
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'hermione+granger'

Feb. 26th, 2016




Ladies of Naboo, I applaud your fashion choices and the wide palette of looks to which you prescribe yourself. Do tell me, if you have the time however, where I might be able to find more lipstick and hairpins. I'm a needy girl, in that respect.

Otherwise, I do believe a big tromp is in order. I would like to see waterfalls. It has been so long since I found myself in such beautiful country.

I know you've been speaking to Steve about the Resistance and you've probably seen me hanging round the airfields like a gawking girl. I think it's obvious when I tell you I'm in.

Feb. 18th, 2016




I'd like to speak to someone who works with this refugee situation. I'm tired of sitting around and being useless, so I'd like to help. Is there anyone around who could point me in the right direction?

[Filtered to "Force Sensitive" people]

I've been reading a lot about the Jedi and the Force. There isn't a great deal of literature on, surprisingly, so I wanted to know if there's anyone here from the past or who's native to this time/space location who wouldn't mind answering questions for me. Is there anyone who would like to indulge a curious mind?

Feb. 6th, 2016




It sounds as though many of you come from very different worlds than what this galaxy has to offer. I'd love to hear more, but for the time being, I'm curious about what here is similar. What has helped you adjust to being here?

I'm also curious about people from alternate timelines or alternate realities from this one.

The Holonet is useful for reaching out to a large audience, but it's all a bit impersonal. I'd like to talk in person. If anyone would be willing to indulge a curious academic, I know a place in Naboo that serves excellent lunches and tea. My treat.

Feb. 1st, 2016




[He looks like a normal teenager, for the most part. Tousled red hair (maybe a little long), brown eyes, tall for his age. He's wearing black from head to toe: clothes in the native, elegant design of Naboo, but cut for ease of movement. The space behind him stretches out in wide, green pastures outside of town. From the angle of the sun, night is closing in. The shadows make it hard to see his expression, but there's a thoughtful tone conveyed by his voice and posture. Ichigo sits in the grass, knee drawn up close, one arm slung casually across it.]

Has anyone noticed anything ... weird? I mean, other than coming through a rift in time and space. I don't know how to describe it. It's like I'm not seeing things the same way anymore. I've always been crap with tracking spiritual energy, but now it's like it's everywhere. Like, if I could find the right way to tap into it, I could do anything.

[Ichigo has no idea that what he's feeling is the Force. Almost everything new that happens to him, to his knowledge, is because of the abilities he inherited from his father.]

Jan. 24th, 2016




To those of you native to this time and place, I thank you for your hospitality and your patience as I am sure the lot of us say the same thing and bobble about quite annoyingly until we get our legs under us. I know that my compass is spinning quite annoyingly but I promise I shall soon point true north once again.

But to see technology this advanced, to see these many outcomes and continuums gathering in one place is exciting for a woman such as myself. It makes my time, a time which I thought inherently complex, feel small and simple.

... ah, but before I jaw on, let me introduce myself.

Agent Peggy Carter, at your service.

Jan. 14th, 2016




I wonder...how is it that humans came to be here as well as where I come from? The humans I am familar with only travel the orbit of their own planet, and at one time, to their moon. It must be convergent evolution of some kind. Or perhaps something from the past that I am not aware of. I know that other species visited Earth in the past.

Jan. 8th, 2016




The people here are certainly friendly. Nicest locals I've met. One of them said I might be able to find "my people" using this thing... What people?




I can't be the only one excited for the information we'll be given in the Refugee Dispersion Program! I'm not certain I'll leave Naboo straight away, since this seems to be ground zero for whatever is happening between universes, but there's no way I'm passing up the information offered.

And about the droids... are they sentient? Do they have rights?

Jan. 3rd, 2016



Hello. It has been a while since I've used this (I am Wanda, for all the new ones, or anyone I didn't run into in my brief stay on Naboo a year ago).

I just looked, and the last time I said anything was almost a year ago, saying goodbye forever before I shipped out, but... it seems I overestimated forever. Right now, I've got a ship and some cargo for trade, and I'm going to be on Naboo in a few days.

Anything interesting going on there?

(Anyone still around from when I arrived? I would like to get together and compare notes. I've mostly seen the new ones talking, but new ones are always loudest, are they not?)

Dec. 30th, 2015




The library was more or less, precisely where I anticipated it would be, which certainly made tracking down some of the local history a bit easier. It did not answer as many questions as I had hoped, however.

I'm Jacen Solo. I'm familiar with a Naboo, but with the answers I've gathered thus far, I'm gathering it's not this Naboo.

Dec. 29th, 2015




[a blueish hologram of Hermione's torso appears, her bushy hair appearing almost larger than life. she's grinning and her crisp British accent is evident.]

Hello! I'm Hermione Granger. I'm so sorry if I wasn't very talkative on the transport down here - this is all quite a lot to take in, isn't it? Now that we're all here on Naboo - a completely new planet, can you imagine? - I would love to hear more about everyone's arrival and where they've come from. So... I'm Hermione, obviously. I'm from Earth. England - London, actually. It was...erm, 1998. I'm eighteen. So... hi!

[she waves a bit awkwardly and the hologram blinks out for text posts to follow]