
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'obi-wan+kenobi'

Jun. 5th, 2016




[Filtered to Anakin Skywalker]

How are you, friend? Have you spoken to Luke and Leia yet?

[Filtered to Qui-Gon Jinn]

How are you faring, Master? I've agreed to meet with a pair of potential recruits for the Jedi, though it remains to be seen how it will pan out.

One brought up a matter close to my heart and I wonder if I could ask your council?




[Filtered to any Force-Sensitives from the Rift (as well as the Jedi & those training with them)]

I am Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I'm not from this time, though I am from this galaxy. I'm a Jedi and I, along with several others like myself, would like to help those of you who may be Force-sensitive.

The Force is an energy field created by all living things, it binds the galaxy together. There are those of us who are sensitive to this energy field who can tap into its power and utilize it. I know there are some of you who have come through the Rift who possess this sensitivity. These powers can seem overwhelming but there are those of us here who would like to help you.

If any of you believe you may be Force sensitive, let us know. You may contact me or you may contact any other Jedi who has made their presence known to you. We're here to help.

Jun. 2nd, 2016




[Jedi and Jedi Students on Dermos]

A student has requested permission to bring crewmates to the planet. She assures me that she trusts them, and I have no reason to doubt her word.

Will you also accept her promise of your safety?

May. 6th, 2016




[Private to Obi-Wan]

I am afraid I must ask for your help yet again, Padawan, if you are willing.

May. 4th, 2016



[ Private to these "Force sensitive" types ]

I keep hearing about this "Force" shi--, I mean, stuff. What the fuck is it, and how is it not magic? Because I have plenty of that where I came from, falling outta people's asses like there's no tomorrow. How can you have flying wagons and not at least believe in the concept of magic?




I'm not quite sure if its comforting or disconcerting that the more things change... the more they inevitably seem to stay the same.

I did feel the loss of Padme. A familiar pain that only served to underscore my previous statement.

[Private to Liriael]

How are you faring?

[Private to Luke Skywalker]

Luke, if you don't mind my asking, what are your plans for the Jedi refugees that have since appeared? This isn't my time so I don't want to step on any toes, but I am curious.

Apr. 12th, 2016




[Filtered to Jedi/Resistance. Another filter looks like it was broken]

He killed her. He murdered Cassie.

Apr. 10th, 2016




It's strange to imagine densely populated worlds you've once visited, even lived on, reduced to toxic wastes or destroyed in later times. Learning of cities decimated within seconds from orbital bombardments and other cataclysms...

...While those worlds already neglected or abandoned by my time remain, ever the lonely monuments to their past. I can't imagine a planet besides Coruscant serving as the seat of government. So much has changed, but we must endure and adapt if we wish to survive.

[Filtered to Jedi], encrypted

Are they still using natural crystals for lightsabers in this era? I tried trading an imperfect Adegan at the market in Keren and got the strangest reaction. Is this normal?

I'd also like to know if the masters have decided on a plan of action against the First Order. Has Is there going to be a gathering? I don't intend to remain on Naboo for the rest of my days, as pleasant as it's been, so I would appreciate an estimate at the very least.

Apr. 4th, 2016




[Filtered to Jedi | Filtered Against Exar Kun]

The First Order has begun moving against Force-sensitive beings who come through the rift. Liriael D'lander was attacked by one of the Knights of Ren on Coruscant. He claimed to be seeking a healer who found herself to have some ability in the Force when she arrived in this universe. His methods were ... extreme.

We have left other Force-sensitive beings without defense for too long.

[ooc: Sorry, Exar! Qui-Gon's a little wary. x.x]

Mar. 18th, 2016



Filtered to Jedi only

The fine line between listening to the Force within, or the Force without... )

Mar. 14th, 2016



Filtered to Jedi only

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.. )

Mar. 4th, 2016




[Filtered to Jedi]

Apparently, I have this Force thing. So I guess I need someone to show me what to do with it before I break something. Or someone.




Of all the alarming facets to my sudden arrival on Naboo, temporal displacement not excluded, I believe the tricks the Force seems to be playing on me to be the worst of them. How is it I seem to sense the dead