June 2014



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30th Jan, 2014


Aw, hell no! I ain't dealin' with no fucked up, possessed robo-bitch.

All in favor of killin' Suri to get rid of the problem?

Good. It's done. Don't care if you voted against it...'cause it's happenin'. Just need to grab my favorite knife and we're good to go.

Fuck this noise.

29th Jan, 2014







So. . .yeah, there are ghosts and that's horrible, but. . .when do we start to worry about the basic radio silence from the crew?

I mean, should we maybe start looking for them?

27th Jan, 2014


So this is some seriously freaky shit. I had message on my bathroom mirror this morning telling me that I was doomed. Not really too happy about the idea of being doomed so I'm not camped out in the med bay. Besides if we're all going to die, I guess there's a chance we might need medical care first so that's where I'll be. trying not to freak out because I don't wanna die.

Meredith, Izzy, Simon, wanna come join me and hold down the fort?

16th Jan, 2014


[Filtered to Meredith and Cristina]

I need your help. The ship, in it's infinite wisdom or idiocy, has rescued a terminally ill man. Which is great, since he's not in a collapsing universe anymore, but now he's here and he's got a brain tumor that's killing him anyway. I'm not sure how to do this on my own, neuro isn't exactly my strongest area.

14th Jan, 2014


Ugh, is this seriously life when we don't stop on other worlds? Like...constantly movin' into a big vast batch of nothing?

'cause, I'll be honest, I've never been one for space. You know what space is made of? Nothin'. And when you reach the end of it, you know what you get? More nothin'.

Someone play with me. Someone entertain me.

Or else I'm just gonna give myself lung cancer and destroy my liver with all the smoking and drinking I do to pass the time.

13th Jan, 2014


Do you mean to tell me that EVERYTHING on this ship is free? Food, clothing, shops? There's no money in this place? Just pop round to the shop and pick up whatever you like, no charge? I'm no flipping economist but tell me how does that work?

No no no. Don't tell me. Don't say a word. I don't want to hear anything about economics when I spy shoes. Good thing the TARDIS has infinite space because I'm going to need A BIGGER CLOSET.

4th Jan, 2014


So. How many of you bitches actually came up with some fuckin' brilliant new year's resolution but already failed four days in?

Come on. Tell the truth.

Anyway, I hope this place takes us somewhere more interesting next. Although, the snow was pretty nice. Haven't seen that since I was a homeless kid in Boston.

2nd Jan, 2014


So since we're technically in another reality is it still 2014? What the hell? Happy New Year.

Mystery solved, ladies.


Fact: I am completely and thoroughly corporeal and I have no control over it.

Fact: I am told the multiverse is collapsing and I can see with my own eyes I am stationed on a ship.

Typically, why does not interest me. I would prefer to have an answer to the question: how?

And more importantly, where is Robert? What am I going to do without him?

Things are supposed to be more fluid. Only sureties stay constant.


What the hell do you mean, the multiverse is collapsing??




So, for anyone who decided to celebrate New Year's a little too much -- like me -- I'm officially setting up a hangover station in the infirmary. I can set anyone who wants to or needs to sober up in a hurry with a glucose IV to push the booze out of your system.

Or if anyone just wants to flush the toxins out of their system in favor of a fresh start for a new year or whatever.

Honestly, I haven't been in the infirmary hardly since I arrived and I think I need to acclimate myself to it. So, there's that.

30th Dec, 2013


Message to Meredith

I think I just asked Simon out for New Year's Eve.


Christmas Gifts

[OOC: Pretend she posted these before Christmas]

For Meredith
Because we're going to need it.

For Izzie
For some reason this made me think of you.

For Faith

For Simon
Have a drink with on me.


Thank you for those that left me gifts. I hope you all had a good holiday season.

It is times like this that I miss River more than usual. She would have loved Christmas Town. Hell she would enjoy this entire situation for the most part but I have a feeling she would miss Serenity and it's crew far too much though. Still I do wish she was here

21st Dec, 2013


So, does this happen often? Robot-bitch picks out a random world to drop us off in? And what, she got festive this time? But only for one religion? What about those of us who aren't actually Christian.

And what was those fugly sons of bitches lurkin' in the forest, anyway? Are all the worlds she pick out contain some hidden element of creep?

18th Dec, 2013


So it's kind of weird being a non practicing Jew in Christmas Town. I did get to talk to an elf today though. Which I can honestly say I have never done before.


So, the snowmen come to life if you talk to them. Or apparently if you pass too closely to them.

I felt like I was stuck in those Calvin and Hobbes strips.

Or those videos where the snowmen try to scare people on the street. I may have slapped one.

4th Dec, 2013


Text to Meredith

Can you find a way down here?
I went into the future sex shop and Suri caught me.
I'm sitting in the middle of a cow pasture outside Florence.
And the bull is giving me a strange look.
Come get me?



Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

Could the weird universe have picked a more inconvenient time to fuck with me? Seriously, universe, you suck.

Where am I? What the fuck is this? And who do I have to slay to get off this damn thing?

And more importantly, B? Shit, B, please see this. Please answer me. You were just waking up. I can't - who will - goddammit!

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