June 2014



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14th May, 2014


I TOLD Rhiannon those brownies tasted funny. Damn. So, is this like. . .an elaborate joke or a hallucination. I've got some stuff to do, so if someone could just tell me where I can get off of this. . .ship or how I can stop tripping balls, that'd be great. Yeah. . .

4th May, 2014


This is some place. Can't believe I'm actually in a space station! Just being on such a big ship was sobering enough...

How are things looking? No one's having too much trouble here, right?

2nd May, 2014


I need to find a bar and do my best to drink it dry so can someone point me in the right direction for somewhere decent?

This place has tequila, right?

17th Apr, 2014


What's everyone's status? The ship seems to be holding together, but you guys would know better than I would.


Can't say tech is my forte, but I don't feel right just helping clear out debris. Is there anyone that needs a hand? I'm a fast learner. Was pretty good at blowing things up once upon a time, so I'm not out of my depth when it comes to some of this stuff. I hope.

How is the ship looking now anyway?

10th Apr, 2014


Hey, everyone! Tifa here. Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up! If I don't stay busy, I go stir crazy. Thankfully, you've all got an untended bar and that happens to be one of my specialties. So, I've taken it over (unless someone has an objection). Hope I get to meet more of you this way. You definitely don't have to order liquor just to hang out there, so please swing by!

5th Apr, 2014


So there's a lot of new people here - that's good. Well, it's not actually good when you take into consideration why this has happened and why we're suddenly hurling through space, but let's keep one thing in mind - you all lived.

It's not much, but it's something.

Now that that's out of the way, hi. I'm Dr. Meredith Grey. I figure if anyone still really lost or looking for answers, it's a good idea to post here and offer them up, because yes, Dr. Stevens and I are overseeing the girl who is Suri and incorporated into this ship. Yes, she is very sick and likely more hologram than girl right now, but the fact of the matter is, she'll answer your questions. She also might try to kill you if she doesn't like you, we're working on that, but...the point is, you can ask here too.

We're learning more and more about her condition every day. And she can read everything we put out, so...she might jump in.

30th Mar, 2014



Why am I in space? Hello? Cloud? Barrett? It's Tifa! What's going on?