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22nd Jan, 2014


ARGS are very nice, but even I don't know what's going on all the time with the technical stuff.

So I'm thinking I'll stop being a distraction and wander around the Surprise a bit more. Anything I should definitely be seeing? Or avoiding? Or anything you think I should be avoiding that I'm definitely going to see now?

4th Jan, 2014


She's right, you know. Donna, I mean. You found a way back.

I'm sorry.

So, how many of you were tempted to stay behind on that planet?

2nd Jan, 2014


What the hell do you mean, the multiverse is collapsing??



28th Dec, 2013


Gifts from the Doctor:

25th Dec, 2013


For Amy Pond )

For Doctor Suit )

For Rose Tyler )

For Doctor Bowtie )


For Zev )

For The Doctor (11) )

For The Doctor (10) )

22nd Dec, 2013


So, I found a little shop that sells nothing but snow globes. Literally just a wall to wall store of nothing but snow globes.

I had to buy one. I couldn't leave it. Rory would have loved it here.

Well, except for that whole demons-in-the-woods thing. But the rest of it.

. . .there's a pub somewhere around here, isn't there?

16th Dec, 2013


[Private to the Doctors, Rose, Amy, and Clara]
So is it safe to go out and explore? This is Christmas, right? I didn't think it would be so cold.

9th Dec, 2013


Doctor? Doctor what is this?

I don't know where I am.

Please tell me you can see this.

6th Dec, 2013


Well. If I'm to be temporarily stuck anywhere, at least it's practically a space mall, with a space Starbucks. How corporate! And Space Blogging! I nearly like it.

Lots of little shops, eh, Doctor?

Hello, everyone. I'm Rose.

2nd Dec, 2013


Hah! Well, I don't know about the rest of you lot, but I am quite satisfied with my findings in Florence. Always knew the Medicis weren't what they seemed. Long story! History remains uninterrupted, all that really matters. Well done, by the way! Not used to being in a group so wildly capable of following directions!

Ohhhh that was good fun! Look at how many letters I used to convey that appreciation! Four? Should have used ten. Better number! Only saying.

Next stop... well! Perhaps I'll get to decide my own next stop. The ARG is looking promising!

12th Nov, 2013


Well, that was some adventure, wasn't it? Be lying if I said I didn't enjoy bits of it. And I do lie a lot. Hope everyone is recovered, in good health, that sort of thing.

Odd working with myself. Again. Really ought to not make that a habit! Not much of a choice in the matter so long as we're here, however!

In the meanwhile, I've a very important question: has anyone found some bubblegum?

7th Nov, 2013


Glad everyone made it out of that shit-storm alive. Since we got so many more living, breathing, and sustenance-requiring beings on the ship now, our life support systems are taking a beating. They were running on wires stuck into potatoes before, so you can imagine their state now.

Engines are running fine, though they could use a bit more TLC after the strain of landing and taking off from a planet without mass effect fields. Since both systems are integral and all, if anyone has anything they're not using, send it my way. From bent forks to any kind of electrical equipment. Even a dead plant your green thumb can't save - I can use just about anything to patch things up until I figure out the tech from Zanarkand and integrate it into the existing systems.

Until then, a friendly reminder: don't eat the dextro-food. Everything dextro-protein-based is labelled with a big red sticker. At best it'll give you no nourishment whatsoever, at worst it'll make you puke your guts out. Think of the children, leave it alone.

5th Nov, 2013


Right. So. . .am I the only one who's vaguely concerned that every place we land is going to erupt into chaos the minute we land?

I mean, if all realities are crashing at once, then the odds of us finding one that isn't going to bite us on the arse are slim to none, right? Who understands probability around here?


[Private to Zev]

Have you been to the food court yet? Because I could kill for a coffee and one of those donut things from the space!Starbucks.

30th Oct, 2013


I have brought back samples of five new species of plants and three new bugs to study. If anyone can catch one of those chicken things, or finds a way to bring one of those blue elephant creatures on board, let me know.


So, I bought this stuff at the market earlier. I don't know exactly what it's meant to do, but the guy selling it kept going on and on about how it was supposed to reverse death and appeal to the powers of the phoenix and whatever and I'm not sure what all of that means, but it sounds like medicine to me and that's probably something we need.

Now I feel like we should test it to be sure, though.

24th Oct, 2013


So it seems like that when we get to the planet in the distance, someone's going to need to go down to it, right? I don't know if this ship lands or not, but maybe we should choose groups or something? I've done this before on the Lexx, and I know what to expect. I can help.

19th Oct, 2013


If anyone is around, could you please pick up...?

I don't know where I am or who any of you are, but if you can tell me anything that would be great. I don't even know if I'm doing this right. I can't find my friends either. It seems to be just me.

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