June 2014



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2nd Jun, 2014


Is it just me or are things extra quiet around here lately?

To get out of this weird feelin' we seem to be in, I'm throwin' a party. Why? Because my room was re-done. OK, so the party itself won't be in my room. But hey, it's as good of a reason as any to throw a party, yeah?

I'm proposin' we throw it in the observatory. Mainly 'cause that's just my favorite place on this hunk of metal. I'll bring booze and cigs. Either you show and drink and have fun with me, or I end up drinkin' it all by myself and wind up drunk-network textin' you bitches late into the night until you turn off your devices.

You're choice.

18th May, 2014


Onwards and forwards, isn't it? Fascinating space station just brimming with life! I love it! Can't wait to see the next place on the agenda. Well, I can, but I don't want to. Suppose the downtime gives me more of a chance to focus on repairing the bigger picture here. All those little backwards breadcrumbs that need retracing! Big project with a capital 'B' as it starts off the sentence and affords it more emphasis. Very important textually speaking!

Anyway, how are you enjoying the repaired Surprise? Looks brilliant! Loads of things to be discovered! Suppose I can't say the vessel wasn't aptly named in the end.

Never did ask. How is old Knox recovering? Should I come in to see him, or have you and the doctors let him be released?

I had a chat with a friend not long ago. She mentioned you, said you'd encountered reapers. Given that we're from different universes, I must confess I am quite curious as to what they were like. Would you mind enlightening me a bit?

4th May, 2014


This is some place. Can't believe I'm actually in a space station! Just being on such a big ship was sobering enough...

How are things looking? No one's having too much trouble here, right?

26th Apr, 2014


Brand new space station teeming with extra-terrestrial lifeforms... it's positively brilliant! Whole sets of languages and their respective dialects to be learned, new foods--well, wouldn't advise trying what they've pawned off as 'mutton'--and mysteries! Love a good mystery, though not as much as I do solving them.

I am curious as to the rooming arrangements though. Are they short on available space, I wonder? No matter.

Anyway! Do take care. If any of you find trouble, make sure I'm not far away, hm? Odds are I won't be, hah!

17th Apr, 2014


Can't say tech is my forte, but I don't feel right just helping clear out debris. Is there anyone that needs a hand? I'm a fast learner. Was pretty good at blowing things up once upon a time, so I'm not out of my depth when it comes to some of this stuff. I hope.

How is the ship looking now anyway?

11th Apr, 2014


FILTER: Bowtie
This ship needs our help, I'm sure you understand. Might I suggest we split the tasks accordingly? Well, going to anyway, but I would appreciate the assist, Doctor.

FILTER: Companions (his+Eleven's!), Zev, and Castiel (celestialintent)
Do let me know you're all in one piece as soon as you can.

Hello, Surprise! As you know, we appear to have been egregiously injured and in urgent need of aiding Suri in massive repairs. A ship this size isn't ideal for collisions, but she's got something going for her: there's me! And the new-new me. Better yet, there's all of you. Time is of the essence, you can imagine. If you don't mind, I'd like to organise the lot of you for the places that would need you the most.

Whatever skills you've got, technological or otherwise, tell me now. No matter how useless you think it may be, I need to know. Every single one of you is important. You're all briliant, clever sorts capable of more than I imagine even you realise. Your assistance is invaluable to me and this ship that's salvaged us from certain nonexistence.

Doctors, I don't expect I have to ask you to stay with Suri, but do let me know if there's any curious or sudden changes in her condition.

6th Apr, 2014


All right, not knowing where I am in space or time, that I can handle, but collapse of the multiverse sounds a tad problematic. I don't suppose I'm going to be lucky enough that someone will tell me the introductory message is simply overdramatic.

Really, someone please tell me that. I might have lived through a year that didn't actually happen, but at least everyone was mostly fine once we fixed things.

I'm Martha Jones, by the way. I don't suppose there's any chance my family's here, too?

30th Mar, 2014


The collapse of the multiverses and a futuristic Noah's ark to offer salvation. I don't think I need to explain how unbelievable this sounds.

23rd Mar, 2014


Good planet! Loads of fun. Never met this species before, but I quite like them. Not too fond of the fighting bits, of course, but it appears some of us have liberated several from such a fate! I've got one, bright yellow Pikachu to call my own now. Sits on my shoulder, think I ought to have a pirate ship now! Or is there one on the TARDIS? Got to check that. Never know, might be right alongside the gymnasium or the bouncy castle. Every vessel needs a bouncy castle.

