
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'clarke+griffin'

Jun. 18th, 2016



Say it again and maybe you'll believe it

Not my circus, not my monkeys...

Not my dang monkeys...

Well, I was never someone to stay away from complicated, murky politics, and this galaxy seems to have that in spades. I'm liking the bigger scale, at least. It makes back home seem almost tame.

Jun. 5th, 2016




Did you go home?




[Filtered to any Force-Sensitives from the Rift (as well as the Jedi & those training with them)]

I am Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I'm not from this time, though I am from this galaxy. I'm a Jedi and I, along with several others like myself, would like to help those of you who may be Force-sensitive.

The Force is an energy field created by all living things, it binds the galaxy together. There are those of us who are sensitive to this energy field who can tap into its power and utilize it. I know there are some of you who have come through the Rift who possess this sensitivity. These powers can seem overwhelming but there are those of us here who would like to help you.

If any of you believe you may be Force sensitive, let us know. You may contact me or you may contact any other Jedi who has made their presence known to you. We're here to help.

May. 4th, 2016




He killed Cassie because she and Liri wouldn't tell him where he could find another force sensitive girl. I thought you should know.




I'm not quite sure if its comforting or disconcerting that the more things change... the more they inevitably seem to stay the same.

I did feel the loss of Padme. A familiar pain that only served to underscore my previous statement.

[Private to Liriael]

How are you faring?

[Private to Luke Skywalker]

Luke, if you don't mind my asking, what are your plans for the Jedi refugees that have since appeared? This isn't my time so I don't want to step on any toes, but I am curious.




Raven is gone. I hope she's okay. It's like I felt her leave this place.

Apr. 13th, 2016



[ OPEN ]

This isn't anything like my scrying stones, but here we go.

Anyone seen Dee? She also goes by Delilah, though not in the time I've known her. 'Bout my height, Jarani woman? Big hair, looks like she probably walked out of a jungle or a cult?

Apr. 12th, 2016




[Filtered to Jedi/Resistance. Another filter looks like it was broken]

He killed her. He murdered Cassie.

Mar. 25th, 2016




I need off this fucking planet now. Before I kill someone.

[ Private to Glasya ]

My sister is dead. I don't know how to live without what to do. I've tried to focus but what's the point I can't.

[ Private to Raven and Clarke ]

Octavia died.

Mar. 15th, 2016




Has anyone seen my sister, Octavia? I can't feel find her. I've tried every way I know to contact her. I slipped back through the Rift not too long ago and I thought she did too but when I reach out with the Fo she's not back.

Mar. 7th, 2016




[Filtered to Resistance Supporters]

The First Order wants Hevurion for itself and its taking it. The Republic isn't dead, not completely, but the First Order WANTS people to think it is. We can't just let them take what they want. They're not even supposed to be IN Republic territory.

We didn't kill anyone. We were trying to make sure Republic supplies stayed with the people who are fighting for good. That's the truth, no matter what the First Order wants you to think.

Mar. 4th, 2016




The learning curve on this holo is intuitive at least. My name is Natasha Romanoff, and I hear there might be people that I know here.

Feb. 21st, 2016




I'm universes away from home and it still keeps managing to screw with me.

Clarke, I think we should talk I need you to

[Filtered to Clarke, Raven, and Octavia]

I am and always have been determined to do what's best for us. And I'm telling you the people I know, the ones from this galaxy, say not to trust what the Resistance says.




I hope you're really proud of yourself, Bellamy.

[spoilers likely in comments]

Feb. 20th, 2016




[Bellamy, Octavia, & Raven]
We're joining the Resistance.




[Filtered to People from the Rift]

So the First Order is out there. And it's big and it's efficient and it's powerful. And it will find out that you're here and it will come for you. And I don't mean in a "come join us while we free the galaxy" kind of way, but in a "come join us or die" kind of way. Naboo is peaceful, always has been, but once the First Order has a plan, they will use that to their advantage and they will take this place over.

I know they have the holovids. They'll show you liberation of labor camps, they'll show you First Order ships bringing food and blankets to planets that the Republic screwed over. But it's a trick. They did those things for power, not for charity. They destroyed not just the Republic, but the entire system where its capitol was located.

The Resistance needs your help. Don't listen to the First Order. They have to be defeated and we're going to need your help to do it.

Feb. 16th, 2016




Where the hell is Bellamy Blake?

Feb. 12th, 2016




If there's a way to turn off going back, I'd like to know it.

Raven, are you still here?




I had heard about this phenomena of strangers arriving on Naboo through a portal, but I suppose I believed it was an explainable system. Something planetside that was a curiosity. But now I am seeing those who claim to be people long dead? Famous Jedi? Look, the Jedi no longer exist....trust me, those are those of us who would have known before now.

Feb. 6th, 2016




This place is the same and yet, it's different. It's not quite home.