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Posts Tagged: 'damien+thorn'

Jun. 23rd, 2016




You should all take deep breathes and focus on becoming more positive and centered with your inner eye and the beauty of the world around you.

We should have an orgy.

Jun. 19th, 2016




I have a cargo hold full of crap I don't want. Some weapons, armor, food, clothes, blah blah blah. With the exception of a few things, it's all for sale.
Some Earthling once told me it was a garage sale? Whatever it is you call it, I'm having it.
I take credits, but if you have other forms of payment or trade that interests me, we can talk.

Jun. 2nd, 2016




You're all so beautiful. Did you know that?

I' feel like I should offer hugs as a show of solidarity. Perhaps even friendship.




Banshee will be grounding on Naboo sometime Friday, Threed starport.
Saturday around noon we will drop the cargo ramp and roll out the barbecue to celebrate an excellent month. Steaks, beer, wine, and Wookie Brandy for those with the head for it. Non-meat grillables for those who find it necessary. Stop by if you are in the neighborhood and share our good fortune.              
{Private to Banshee Crew}
This celebration is a testimony to your abilities and  hard work this past month. We've been more than successful. I've checked the bank balance; the yard will start mounting the docking collar on Banshee's topside when we ground, and Peter can go shopping for a starfighter. Maybe not a latest generation X-wing, but next to latest, or the equivalent if something catches your fancy. River, help him find one with a good soul, and an astromech we can trust. If Peter will dub his tapes into the computer we can even expose the locals to some Earth music over the cargo bay speakers. 
Thank you,

May. 25th, 2016




Something has occurred to me, given that according to my records, June (Earth month) is coming soon. My birthday is on June 6th. Which means... party time. I also realize -- this will be my first birthday in this new galaxy.

May. 24th, 2016




The stars seem very different here. Perhaps I should rename them?

May. 22nd, 2016




I'm starting to think I'll never finish high school. First the ghosts, and now outer space. At this point, I won't be surprised if I end up living in a cartoon.

Apr. 21st, 2016




Missing home more than I thought I would. Funny how the things you miss aren't always what you'd expect.

I miss a few people, of course, but - I miss my books. And my horses. Where can I find something entertaining to read, other than this endless stream of ... whatever this is. Is anything just ... on paper?

Apr. 15th, 2016




Well, this is certainly something new and different.

Hi, everyone. I'm Barbara Gordon, and it looks like I'm going to be here a little while.

Apr. 8th, 2016





This world, this place, the people! Where do I even begin! Of course I blamed father at first, but I don't think this is his doing. I wouldn't put it past him to have some secret other worlds. Maybe even thought this was my punishment for leaving hell, but this place is too amazing to be punishment.

Anyways, I'm Lucifer Morningstar, and yes I am that Lucifer; the devil, prince of darkness, ruler of hell, whatever you might call me in whatever world you're from. But, it doesn't seem like this universe has a devil or angels and demons. Bit strange, but who am I to complain. Maybe now I can live my life how I want to live it. I do see that there are Jedis and Sith that have some power and what's this thing about the force?

I say we all celebrate this new found world and say goodbye to our old lives! Besides, who could resist a good party.

Mar. 24th, 2016




I have to admit, I like this better than my own world. No sign of churches or any Christian symbolism, that alone is a good bonus in my case See, where I'm from.. Earth is all the life their is, and no where else as far as our scientists know. But here, so many new worlds and cultures to take in and learn from.

But one thing I do miss, though? Rock concerts. A pity I didn't bring my CDs or ipod device with me when I arrived. But maybe the next best thing, when there is time... perhaps a party. Now that would be fun.

Mar. 16th, 2016




So... no chance of being taken back home by next week? See, it's Spring Break and I'm supposed to have classes at Yale after the 21st. Also have other important plans. I believe them about this being accidental, since no sane person would even think of summoning the Antichrist against his will Might as well summon a hurricane, it's actually not much difference honestly

Greetings all, I'm Damien Thorn. Yale student. And also soon to be CEO and President of Thorn Industries. Of course, being a president of the U.S. might be a nice goal to have too. Not that I'd stop at one country, I would in fact prefer to have the entire planet Earth under my power