hair tightly braided back, appears after a fanfare. She looks dignified with only a slight furrow of the brow to suggest any emotion. She sits behind a desk that bears the emblem of the First Order. ]

"Greetings. I come to you in this time of grief to tell you - it is not over yet. The terrorist attack by the Resistance has knocked us down, yes, but we will not give up. We will never give up. We must remember all of those who gave their life in an attempt to save this galaxy from the disorder brought about by the Republic. The Republic tolerated and indulged terrorists for too long and look what that has brought down on the galaxy, onto it's people - destruction and death.

We are coming up on the month anniversary of that tragic loss of life, which is why I'm talking to you now. We will rise out of the ashes and be stronger than we were before. But we need your help. If you wish to see your galaxy great again, consider joining the effort. There are jobs for everyone. Thank you all."

[ The woman offers a smile, though it doesn't reach her eyes, and after a moment, another fanfare sounds and the hologram winks out. ]