June 2014



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18th May, 2014


Onwards and forwards, isn't it? Fascinating space station just brimming with life! I love it! Can't wait to see the next place on the agenda. Well, I can, but I don't want to. Suppose the downtime gives me more of a chance to focus on repairing the bigger picture here. All those little backwards breadcrumbs that need retracing! Big project with a capital 'B' as it starts off the sentence and affords it more emphasis. Very important textually speaking!

Anyway, how are you enjoying the repaired Surprise? Looks brilliant! Loads of things to be discovered! Suppose I can't say the vessel wasn't aptly named in the end.

Never did ask. How is old Knox recovering? Should I come in to see him, or have you and the doctors let him be released?

I had a chat with a friend not long ago. She mentioned you, said you'd encountered reapers. Given that we're from different universes, I must confess I am quite curious as to what they were like. Would you mind enlightening me a bit?

17th May, 2014


I think I've gotten lost. It's a ship, so you'd think there'd only be so far I could wander before being through it all. But it's been several hours now, and I think I've ended up down in the engine area. At least, it's big and there's a lot of metal.

I'm not sure how I got in. Some stairs or an elevator would be helpful right about now, though.

13th May, 2014


I've spent some interesting times in interesting places in my over 2,300 years travels, but I reckon that station had its fair share of experiences all on its own.

Has anyone noticed anything different since we left there?

4th May, 2014


It is regrettable, but my mask has been filched.

At the end of one's life and subsequent universe, one wonders if there is any point to the importance of identity secrecy.


This is some place. Can't believe I'm actually in a space station! Just being on such a big ship was sobering enough...

How are things looking? No one's having too much trouble here, right?

27th Apr, 2014


My universe doesn't exist anymore-

Erik? Are you here? Tell me that you made it. Charles, the others...oh God.

13th Apr, 2014


I'm heading to the life support systems to see if we can't manage to get oxygen levels stabilized, I may need some assistance as the life support system is going to be based on a relay system in order to keep itself from failing in the chances of, well, this event. The problem with that, is that it prioritizes certain areas over others, which would make sense if not for the fact that a lack of stability can damage the ship--including our holographic, pony-loving pilot.

I also need a team of brave souls who might be willing to throw on a space suit and fill some holes. While we continue to leak, we threaten to put the ship off balance, and when they get the engines back online the ship will be difficult to maneuver. I know what you're saying 'it's space, there's no gravity to pull us anywhere', wrong. There's gravity all around us, the gravitational pull of suns and planets extend very, very far--getting weaker as they go, but they're still there. That's not the point though, the point is that if we must make any sort of landing--having the holes filled in will help considerably. Because when we enter atmosphere without -- know what? Not important, what's important is we need to fix as much damage as we can.

In my TARDIS I have a space suit and a canister of sticky foam that can seal up holes temporarily. I'd do this myself, but I must get the life support systems stabilized and that'll take some clever thinking. So if anyone's up for it, let me know.

7th Apr, 2014


I've been here for about a week now, attempting to get my bearings and understand as much as I could about what's happening in this place before I said too much or spoke too loudly. I've learned that the multiverses are collapsing, that worlds are being destroyed and a powerful conciousness has brought us to this ship. That makes us survivors, and it makes us responsible to the well-being of what brought us here, and the well-being of each other.

It also means that, honestly, I think we should be devoting as much time and energy as possible to understanding what's happening and convincing what controls this ship to find as many other survivors as possible.

My name is Steve Rogers, formerly of the 107th Infantry Regiment, United States Army; SHIELD Espionage operative, rescue and recovery division. And you have my word that respecting those here, protecting those that needed and helping other survivors will always be my only priority.

6th Apr, 2014


All right, not knowing where I am in space or time, that I can handle, but collapse of the multiverse sounds a tad problematic. I don't suppose I'm going to be lucky enough that someone will tell me the introductory message is simply overdramatic.

Really, someone please tell me that. I might have lived through a year that didn't actually happen, but at least everyone was mostly fine once we fixed things.

I'm Martha Jones, by the way. I don't suppose there's any chance my family's here, too?

2nd Apr, 2014


There is an absolutely dreadful smell coming from the kitchen, I'm pretty sure it's a dead cake or something. Still, might be good.

Anyway, I did not keep one of those critters from the world we last visited, but I see a few of you have. So I figured it might be important to point that there are no animals allowed on the TARDIS, well except for metal dogs. Those are fine.

