
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'lois+lane+%28smallville%29'

Mar. 7th, 2016




[Filtered to Resistance Supporters]

The First Order wants Hevurion for itself and its taking it. The Republic isn't dead, not completely, but the First Order WANTS people to think it is. We can't just let them take what they want. They're not even supposed to be IN Republic territory.

We didn't kill anyone. We were trying to make sure Republic supplies stayed with the people who are fighting for good. That's the truth, no matter what the First Order wants you to think.

Feb. 23rd, 2016



Filtered from the damn Order

Okay, meng, okay. I get it now. This is all real. I was thinking I was on some acid trip or something, account of having my face in some yeyo before I came here. Now I'm in some other fucking universe, away from my mansion. Fuck! Sosa, you come here with me?? Come on, I'll show you who wins, then I blow you and all those fucking Colombians back to Bolivia.

I heard there been wars here. One thing I say about that - don't fuck with me. Last guy who did, he didn't do so well. I'm Tony Montana, a political prisoner / refugee from Cuba. These Order cockaroaches, hope they not like the Communists. Now, they got any yeyo here or booze, some place to dance? I need to relax a bit before I get down to business.

Feb. 22nd, 2016




[Filtered to Rifters Interested in the Resistance]
[The holo that appears is a faded grey-blue and filled with interference. The Bothan on the screen has a stern look about him and his shaggy head fills most of the viewing area.]

"So, word has reached us that there are many of you who are interested in joining our fight. I commend you for your bravery. If you've come here recently, you're coming in at the brink of war. We're going to need all the help we can get.

I'm not going to sit here and run down the crimes of the First Order, but they are many. If you're signing up, you must already know that. What I need from you now is information. If you're joining up, we need to know where to put you. We need help in all forms - communications, pilots, fighters, medics, you name it.

You've heard about us, now let's learn about you. We've established this secure link so that you can send me your name, age, location, and what skills you're bringing to the table. Once we've compiled our list, we'll be in touch.

May the Force be with you."

Feb. 21st, 2016




[Filtered to people from the rift]

[There's one concerned looking kid looking at all of you through the Holonet]

Why do so many people want to join the Resistance? The First Order said that the Resistance is bad, and the Resistance is saying the First Order is bad. But that's what happens in war all the time.

I should know. I've got death magic. I can talk to ghosts. Any ghost I've ever talked to who died in a war believed that their side was right and the other side was wrong.

Until one side comes up with real proof, I think we should all be thinking of how to get home instead.

Feb. 20th, 2016




[Filtered to People from the Rift]

So the First Order is out there. And it's big and it's efficient and it's powerful. And it will find out that you're here and it will come for you. And I don't mean in a "come join us while we free the galaxy" kind of way, but in a "come join us or die" kind of way. Naboo is peaceful, always has been, but once the First Order has a plan, they will use that to their advantage and they will take this place over.

I know they have the holovids. They'll show you liberation of labor camps, they'll show you First Order ships bringing food and blankets to planets that the Republic screwed over. But it's a trick. They did those things for power, not for charity. They destroyed not just the Republic, but the entire system where its capitol was located.

The Resistance needs your help. Don't listen to the First Order. They have to be defeated and we're going to need your help to do it.

Feb. 14th, 2016




What are some good forms of entertainment to have when traveling around here? Any good movies, games, or anything similar that I should get a hold of?

Feb. 11th, 2016



(003) Poe Dameron

I've got to figure out a way to explain to my droid that current schedule doesn't need me to wake up at 0400 and in fact, as it turns out, it'd be nice to sleep a few hours later.

[Filter: Steve Rogers, Cloud Strife, Jaina Solo]
If you're still interested in what we talked about I can give you some additional information at this time

Feb. 8th, 2016




If I'm to be stuck here, I suppose it's about time to establish some sort of homestead. The question is, with an entire galaxy at my fingertips, where to go?

Feb. 1st, 2016





Do you have some time before you set off on whatever adventure you're going on to talk?

[Clark Kent, the other]

Do you have a Lois Lane where you're from?

Jan. 24th, 2016




I've had a lot of things go on in my life, and I've found myself a lot of unexpected places. It's still unsettling every time, especially when it's inexplicable.

Well, I guess I'll introduce myself. I'm Clark Kent. I was formerly a reporter for the Daily Planet, in Metropolis, USA, on earth. Anyone know if there's any need for reporters around here?

Jan. 18th, 2016




Question for anyone willing to answer, but what are your thoughts about the First Order?

Jan. 9th, 2016




Hello, my name is Clark Kent. From.. Earth. I was a reporter. Never thought I'd be seeing other planets myself.. this is amazing. I am not sure what to even do for work. Is there a media system here? Like newspapers or a holonet news source to report on stories and such. Now that would be a nifty gig! Traveling the galaxy and reporting on noteworthy events.

On the other hand, I'm also good at farming crops. Which I also realize.. limited to Earth. I probably wouldn't even recognize some of the plants or food in these worlds. But I can learn fast, and maybe try my hand at it. I also heard there are dangers around in some spots too - I have a friend who can help with those, so if you need to find him, just tell me and I'll pass it on to him asap. Can't really miss him, wears a lot of blue tights and a red cape. And flies also.

Jan. 8th, 2016




I can't be the only one excited for the information we'll be given in the Refugee Dispersion Program! I'm not certain I'll leave Naboo straight away, since this seems to be ground zero for whatever is happening between universes, but there's no way I'm passing up the information offered.

And about the droids... are they sentient? Do they have rights?

Jan. 1st, 2016



(001) Poe Dameron

I've got a few moments, so I just want to say Hi. Seems like there are quite a few of you here that are having to get used to adjusting, and if I can help with that in any way I'm glad to do so. I probably don't have answers to the main question - the, how did we get here one, that one I can't answer, but if you want to know how to pay for things, or how to book fare on a passenger ship, or pretty much anything to do with most ships to be honest, I might be your man.

I'm Poe Dameron by the way, and if I can help just let me know. And I hope you've a good stay in this galaxy.

Dec. 30th, 2015




OK, I swear it wasn't me. I know he said my existence could break time, but this is a little extreme.

So, can someone point me to another who can maybe sorta direct me to where I'm supposed to get my TARDIS? They took it from me upon arrival, and I kind of want it back. Big, diner-looking, thing. Seems like it should be stuck in the 1950s (even though it was built for the '60s), but really is bigger on the inside? Maybe?




So...I know this one. Space...the final frontier. Or something.




I'm still not used to people calling coffee "caf". It's just.. strange. At least it tastes close enough to coffee that I won't be suffering caffeine withdrawals.
And if anyone can find me some proper maple donuts you'll have a friend for life.