June 2014



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18th Jun, 2014


So. . .um. Out of curiosity, how exactly do you all deal with it when it sort of hits you that everything you knew has just. . .puffed out of existence.

Cause I think I'm having a moment here. Is there like a counseling service or just. . drinking?

2nd Jun, 2014


Is it just me or are things extra quiet around here lately?

To get out of this weird feelin' we seem to be in, I'm throwin' a party. Why? Because my room was re-done. OK, so the party itself won't be in my room. But hey, it's as good of a reason as any to throw a party, yeah?

I'm proposin' we throw it in the observatory. Mainly 'cause that's just my favorite place on this hunk of metal. I'll bring booze and cigs. Either you show and drink and have fun with me, or I end up drinkin' it all by myself and wind up drunk-network textin' you bitches late into the night until you turn off your devices.

You're choice.

30th May, 2014


So fun fact - we actually have fewer rooms and decks than we did when we started out.

I'm not sure what that means, but speculation is the spice of life.

24th May, 2014


Here's to hoping the next planet we land on's light on the me wanting to punch things. So not a space station fan.

I mean, I didn't even get a new pair of shoes, how is that fair?

15th May, 2014


...So I looked through one of the cat flaps Suri apparently installed. I wouldn't recommend it.

And we apparently have an atrium now. At least I think that's the word.

There's a lot of apparently's. But we have a place to grow fresh vegetables. Maybe.

11th May, 2014


So. . .anyone trying to get to the commissary, don't go down the east corridor by the gym. That door is broken. It looked thirsty

[Filtered to Cas]

I might also be stuck in this corridor now. . .I don't know what is in those pills I got at the station, but they are awesome. Except now my aim is off. I keep landing in the toilet. Help.

29th Apr, 2014



Look! Listen! Listen and look at what I found! Apparently when I downloaded Lzzy's old stuff, it picked up the stuff from later years too. Holy crap.

27th Apr, 2014


Have you guys seen the clubs here? This place is fuckin' fantastic! I can't see any reason to go anywhere else on this insane space-station.

This almost makes up for the whole almost bein' one with the walls of my room thing durin' the crash. Almost.

If anyone needs me. That's where you'll find me.


B! B! You have to come check this out. It's a Brave New World indeed.

24th Apr, 2014


The conservatory here is amazing. I don't really recognize half the plants, but there's a lot here that's edible. And there's people willing to help outfit Suri with one so we can grow food as well as use whatever we gather in storage. Someone scientific should probably be here before I agree to anything in case I'm doing something misinformed.

Just uh...don't get too close to the purple pitcher plant. It's three kinds of Little Shop.

[Private to Cas]
You'd probably like it here. Some of these trees have pink leaves. They aren't even cherry blossoms.

Although there's a couple places here we should try.

13th Apr, 2014


I've almost finished clearing out most of the debris in Sector 18. Most of it's just broken lights or metal siding of some kind - I figure someone more experienced can tell me how to fix it. Seems like a good time for a miracle. And if anyone in Sector 7 or 36 needs help, let me know.

[Private to Castiel (_castiel_)]
At the risk of sounding like the clingy girlfriend...I'm gonna ask for an update. Let's just say the sound of your voice would be nice about now. I know it's just texting, but it's the sentiment that counts. It's my first birthday since my parents were killed...bear with me.

11th Apr, 2014


Okay, I know everyone's busy, but if anyone paranormally strong has a moment, could you come and remove whatever is blocking the front of the medbay? If something happens, we're pretty much stuck with a tight secret passage to get out of here. And we can't exactly move Suri through a hole the size of a portrait.


10th Apr, 2014


Assessing Damage Report...

Collision experienced at approximately 12:00 A.M. Night cycle interrupted. Injured passengers should report directly to the Med Bay in the common area.

Port side sensors failed. Running diagnostic...

Damage in Sectors 7, 18, and 36. Cabins depressurized and sealed. Oxygen levels low in Sector 3. Minor technical damage in Engine Room 1. Repairs and calibrations are needed.

Requesting assistance...

All secondary and tertiary systems going offline. Conserving power.

Please remain calm until further instruction is given.

9th Apr, 2014



I guess the HYDRA threat has been eliminated.

Kind of threw the baby out with the bathwater, there, guys.

5th Apr, 2014


I've lived through some fucked up shit in my life, but I don't think I've been more stressed out than when watching these damned Final Destination movies.

"I just miraculously survived a plane crash, now let me go to my job as knife sharpener at Sharp's Knife Emporium."

Humans are stupid.

22nd Mar, 2014


So, I mean, I'm pretty good about making sure Arya is fed and Frank takes care of himself, so. . .am I supposed to be feeding the thing that followed me back to the ship? I say followed. He rode in one of those ball things. Anyway. Just. . .really. He's been here awhile and he doesn't seem to be like. . wasting away or anything.

Well, anymore than he probably did when he was alive. He's pretty damned sturdy.

They should have handed out pamphlets or something.

8th Mar, 2014


There's a GIANT blue and tan thing sleeping in the middle of the road to the east of the port city. I mean, like, it's blocking the entire ravine. So, if anyone does want to venture out, don't go that way.

[Filtered to Cas]

I feel like we should try to wake it up, but apparently there's a casino a few cities to the west. Feel like trying your luck? :P


So I've been all over the planet - it's nice. It's different, but...it's no worse than Earth. I'd look out for the yellow and purple things to the east of the Surprise, though. They can hear our thoughts. Or dreams. Wide circles.

Also...some of these things can produce electricity or fire with their bodies. I'd be careful of that too. They're not all chihuahua-sized.

I found an island with a beach. If you're interested in a swim.

24th Feb, 2014


I wish to name the kitten Atticus.
From the book I just finished reading.

23rd Feb, 2014


I'd say I'm sorry for stealing Meg's idea...but I'm not.

Totally didn't realize Suri was A-OK with pets being brought aboard from a landing place.

So I went to New York and got this puppy. Finally a life-long dream come true.

I am now taking votes for name ideas. But I'm leaning toward Shadow...or Neptune. I don't fuckin' know.


Happy Valentine's Day, Buffy, have a weirdo goat guy follow you around. Why, that sounds awesome alternate planet Earth! I'll take five!

Except not. They were so lucky I got to whack a minotaur or else I'd be way more crankier than I already am. I mean, did it have to be a tiny half.. billy goat thing with a pan flute? Couldn't it have been one of the hot gods or something? I want my money back. Also, since when is Pluto not a planet? What is that even about? Make up your mind, Bill Nye. He's still the science guy then, right? And in charge 'n stuff? Whatever...

Oh! Ohh! And does anyone else get the feeling that New York's skyline was missing something? Weird. I should've asked.

'Kay, done complaining!

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