It is not because I'm not a fan of animals, but because they seem to get lost quite a bit. I once found a lost Sabertooth kitten in the green house. It was no longer a kitten, and it certainly was not pleased with being aboard my ship.

Got him out just fine though.

Also the TARDIS is now working to full functionality, or so she says, so it may cause some irritable temporal shifting, and if you feel at all nauseous, or that you're living two lives at once, that's completely normal.

17th Mar, 2014


So...has anyone noticed anything strange about the gyms here?

I went into one and there were people putting the creatures against one another. To fight. I won't interfere...but I can't be the only one who doesn't think that's good for the animals.

13th Mar, 2014


I absolutely adore this place! Just little creatures running about everywhere; however, they're all a bit friendly, though some of them really aren't. Got blasted a few times by a few different attacks. Met one though recently who's a bit of an angry sort... the little pink puff began to sing to me, which I thought was absolutely brilliant, even if it was most definitely not my first serenade. Still, she was rather good at it, and her voice was alright. Though her lyrics left much to the imagination.

Never the less, put me to sleep. Woke up with marker all over my face. I find it absolutely rude, but definitely a good interactive show.

2nd Mar, 2014


That world.. Earth? It was amazing! I've never seen so much machina, not outside of Luca.. or... but it was so pretty! Those large machina, the... oh, what did that person tell me... the hummers! I don't understand why someone might want a vehicle that large, but that's all right! I'm sure it has its uses!

Even though... I am far from my world and... I may not ever see it again, it's nice just to see strange and brand new things.

20th Feb, 2014


Hello everyone! I'm back and it seems you've managed to go and get yourselves into a bit of a mythological beastie problem, on the heels of a ghostly ship haunting and creepy Christmas, we really are hitting a stride here. Never the less, I am back and wonderful to be so, so let's go solve some trouble shall we?

27th Jan, 2014


Did everyone else hear those voices last night?! Oh it was brilliant. Flickering lights, ghostly voices, and eeries shadows lurking around all of us. It's really quite terrifying, and that's fantastic! Haven't said that in awhile, definitely not me.

Still, oh it's not enough we've got a reality-hopping time-ship with a snarky AI, but now we've got one with a ghost or demon popping in and saying hello. Though I suppose it could just be the engines, though they don't often speak coherently enough to say 'Get out'. Which, I mean really, that's just a bit rude. It's not as if any of us asked to necessarily be here, kind of forced us here in the first place.

Anyway! Doing some investigating, but first fixing up those pestering lights.


Well. Being told we're all going to die is a bit of a damper on my good news, isn't it? Relay that later for when I've sorted this situation out! I'd say we're in for a haunting, but that goes against a considerable amount of my rules. Everyone all right? Aside from the spectacular attempts to unnerve the lot of us, that is?

Rose, Donna: The TARDIS is being stubborn and not letting me in. I suspect it doesn't want to give whatever is affecting the ship a chance to take a stab at her. Not on board her, are you? Oh, foolish question. Really should have just checked the little shops first.

Would have--oh, now that is rubbish. Gone and written nonsense on my ship! Got to fix that, then sort my priorities.

Bit tingly though! Got to solve the mystery of the unhaunting!

13th Jan, 2014


Do you mean to tell me that EVERYTHING on this ship is free? Food, clothing, shops? There's no money in this place? Just pop round to the shop and pick up whatever you like, no charge? I'm no flipping economist but tell me how does that work?

No no no. Don't tell me. Don't say a word. I don't want to hear anything about economics when I spy shoes. Good thing the TARDIS has infinite space because I'm going to need A BIGGER CLOSET.

6th Jan, 2014


So, I'm not dreaming, which is cool. Legitimately on a bigass spaceship in space. And a planet based on Christmas and other PC holidays exists. This would be more awesome if I didn't have to believe everyone I knew's been blinked out of reality except me.

Yeah, that part blows. A lot.

How do we fix the universes so I can go back to my people?

4th Jan, 2014


She's right, you know. Donna, I mean. You found a way back.

I'm sorry.

So, how many of you were tempted to stay behind on that planet?

2nd Jan, 2014


So New Years was brilliant! Never celebrated a New Year before, I mean in reality everyday's a new year for me. Actually I don't really see the whole reason for the celebration... although I suppose any reason to celebrate is a good reason.

Absolutely love those twirly things that buzz when you twirl them.

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