June 2014



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28th Jan, 2014


Oh man. This isn't cool.

I'm Korean. We don't even make it through our own horror movies.

Why does space even have ghosts? (They are ghosts, right?)

6th Jan, 2014


So, I'm not dreaming, which is cool. Legitimately on a bigass spaceship in space. And a planet based on Christmas and other PC holidays exists. This would be more awesome if I didn't have to believe everyone I knew's been blinked out of reality except me.

Yeah, that part blows. A lot.

How do we fix the universes so I can go back to my people?

2nd Jan, 2014


So, for anyone who decided to celebrate New Year's a little too much -- like me -- I'm officially setting up a hangover station in the infirmary. I can set anyone who wants to or needs to sober up in a hurry with a glucose IV to push the booze out of your system.

Or if anyone just wants to flush the toxins out of their system in favor of a fresh start for a new year or whatever.

Honestly, I haven't been in the infirmary hardly since I arrived and I think I need to acclimate myself to it. So, there's that.

26th Dec, 2013


Doctor-Ten )

Doctor-Eleven )

Glenn )

Everybody Else )

16th Dec, 2013


Attention everyone:

Santa is REAL here!

That is all.

11th Dec, 2013


So, according to the calendar, Christmas seems to be coming up in a few weeks. Does anyone want to help me decorate? We could put up garland in the cafeteria, or something.

9th Dec, 2013


Doctor? Doctor what is this?

I don't know where I am.

Please tell me you can see this.

10th Dec, 2013


so, uh. spaceship, huh?

right. could still be the fever making a cool escape from

yeah, so hey. i'm glenn. 'sup?