
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'jacen+solo'

Mar. 15th, 2016



I have been thinking about war. It is hard not to when everyone around is also thinking about war, or planning for it one way or another.

I have only seen a small part of this galaxy, and only traveled a little. But I already know that the map is not the territory in some very important ways. Sometimes it takes a long time to get somewhere close, or a short time to get somewhere far away, because of the way the stars are arranged and the way that the routes must go.

And this, this unexpectedness between map and reality, it makes me wonder:

What is war like in this galaxy?

I have seen wars that were fought street to street, with guns or with missiles or with tanks. I have seen planes flying to battle, seen explosions far up in the sky. I have abandoned homes in ruins, and half starved when food was unable to arrive on roads that have been destroyed or that are guarded by enemies. I have run from snipers and taken long detours through basements and tunnels propped up with beams from the ruins above, where the bullets cannot penetrate. I have seen all this and more. I have fought

That is war, where I come from.

But I understand that the strategies change with the weapons that are used, offense and defense in a perpetual race. Or perhaps I should say offense and defense and the people just trying to avoid getting killed.

It is hard for me to imagine war in this galaxy.

Do battles take place in space, where there is room to maneuver? Perhaps the one who holds the space around planets holds everything? But space is a cold and dead place, so perhaps space doesn't matter so much as planetary support and control on the ground?

Is there such a thing as a front, in a galactic war? Do armies (navies? space navies?) advance across the galaxy like a wave, or do they more usually jump from place to place in more unexpected ways? Do you expect surprises, or slow grinding advances that cannot be stopped?

...I assume that destroying planets is not ordinary.

Is there anything else to look out for, in war as it is practiced here?

Mar. 14th, 2016




Rick Astley will loan you any of his Disney/Pixar movies, except for one. Only earth people will get this. And maybe not even all of them.

But isn't Rick a nice guy?

Mar. 13th, 2016



Filtered to Jedi & blocked from Exar Kun.

I am not the only one that recognizes the name Exar Kun, am I?

I have a bad feeling about this.

Mar. 7th, 2016



(003) Jacen Solo

Order and structure can sound appealing. Particularly if you've been living in a situation where there's not a lot of that. The dark side of order and structure of course, can be that it looks one way - only one way - and that if you don't look that way you're expendable, or worse still - unwanted.

Being newly arrived, I can only speak to the histories I've been able to make sense of thus far. But I'll say this - I'm not certain the galaxy wants the First Order's 'order' or 'structure'. I suspect it might lend itself to a galaxy as one-note as a legion of stormtroopers, where everyone is forced to cover up their individuality for the sake of order and I can't say that has as much appeal to me.

[Filter: Legends Solos/Skywalkers]
I've been doing some talking to people and I think we all need to do some chatting.

Mar. 4th, 2016




[Filtered to Jedi]

Apparently, I have this Force thing. So I guess I need someone to show me what to do with it before I break something. Or someone.

Mar. 1st, 2016



Filtered to the Solos and Padme

Luke's gone. I can't feel him anymore. I think he went home...I didn't feel anything else happen.

I'll manage...been making it on my own most of my life. Never been essentially a single mother, though. That will complicate things.

Padme: I still want to meet with you. I know you want to get to know Ben, and I can still tell you some good Luke stories.

Feb. 19th, 2016



Filtered to Leia, Jacen and Jaina

I just figured out the Falcon came through with me. Us? At least once the time we're stuck here is up, we can leave if we want to. Not that I have any idea where else we'd go at the moment.

I also want to talk about helping out the Rebellion on this end. We're stuck here anyway, and we might as well do what we can. Never woulda said that about 10 years back.

Feb. 12th, 2016




Can someone tell me what happened to the Jedi? I can't find any records for them. I'm looking for several Jedi particularly Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Master Yoda. The Holo's not showing me anything about them.

Feb. 9th, 2016




I know there are some Jedi around here. Could I ask you a few questions?

Feb. 8th, 2016



[Filtered to the Rift Population]

I hope you'll forgive my inquisitiveness, but are there any arrivals from around 3640 BBY or are familiar with The Galactic War or Cold War?

Even if there aren't, my name is Kestriel and while I have not been here as long as others, should you find yourself in need of assistance please feel free to ask me if you need anything.

Feb. 2nd, 2016




I suppose it would be too much to ask that an alternate universe be better put together than the one I came from.


I hear congratulations are in order. A son? Ben? That's wonderful news. I feel like I missed so much that I didn't ever get a chance to see happen.


Our kids are here. Our kids, Han.

Feb. 1st, 2016



(002) Jacen Solo

[Filter: Jaina]
Anakin's gone? Did something happen?

Jan. 24th, 2016




Well if I have to be stuck here, at least I'm not alone. I don't get much of this, though, this time and dimensions stuff. I just know I've got a bad feeling about it all.

And is there really another of me here somewhere? That's just creepy.




Is someone able to tell me who the queen is here on Naboo these days?

Jan. 22nd, 2016




Sometimes I look into the sky and all I want to do is fly again. I miss the endless space of it and being here is starting to feel a little trapping. My mentor says I can take some time to get this wanderlust out of my system.

[fliter to Finn]

Maybe we can meet up now and catch up? I miss you.

[fliter to Jacen]

I was hoping that maybe we could meet up finally and talk a bit in person?

Jan. 19th, 2016



Filtered to Jaina and Jacen and Anakin

I'm not able to be up around for now, but I know you're here, both from Luke and the Force. It'll be good to see you all when I'm up to it.

Jan. 8th, 2016




I talked to someone about getting prepared to leave Naboo. I've never piloted anything before in my life, but they said that's what the astromech droid is for. Whatever that is.

[Private to "The 100" characters]

So I know we talked earlier about staying together. What's the vote for staying or leaving? I go wherever Octavia goes. But a ship might give you something to work on, right Raven?

[Private to Clarke]

Are you staying with us here or heading out on your own?

Jan. 6th, 2016




So. Naboo. Not the Naboo I know but pretty similar. This is interesting. I'm Jaina Solo, you might have met my twin brother Jacen already. If not, then Jacen is my twin brother.

And is there anything around here I can fly?

Jan. 3rd, 2016



Hello. It has been a while since I've used this (I am Wanda, for all the new ones, or anyone I didn't run into in my brief stay on Naboo a year ago).

I just looked, and the last time I said anything was almost a year ago, saying goodbye forever before I shipped out, but... it seems I overestimated forever. Right now, I've got a ship and some cargo for trade, and I'm going to be on Naboo in a few days.

Anything interesting going on there?

(Anyone still around from when I arrived? I would like to get together and compare notes. I've mostly seen the new ones talking, but new ones are always loudest, are they not?)




Hello everyone. My name is Luke Skywalker, some of you may know me, many of you will not if I am understanding the situation at hand. It's taken me awhile to get briefed on the scenario, but I think I'm beginning to understand.

Regardless, I am familiar with this Galaxy, though vaguely only a little aware of this planet. I can help provide any information you require, to the best of my knowledge, as well as aide in anything else you might require.

I am already pleased to meet so many of you, I'm sure, and while we work on getting everyone back home I do look forward to getting to know you all.