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27th Nov, 2013


I have been instructed to make myself "more comfortable" for our present passengers. Therefore, I will be landing on the date of 91512.93. For those of you lacking in your understanding, this is tomorrow morning at what is approximately 6 A.M.

You may enjoy your swimming pool, McDonald's, and shop of sexual persuasion in a few days. Please do not interrupt the remodeling process.

I have also been instructed to answer any questions.

26th Nov, 2013


The machina on this vessel is amazing! Have.. many of you come from worlds where it was not deemed forbidden? I wonder... what that must have been like to grow up with freely!

How many worlds.. do you think are left? I hope that we can find a way to return them.

19th Nov, 2013


[Filtered to anyone who might be interested]
So I know it's probably weird to ask now that there probably aren't holidays or even just Earth holidays anymore, but...Thanksgiving is still coming up for a lot of us. I'm willing to help prepare a meal for everyone with whatever we have. I was just wondering if anyone else would be okay with a shipwide gathering. It...seems like a good idea about now.

[Private to Cas (_castiel_)]
You finish that book yet?

7th Nov, 2013


Glad everyone made it out of that shit-storm alive. Since we got so many more living, breathing, and sustenance-requiring beings on the ship now, our life support systems are taking a beating. They were running on wires stuck into potatoes before, so you can imagine their state now.

Engines are running fine, though they could use a bit more TLC after the strain of landing and taking off from a planet without mass effect fields. Since both systems are integral and all, if anyone has anything they're not using, send it my way. From bent forks to any kind of electrical equipment. Even a dead plant your green thumb can't save - I can use just about anything to patch things up until I figure out the tech from Zanarkand and integrate it into the existing systems.

Until then, a friendly reminder: don't eat the dextro-food. Everything dextro-protein-based is labelled with a big red sticker. At best it'll give you no nourishment whatsoever, at worst it'll make you puke your guts out. Think of the children, leave it alone.

11th Oct, 2013


Probably a weird question, but anyone wanna guess why we got lemurs down in what I'm figuring is a laundry area?

And anyone wanna tell me why they're smoking?

5th Oct, 2013


I've found the armory aboard this ship. I do not recognize any of these weapons, nor can I discern their uses as of this moment. I only know at least seventy people could be comfortably outfitted for combat if absolutely necessary.

This may be of import later.

4th Oct, 2013


I'm not saying my being here's a bad choice, but wouldn't it've made a hell of a lot more sense to save an admiral or something instead? Anyone else got a hot case of Why Me? Anyone? Just me?

Kal'Reegar, Migrant Fleet Marines. I got a bone to pick with whoever's in charge of this mission.