June 2014



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20th Jun, 2014


So, I was playing around in the Library today. Spoiler alert! I know who Lana's baby daddy is. I wish there'd been a pool. I would have made BANK. Either way, in the process. I think I found my spirit animal.

Look at
it's stupid
I need twenty.

9th Jun, 2014


[Filtered to Norman]

Get some popcorn. We need to watch this.

I predict drunken quoting in my future.

3rd Jun, 2014


So, there's about three dozen chocolate oatmeal cookies in the mess hall if anyone's interested.

I got bored and since it seemed to amuse Suri to have me explaining to her how to bake cookies, that's what we did this. . .afternoon.

Seriously, guys. Come eat some of these. I don't want to have to start going to the gym.

27th May, 2014


So, I just tried Turkish Delight for the first time.

It was good. Not 'sell out my family to the White Witch' good, but it was okay.

I don't get it. . . .

12th May, 2014


Hello, Suri. Are you familiar with "death notes" dropped by death gods?

There were acceptable levels of candy at the space station.

9th May, 2014


So, this ship... thingy... that I'm apparently part of but haven't actually been on yet. Can someone tell me about it?

4th May, 2014


It is regrettable, but my mask has been filched.

At the end of one's life and subsequent universe, one wonders if there is any point to the importance of identity secrecy.

29th Apr, 2014



Look! Listen! Listen and look at what I found! Apparently when I downloaded Lzzy's old stuff, it picked up the stuff from later years too. Holy crap.

28th Apr, 2014


How the fuck does a reality just stop existing?

27th Apr, 2014


My universe doesn't exist anymore-

Erik? Are you here? Tell me that you made it. Charles, the others...oh God.

11th Apr, 2014


[Filtered to Anna and Norman]

You two aren't dead, right?

[Filtered to Faith]

Are you alright? If you're stuck somewhere or hurt, let me know and I can come get you.

If you can't answer, I'll. . .track you down another way.


Please tell me if you are hurt, I will come to you and heal you! I hope.. that no one was injured in the collision. I'm sure that everything will be all right if we work together!

5th Apr, 2014


Greetings and salutations, passengers of the Surprise.

I am L.

22nd Mar, 2014


So, I mean, I'm pretty good about making sure Arya is fed and Frank takes care of himself, so. . .am I supposed to be feeding the thing that followed me back to the ship? I say followed. He rode in one of those ball things. Anyway. Just. . .really. He's been here awhile and he doesn't seem to be like. . wasting away or anything.

Well, anymore than he probably did when he was alive. He's pretty damned sturdy.

They should have handed out pamphlets or something.

8th Mar, 2014


There's a GIANT blue and tan thing sleeping in the middle of the road to the east of the port city. I mean, like, it's blocking the entire ravine. So, if anyone does want to venture out, don't go that way.

[Filtered to Cas]

I feel like we should try to wake it up, but apparently there's a casino a few cities to the west. Feel like trying your luck? :P


I don't know what this is, but I gave her a vanilla biscuit and now she's following me around.

Um. . .apparently she breathes fire.

3rd Mar, 2014


I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you
So, I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do. . .

Yeah you're worse than nicotine
Yeah you're worse than nicotine

2nd Mar, 2014


That world.. Earth? It was amazing! I've never seen so much machina, not outside of Luca.. or... but it was so pretty! Those large machina, the... oh, what did that person tell me... the hummers! I don't understand why someone might want a vehicle that large, but that's all right! I'm sure it has its uses!

Even though... I am far from my world and... I may not ever see it again, it's nice just to see strange and brand new things.

21st Feb, 2014


What kind of person makes a building out of metal? And exactly what kind of person kidnaps the powerful, the beautiful, the magical genius Lina Inverse? Do you have any idea who you're dealing with? Because you really should.

Also, I'm only using this device because no one answered to my call. Might want to fix that before I find a way to melt this place and get back.

20th Feb, 2014


Okay, so when you're really drunk, Japanese toilets just have an unnecessary amount of buttons. And regardless of whether there's monsters or whatever the fuck, it was worth it just to see them again.

There's also now a cat on board. Name still to be decided. I'd have brought more, but I wasn't gonna be responsible for twenty litter boxes. You're all welcome.

What did I miss? Anything important?

[Filtered to Norman]

I got an assortment. I figure if the jelly beans didn't kill us, these probably won't either. :P

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