June 2014



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27th Jan, 2014


You know what this reminds me of? Everything I hate about Reapers. I feel like the creepy voices are getting bored with me because they're not alone in here.


Did everyone else hear those voices last night?! Oh it was brilliant. Flickering lights, ghostly voices, and eeries shadows lurking around all of us. It's really quite terrifying, and that's fantastic! Haven't said that in awhile, definitely not me.

Still, oh it's not enough we've got a reality-hopping time-ship with a snarky AI, but now we've got one with a ghost or demon popping in and saying hello. Though I suppose it could just be the engines, though they don't often speak coherently enough to say 'Get out'. Which, I mean really, that's just a bit rude. It's not as if any of us asked to necessarily be here, kind of forced us here in the first place.

Anyway! Doing some investigating, but first fixing up those pestering lights.

21st Jan, 2014


No offense to Karin Chakwas, but the medical advancements on this ship are damn impressive.

And Dr. Grey hasn't even made fun of me for all the shit I'm sure I said when I was well and truly drugged. That's bedside manner for you.


It's nearly Deanna's birthday
So at what point do we

Alright. I need something to do, or I'm going to start climbing the walls. If there's nothing actually useful that needs doing, does anybody want to spar?

How are the TARDISes coming? Anything I can do?

8th Jan, 2014


This wasn't how I planned on retiring, but I'll take it.

But I'm on a spaceship full of strangers, which doesn't help. Major Kaidan Alenko, Alliance Navy. Served under Commander Shepard on the Normandy in the

You know what, this probably means nothing to any of you. I, uh I'm Kaidan, I'm 35, a soldier, and I'm from Vancouver back on Earth. I like cards, cooking, beer, and there's nothing better than a good steak sandwich and ... what exactly do you say when your reality's supposedly blinked out and you're supposed to introduce yourself to refugees from other worlds? This sounds like an extranet dating profile. I usually like long walks on the beach but I might be on crutches for a bit and we're without beaches, so that's out.