June 2014



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2nd Jun, 2014


Is it just me or are things extra quiet around here lately?

To get out of this weird feelin' we seem to be in, I'm throwin' a party. Why? Because my room was re-done. OK, so the party itself won't be in my room. But hey, it's as good of a reason as any to throw a party, yeah?

I'm proposin' we throw it in the observatory. Mainly 'cause that's just my favorite place on this hunk of metal. I'll bring booze and cigs. Either you show and drink and have fun with me, or I end up drinkin' it all by myself and wind up drunk-network textin' you bitches late into the night until you turn off your devices.

You're choice.

24th May, 2014


Here's to hoping the next planet we land on's light on the me wanting to punch things. So not a space station fan.

I mean, I didn't even get a new pair of shoes, how is that fair?

14th May, 2014


I TOLD Rhiannon those brownies tasted funny. Damn. So, is this like. . .an elaborate joke or a hallucination. I've got some stuff to do, so if someone could just tell me where I can get off of this. . .ship or how I can stop tripping balls, that'd be great. Yeah. . .

12th May, 2014


I think something died in my head. Ow. Coffee time.

So can we talk to Suri? Hello, Suri, in case we can.

ugh Christ, need coffee.

4th May, 2014


It is regrettable, but my mask has been filched.

At the end of one's life and subsequent universe, one wonders if there is any point to the importance of identity secrecy.

2nd May, 2014


I need to find a bar and do my best to drink it dry so can someone point me in the right direction for somewhere decent?

This place has tequila, right?

27th Apr, 2014


Have you guys seen the clubs here? This place is fuckin' fantastic! I can't see any reason to go anywhere else on this insane space-station.

This almost makes up for the whole almost bein' one with the walls of my room thing durin' the crash. Almost.

If anyone needs me. That's where you'll find me.


B! B! You have to come check this out. It's a Brave New World indeed.

25th Apr, 2014


Bad news kids, they apparently don't have Netflix in space, so I was forced to actually mingle with the space station sorts.

Not that that's a bad thing, I don't think, but I don't really know what any of them are saying to me half the time. Even when I do understand what they're saying. I spoke to a furry guy with an eyeball on its tail, and I have no idea where the hell the voice was coming from but I'm pretty sure it was Morgan Freeman in furry guy form.

11th Apr, 2014


[Filtered to Anna and Norman]

You two aren't dead, right?

[Filtered to Faith]

Are you alright? If you're stuck somewhere or hurt, let me know and I can come get you.

If you can't answer, I'll. . .track you down another way.

5th Apr, 2014


So there's a lot of new people here - that's good. Well, it's not actually good when you take into consideration why this has happened and why we're suddenly hurling through space, but let's keep one thing in mind - you all lived.

It's not much, but it's something.

Now that that's out of the way, hi. I'm Dr. Meredith Grey. I figure if anyone still really lost or looking for answers, it's a good idea to post here and offer them up, because yes, Dr. Stevens and I are overseeing the girl who is Suri and incorporated into this ship. Yes, she is very sick and likely more hologram than girl right now, but the fact of the matter is, she'll answer your questions. She also might try to kill you if she doesn't like you, we're working on that, but...the point is, you can ask here too.

We're learning more and more about her condition every day. And she can read everything we put out, so...she might jump in.


I've lived through some fucked up shit in my life, but I don't think I've been more stressed out than when watching these damned Final Destination movies.

"I just miraculously survived a plane crash, now let me go to my job as knife sharpener at Sharp's Knife Emporium."

Humans are stupid.


Greetings and salutations, passengers of the Surprise.

I am L.

17th Mar, 2014


So, these weird furballs! Not that I don't love Shadow (which, by the way is his name now. Thanks for the votes, peeps) but damn did I jump on that too soon.

...stop starin' at me, kiddo, you know you're the only one for me.

ANYWAY! I can't get enough of this place. But, real talk, why are there so many of 'em? What nuclear plant dumped its mess in the water 'round here to produce these things?

23rd Feb, 2014


I'd say I'm sorry for stealing Meg's idea...but I'm not.

Totally didn't realize Suri was A-OK with pets being brought aboard from a landing place.

So I went to New York and got this puppy. Finally a life-long dream come true.

I am now taking votes for name ideas. But I'm leaning toward Shadow...or Neptune. I don't fuckin' know.


Happy Valentine's Day, Buffy, have a weirdo goat guy follow you around. Why, that sounds awesome alternate planet Earth! I'll take five!

Except not. They were so lucky I got to whack a minotaur or else I'd be way more crankier than I already am. I mean, did it have to be a tiny half.. billy goat thing with a pan flute? Couldn't it have been one of the hot gods or something? I want my money back. Also, since when is Pluto not a planet? What is that even about? Make up your mind, Bill Nye. He's still the science guy then, right? And in charge 'n stuff? Whatever...

Oh! Ohh! And does anyone else get the feeling that New York's skyline was missing something? Weird. I should've asked.

'Kay, done complaining!

16th Feb, 2014



How many of these cats can I bring back?

Do you have like a weight limit or something?

30th Jan, 2014


Aw, hell no! I ain't dealin' with no fucked up, possessed robo-bitch.

All in favor of killin' Suri to get rid of the problem?

Good. It's done. Don't care if you voted against it...'cause it's happenin'. Just need to grab my favorite knife and we're good to go.

Fuck this noise.

28th Jan, 2014


Oh man. This isn't cool.

I'm Korean. We don't even make it through our own horror movies.

Why does space even have ghosts? (They are ghosts, right?)

27th Jan, 2014


Well. Being told we're all going to die is a bit of a damper on my good news, isn't it? Relay that later for when I've sorted this situation out! I'd say we're in for a haunting, but that goes against a considerable amount of my rules. Everyone all right? Aside from the spectacular attempts to unnerve the lot of us, that is?

Rose, Donna: The TARDIS is being stubborn and not letting me in. I suspect it doesn't want to give whatever is affecting the ship a chance to take a stab at her. Not on board her, are you? Oh, foolish question. Really should have just checked the little shops first.

Would have--oh, now that is rubbish. Gone and written nonsense on my ship! Got to fix that, then sort my priorities.

Bit tingly though! Got to solve the mystery of the unhaunting!

25th Jan, 2014


Suuuuriiiiiiiiii. I'm afraid to touch the hologram buttons 'cause I'm pretty sure if anyone could find a way to break 'em? It'd be me. I've got a question!

And uhm. I think I've decided alcohol is evil. Why do people like drinking it so much?

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