( Amelia Pond )

Would you like me to tell them now, about Suri?


All right. Time to let all of you know something tremendously important about this ship. Specifically the AI, Suri. Not everything is as it seems, I'm afraid. There is a young girl on this ship in a very deep coma. To draw her from stasis could lead to her death, which is a risk I will not take unless she asks it of me. That very girl has become attached to this ship's entire mainframe and manifested herself as a hologram. It is the only reason she's able to continue living apart from her medical chamber. Suri is a young girl, too young, and quite sick. As long as I am here, I will be responsible for her. The ship's good doctors have been taking care of her as well, and thank you for that. There, now.. If you've got questions, I suppose I can attempt to answer them.

20th Mar, 2014


Some kid just came up to me and Emma (it's what I named the fox) and asked me what my "Vulpix's stats are". I nearly slapped him. I thought he was getting cheeky.

Apparently, Emma is a Vulpix. So, these things apparently have different classes or what-have-you. The kid drug out some little handheld thing and it started rattling off a bunch of information about the Vulpix to me. That was surreal.

17th Mar, 2014


So...has anyone noticed anything strange about the gyms here?

I went into one and there were people putting the creatures against one another. To fight. I won't interfere...but I can't be the only one who doesn't think that's good for the animals.

8th Mar, 2014


I don't know what this is, but I gave her a vanilla biscuit and now she's following me around.

Um. . .apparently she breathes fire.

6th Mar, 2014


So...if we seriously have 12 cargo bays, one that clearly has some kind of animal or monster living in it...how long until we go through all the others and see if there isn't stuff we really need?

I mean, if they didn't want us going in there, they wouldn't even give us clearance. So maybe there's things we can use in there. We need to explore the ship more as it is. I didn't know we had a cryochamber until yesterday. If someone here dies or gets sick, we could freeze them.

19th Feb, 2014


I always lose them, I suppose. Even the ones that never got to come along.

Ah, well.

I do hope you're all enjoying this version of Earth. Think I'm keen on a jaunt through Ancient Greece in the spirit of things.

[ Clara & Amy ]
I'm sorry you lost him, Bowtie. I'm not your Doctor, so to speak, but you're both welcome on my TARDIS. Perhaps he'll return, he could be on to something.


For anyone who knew him, The Doctor -- mine and Clara's version -- is gone. I'm not sure when he left, but the TARDIS is gone and he's not answering my calls, so. . .there's that.

Also, I'd avoid Central Park, if I was you lot. Pretty sure I saw one of these things last night.

[Filtered to The Doctor (10)]

When you have a moment, I need to talk to you. Something's happened and it's going to need a Doctor.

[Filtered to Dr. Grey]

How is Suri? I mean, I can see the AI is answering on the network, but physically. How is she?

10th Feb, 2014


All of the ship's computers keep talking about Valentine's Day and how it's a significant human holiday. I don't understand, is it like a form of harvest? All the hearts are misleading.

8th Feb, 2014


Well! All's well that ends well, I suppose! Good saying, think I'll use it more often.

Speaking of wellness, she's well again. My TARDIS. Have I made any indication that I'd some good news to share? Might've been it. Slight possibility.

Fancy a trip?

29th Jan, 2014


So. . .yeah, there are ghosts and that's horrible, but. . .when do we start to worry about the basic radio silence from the crew?

I mean, should we maybe start looking for them?

28th Jan, 2014


Oh man. This isn't cool.

I'm Korean. We don't even make it through our own horror movies.

Why does space even have ghosts? (They are ghosts, right?)

27th Jan, 2014


Well. Being told we're all going to die is a bit of a damper on my good news, isn't it? Relay that later for when I've sorted this situation out! I'd say we're in for a haunting, but that goes against a considerable amount of my rules. Everyone all right? Aside from the spectacular attempts to unnerve the lot of us, that is?

Rose, Donna: The TARDIS is being stubborn and not letting me in. I suspect it doesn't want to give whatever is affecting the ship a chance to take a stab at her. Not on board her, are you? Oh, foolish question. Really should have just checked the little shops first.

Would have--oh, now that is rubbish. Gone and written nonsense on my ship! Got to fix that, then sort my priorities.

Bit tingly though! Got to solve the mystery of the unhaunting!

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