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Posts Tagged: 'gabriel+yulaw'

Jun. 23rd, 2016




You should all take deep breathes and focus on becoming more positive and centered with your inner eye and the beauty of the world around you.

We should have an orgy.




Hi there. This is strange, I've never used a megascope before.

Um, right.

I understand that your world is undergoing a Conjunction right now. This isn't my first time showing up in a new world, but it is the first time that a new world has been so prepared for my arrival. So, um, thank you for the generosity.

May. 31st, 2016




Had a good run this morning. Any present with martial arts skills? I'd like to finish my practice off with a sparring session before heading off to the cantina.

May. 30th, 2016




[Filtered to First Order]

My name is Gabriel Yulaw. I with to join the Order. If the target I seek comes through that rift, I would be wise to be on the side that would best be able to handle him. My only wish on that matter is this-- that I, and I alone, be the one to kill him. He won't be hard to miss. He looks like me. He actually is me, but from an alternate universe. And he must die I will be the One!

I could be a very useful agent or soldier to the First Order. Not only am I capable of using combat weapons and martial arts, but my enhanced attributes of strength and speed make me even more capable of killing targets. Skills I'm willing to put into use for the right side, which in this case would be yours. Plus, the Order, I believe, may be more equipped technologically to restore the rift and send me back much better than any other group.

May. 23rd, 2016




I never realized thirty days was such a long kriffin' time. At least Coruscant isn't boring. I'll give it that much.


Hey. You make it to Akiva okay? I miss you

Apr. 23rd, 2016




I have a very bad habit of getting lost in my own head and watching the world tick on around me. It's a coping mechanism for those arou Mostly, I've observed this world to be beautiful to a fault and generous with not only its culture but also it's people. And it's been a good world to me.

For any of you who've just arrived, I'm Peggy Carter. I'm an Agent of the SSR and though that doesn't mean much here, I'm quite happy to get to know you better.

If I know you already, help me out? I need something to do during the week that isn't following you lot around and sitting quietly in the bar.

Apr. 18th, 2016



I realized after writing my last entry that a ship is a ship, at least for my purposes, so I have been exploring options for getting a ship without having to go back for the one that is stuck in that system that I barely managed to escape from. I thought I was making progress, putting together a trade that I would be happy with and that would also allow others to take on my risky assets with the chance to make a profit as well...

But the deal fell through.

So that means more time repairing droids for room and board and to pay back what I owe for the smuggling operation. It was interesting at first, and the place I am staying, away from the main station here, it is friendly (so far), but... I would like to have more options.

[filter: to those who came through the rift only]

I have discovered that my deal fell through because I am not native to this galaxy. Because someone didn't want me to have this deal, because I am an immigrant, and they made that known to the people I was dealing with, so that they would avoid me.

I do not know who was behind it, I was unable to track it further back (and I do not know what I would do if I discovered exactly who it was in any case).

But now I can tell that I am being watched.

This has not happened to me before, but I have not been dealing with the wider galaxy for very long. Has anyone else had this happen? Is there anything to be done?

Mar. 31st, 2016




So this has been going on for 30 years and still no sign of possible return yet. Unfortunate. I need to get back and find my last remaining version of myself I wonder if the Order has any leads on it But luckily, I require very little to get by. I already have suitable clothing and food, and will soon be able to leave for other planets.

But I will need a form of protection, aside from just myself. So, is there any who can part with one blaster? I am willing to pay for it if that's agreeable.

Mar. 22nd, 2016




[Filtered to Rift People]

I know there's been a lot of talk about war and that sort of thing. I think about it a lot - so much that sometimes I forget there are people in this galaxy now who have no idea about anything here.

So I wanted to take a minute to say hello and offer my help, if you need any explanations or just have questions. You can ask me anything and I'll do my best to answer it, or at least point you in the direction of someone who might be able to, if I can't. This galaxy has a lot more to offer than just war and politics.

My name is Sidara. I'm a member of the Resistance from Ryloth and I'm a Twi'lek.

Mar. 20th, 2016




How interesting. This particular galaxy isn't listed in the Multiverse records. But then.. maybe that's because the Multiverse I know of is only that of Earth and not all these other planets. My name is Yulaw. MVA agent though it seems that means little now. Formerly but no one has any way of knowing the truth of it

Still, this is better than where I was. Decimating those other convicts was easy but I have no time for They should have listened when I said I was nobody's b I need to return! There was unfinished business for me and my twin. Unless he is here? Is there anyone on this planet that looks like a clone of myself? Need to find him, if he is.