
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'ahsoka+tano'

May. 12th, 2016




I suppose nothing should surprise me by this point, but does anyone know how to get back to where (or in my case, when) I'm from? I need to get back to my ship and my crew and Kanan...

Apr. 25th, 2016




When traveling off world, what are your go to items you have to take with you?

And how long does it take to actually get the hang of understanding an astromech droid? Because mine is adorable and I hate having things lost in translation when he's beeping like crazy.

Apr. 18th, 2016




[Private to Ahsoka Tano]

May we talk? I know there is a history to consider, but I would like to speak to you about my father...and about the Jedi here.



Encrypted and Filtered Communication to Known Resistance Members

A message from the General, y'all! )

Apr. 13th, 2016



Filtered away from First Order, Their Sympathizers, & Their Friends.

So. Jedi. If I wanted to talk to any of them, who would be the one I should talk to? Like the one that knows their stuff, has good references, and can be trusted?




In about a week, I'll have been here for three months. It feels like it's gone by in the blink of an eye. I used to imagine other worlds, even used to imagine what it'd be like to visit another realm, maybe Asgard. I never really thought I'd end up somewhere like this.

At some point, I should probably find myself a paying job instead of just spending my time wandering around. I haven't had one of those since I joined the Army. I wonder if I could sell a painting or two around here.

We should talk about how long we want to stay on Naboo, or if any of us want to try our hands at space travel. I feel restless here, personally, knowing how much good we could be doing for the galaxy at large.
Would you mind if I asked you about the Force?

[ooc: lol oops wrong community]

Mar. 12th, 2016




Tell me about your planet.
You said that Princ General Leia leads the Resistance? Do you suppose she would meet with me?

Mar. 4th, 2016




[Filtered to Resistance Supporters]

It doesn't matter what they say. There's NO WAY in the galaxy our people killed ANYONE.




Of all the alarming facets to my sudden arrival on Naboo, temporal displacement not excluded, I believe the tricks the Force seems to be playing on me to be the worst of them. How is it I seem to sense the dead

Mar. 1st, 2016




I was sixteen when I got here, and now I'm in my thirties. This place hurts even my head.

Resistance. You were talking to me about it. How do I get started?

Feb. 20th, 2016




[Filtered to People from the Rift]

So the First Order is out there. And it's big and it's efficient and it's powerful. And it will find out that you're here and it will come for you. And I don't mean in a "come join us while we free the galaxy" kind of way, but in a "come join us or die" kind of way. Naboo is peaceful, always has been, but once the First Order has a plan, they will use that to their advantage and they will take this place over.

I know they have the holovids. They'll show you liberation of labor camps, they'll show you First Order ships bringing food and blankets to planets that the Republic screwed over. But it's a trick. They did those things for power, not for charity. They destroyed not just the Republic, but the entire system where its capitol was located.

The Resistance needs your help. Don't listen to the First Order. They have to be defeated and we're going to need your help to do it.

Feb. 13th, 2016




OMG this thing is totally amazing! Is it on? Have I got it working properly? I hope so. This is all like so amazingly unreal I can barely get my head around it. Deep breaths Cat deep breaths! So um like yeah I'm Cat Petersen I've just arrived here and I'm still getting used to things and meeting frigging ALIENS!!!...Isn't this place just awesome? Gosh I'm sorry I'm still kinda all over the place from landing, did I press the right button? Hellooooo?

Feb. 12th, 2016




What kind of work is out there for someone with military training? Pay's not important. I have other concerns. If you plan to sign a contract with me, there are going to be questions, and it's in your best interest to answer them honestly.




Can someone tell me what happened to the Jedi? I can't find any records for them. I'm looking for several Jedi particularly Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Master Yoda. The Holo's not showing me anything about them.