
the holonet

Posts Tagged: 'liriael+d%27lander'

Mar. 24th, 2016



Filter to Liri

Hey. I heard what happened and I hope you're doing better. I think we might have spoken a few times on here but in case you don't remember me, I'm Jaina Solo. If you're up to it, I'd like to stop by and see you later today.

Mar. 15th, 2016




The message has a jumble of letters between each of the words


Mar. 14th, 2016



Filtered to Jedi only

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.. )



[ OPEN ]

I see the rift's been busy. Unless I'm mistaken, it doesn't look like any denizens of the Barrel have crawled through; or if you have, it's time to speak up. You lot have never been shy before.

Otherwise, if anyone is looking for work, I might be able to lend a hand. Figuratively, anyway.



Filtered away from Exar Kun

I suggest everyone be cautious of Exar Kun. He is dangerous. I cannot tell if he has fully embraced the Dark Side before coming here, but when he did, he tried to turn my husband's apprentices against him. Luke nearly died from the injuries Exar or rather Kyp Durron, with Exar driving him to the Dark Side,inflicted before he was finally banished.

Mar. 13th, 2016




I am Exar Kun, Jedi Knight and archaeologist.

While I am a new arrival, some of this galaxy is familiar to me, primarily the star systems and worlds. There must be a mistake in the maps. Naboo I've learned was discovered after my era, but where's Korriban? None of the integration personnel here can point me in its direction.

Is anyone capable of repairing and retrofitting a personal starship? I fear mine is literally ancient now, probably a relic by the present standards.

Mar. 8th, 2016




[Phibrizzo looks very determined. He also neglected to filter this message privately, so anyone can see it. Oops?]

Xellos, we should go to Hevurion. I want to talk to the spirits of the people who were killed to find out the whole story.

Mar. 7th, 2016




[Blocked from any First Order and sympathizers]

Four people....after all the millions who died in the Hosnian system, it shouldn't hit so hard. But somehow, it just felt like the first real battle has started.




[Filtered to Resistance Supporters]

The First Order wants Hevurion for itself and its taking it. The Republic isn't dead, not completely, but the First Order WANTS people to think it is. We can't just let them take what they want. They're not even supposed to be IN Republic territory.

We didn't kill anyone. We were trying to make sure Republic supplies stayed with the people who are fighting for good. That's the truth, no matter what the First Order wants you to think.

Mar. 4th, 2016




[Filtered to Resistance Supporters]

It doesn't matter what they say. There's NO WAY in the galaxy our people killed ANYONE.




Of all the alarming facets to my sudden arrival on Naboo, temporal displacement not excluded, I believe the tricks the Force seems to be playing on me to be the worst of them. How is it I seem to sense the dead

Mar. 1st, 2016




I was sixteen when I got here, and now I'm in my thirties. This place hurts even my head.

Resistance. You were talking to me about it. How do I get started?

Feb. 26th, 2016




Ladies of Naboo, I applaud your fashion choices and the wide palette of looks to which you prescribe yourself. Do tell me, if you have the time however, where I might be able to find more lipstick and hairpins. I'm a needy girl, in that respect.

Otherwise, I do believe a big tromp is in order. I would like to see waterfalls. It has been so long since I found myself in such beautiful country.

I know you've been speaking to Steve about the Resistance and you've probably seen me hanging round the airfields like a gawking girl. I think it's obvious when I tell you I'm in.

Feb. 18th, 2016




I'm thinking I might need to take my skill sets on the road. So-to-speak. I like this whole planet-hopping thing and if I'm going to be stuck here, I might as well start making a name for myself.

SO, anyone need anyone to help them get items from point A to point B? Or to protect item A from item B? Items can be people or stuff. And payment can be credit or stuff. I'm a flexible kind of guy.




I'd like to speak to someone who works with this refugee situation. I'm tired of sitting around and being useless, so I'd like to help. Is there anyone around who could point me in the right direction?

[Filtered to "Force Sensitive" people]

I've been reading a lot about the Jedi and the Force. There isn't a great deal of literature on, surprisingly, so I wanted to know if there's anyone here from the past or who's native to this time/space location who wouldn't mind answering questions for me. Is there anyone who would like to indulge a curious mind?

Feb. 14th, 2016



002/Liriael D'lander

My long-term plans have changed, and now I will be working out of Naboo for the foreseeable future, using it as a base of operations. I'm looking for some crew, and could use both a mechanic and a co-pilot. You must be able to work independently and defend yourself; multilingual is a bonus. There is some transport work lined up right now. Let me know if you have any interest.

[Cassie Hack]

Cassie, are you still planetside? It's only fair to offer to you first, as you gave me the lead.

Feb. 12th, 2016




I had heard about this phenomena of strangers arriving on Naboo through a portal, but I suppose I believed it was an explainable system. Something planetside that was a curiosity. But now I am seeing those who claim to be people long dead? Famous Jedi? Look, the Jedi no longer exist....trust me, those are those of us who would have known before now.




Can someone tell me what happened to the Jedi? I can't find any records for them. I'm looking for several Jedi particularly Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Master Yoda. The Holo's not showing me anything about them.