June 2014



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26th Jun, 2014


So, um. . .if the date Suri puts on our communication thingy is accurate, today would technically have been my wedding anniversary.

Not that it matters, I suppose, since there's not technically a universe left where it happened, so. . .

Is the bar still standing? Or was that one of the things that got damaged when we got hit with the space junk?

18th Jun, 2014


So. . .um. Out of curiosity, how exactly do you all deal with it when it sort of hits you that everything you knew has just. . .puffed out of existence.

Cause I think I'm having a moment here. Is there like a counseling service or just. . drinking?

30th May, 2014


So fun fact - we actually have fewer rooms and decks than we did when we started out.

I'm not sure what that means, but speculation is the spice of life.

24th May, 2014


Here's to hoping the next planet we land on's light on the me wanting to punch things. So not a space station fan.

I mean, I didn't even get a new pair of shoes, how is that fair?

21st May, 2014


I'm limiting myself to getting one of those cinnamon pecan rolls once a week. If I don't, I'll eat them every day and never work it all off. I've also fallen off my exercise routine here. There's got to be a gym on board the ship, hasn't there? I suppose I could always run through the halls, too. After I get a music player of some sort.

What does everyone around here do for fun?

15th May, 2014


...So I looked through one of the cat flaps Suri apparently installed. I wouldn't recommend it.

And we apparently have an atrium now. At least I think that's the word.

There's a lot of apparently's. But we have a place to grow fresh vegetables. Maybe.

13th May, 2014


[Filtered to Anna]

Just as a heads-up. At least one of the Winchesters is here. Watch yourself.

25th Apr, 2014


Bad news kids, they apparently don't have Netflix in space, so I was forced to actually mingle with the space station sorts.

Not that that's a bad thing, I don't think, but I don't really know what any of them are saying to me half the time. Even when I do understand what they're saying. I spoke to a furry guy with an eyeball on its tail, and I have no idea where the hell the voice was coming from but I'm pretty sure it was Morgan Freeman in furry guy form.

24th Apr, 2014


The conservatory here is amazing. I don't really recognize half the plants, but there's a lot here that's edible. And there's people willing to help outfit Suri with one so we can grow food as well as use whatever we gather in storage. Someone scientific should probably be here before I agree to anything in case I'm doing something misinformed.

Just uh...don't get too close to the purple pitcher plant. It's three kinds of Little Shop.

[Private to Cas]
You'd probably like it here. Some of these trees have pink leaves. They aren't even cherry blossoms.

Although there's a couple places here we should try.

19th Apr, 2014


Good news! Or more of it, following my predecessor's announcement, but oxygen levels are stable, and life support is working on independent intervals throughout the different sectors. Not nearly as efficient, but until we can get Sector 3 completely fixed up and get that circuit back up it's the best we can do. This means power to put towards the engines will be cut, same with power to other non-essentials, good news is that we're going to be tug-boating this ship to the nearest spaceport, which means we don't NEED any of those non-essentials and instead we can breathe happily.

Thanks in absolutely NO small part to Amelia Pond, Clara Oswald for the help on the life support; quite literally could not have gotten it done without the relay system. And thanks to the lovely Meg and Anna--whose names I don't actually know beyond that--sector 3's holes should be sealed and the hull capable of sustaining intergalactic travel without ripping apart of causing us to lean too much. While also removing strain from the relay system trying to provide support to sector 3.

17th Apr, 2014


What's everyone's status? The ship seems to be holding together, but you guys would know better than I would.

14th Apr, 2014


[Private to Meg]
I just suggested it to the Doctor, but uh...have you tried going outside the ship? And leaving your vessel here?

13th Apr, 2014


I've almost finished clearing out most of the debris in Sector 18. Most of it's just broken lights or metal siding of some kind - I figure someone more experienced can tell me how to fix it. Seems like a good time for a miracle. And if anyone in Sector 7 or 36 needs help, let me know.

[Private to Castiel (_castiel_)]
At the risk of sounding like the clingy girlfriend...I'm gonna ask for an update. Let's just say the sound of your voice would be nice about now. I know it's just texting, but it's the sentiment that counts. It's my first birthday since my parents were killed...bear with me.


I'm heading to the life support systems to see if we can't manage to get oxygen levels stabilized, I may need some assistance as the life support system is going to be based on a relay system in order to keep itself from failing in the chances of, well, this event. The problem with that, is that it prioritizes certain areas over others, which would make sense if not for the fact that a lack of stability can damage the ship--including our holographic, pony-loving pilot.

I also need a team of brave souls who might be willing to throw on a space suit and fill some holes. While we continue to leak, we threaten to put the ship off balance, and when they get the engines back online the ship will be difficult to maneuver. I know what you're saying 'it's space, there's no gravity to pull us anywhere', wrong. There's gravity all around us, the gravitational pull of suns and planets extend very, very far--getting weaker as they go, but they're still there. That's not the point though, the point is that if we must make any sort of landing--having the holes filled in will help considerably. Because when we enter atmosphere without -- know what? Not important, what's important is we need to fix as much damage as we can.

In my TARDIS I have a space suit and a canister of sticky foam that can seal up holes temporarily. I'd do this myself, but I must get the life support systems stabilized and that'll take some clever thinking. So if anyone's up for it, let me know.

11th Apr, 2014


[Filtered to Anna and Norman]

You two aren't dead, right?

[Filtered to Faith]

Are you alright? If you're stuck somewhere or hurt, let me know and I can come get you.

If you can't answer, I'll. . .track you down another way.

8th Mar, 2014


So I've been all over the planet - it's nice. It's different, but...it's no worse than Earth. I'd look out for the yellow and purple things to the east of the Surprise, though. They can hear our thoughts. Or dreams. Wide circles.

Also...some of these things can produce electricity or fire with their bodies. I'd be careful of that too. They're not all chihuahua-sized.

I found an island with a beach. If you're interested in a swim.

1st Mar, 2014


It just seems... quieter around here lately, huh.

Not really sure how to bring up about people leaving and all...

24th Feb, 2014


I wish to name the kitten Atticus.
From the book I just finished reading.

23rd Feb, 2014


Happy Valentine's Day, Buffy, have a weirdo goat guy follow you around. Why, that sounds awesome alternate planet Earth! I'll take five!

Except not. They were so lucky I got to whack a minotaur or else I'd be way more crankier than I already am. I mean, did it have to be a tiny half.. billy goat thing with a pan flute? Couldn't it have been one of the hot gods or something? I want my money back. Also, since when is Pluto not a planet? What is that even about? Make up your mind, Bill Nye. He's still the science guy then, right? And in charge 'n stuff? Whatever...

Oh! Ohh! And does anyone else get the feeling that New York's skyline was missing something? Weird. I should've asked.

'Kay, done complaining!

21st Feb, 2014


What kind of person makes a building out of metal? And exactly what kind of person kidnaps the powerful, the beautiful, the magical genius Lina Inverse? Do you have any idea who you're dealing with? Because you really should.

Also, I'm only using this device because no one answered to my call. Might want to fix that before I find a way to melt this place and get back.

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