June 2014



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20th Jun, 2014


So, I was playing around in the Library today. Spoiler alert! I know who Lana's baby daddy is. I wish there'd been a pool. I would have made BANK. Either way, in the process. I think I found my spirit animal.

Look at
it's stupid
I need twenty.

21st May, 2014


I'm limiting myself to getting one of those cinnamon pecan rolls once a week. If I don't, I'll eat them every day and never work it all off. I've also fallen off my exercise routine here. There's got to be a gym on board the ship, hasn't there? I suppose I could always run through the halls, too. After I get a music player of some sort.

What does everyone around here do for fun?

18th May, 2014


Onwards and forwards, isn't it? Fascinating space station just brimming with life! I love it! Can't wait to see the next place on the agenda. Well, I can, but I don't want to. Suppose the downtime gives me more of a chance to focus on repairing the bigger picture here. All those little backwards breadcrumbs that need retracing! Big project with a capital 'B' as it starts off the sentence and affords it more emphasis. Very important textually speaking!

Anyway, how are you enjoying the repaired Surprise? Looks brilliant! Loads of things to be discovered! Suppose I can't say the vessel wasn't aptly named in the end.

Never did ask. How is old Knox recovering? Should I come in to see him, or have you and the doctors let him be released?

I had a chat with a friend not long ago. She mentioned you, said you'd encountered reapers. Given that we're from different universes, I must confess I am quite curious as to what they were like. Would you mind enlightening me a bit?

13th May, 2014


I've spent some interesting times in interesting places in my over 2,300 years travels, but I reckon that station had its fair share of experiences all on its own.

Has anyone noticed anything different since we left there?

9th May, 2014


So, this ship... thingy... that I'm apparently part of but haven't actually been on yet. Can someone tell me about it?

30th Apr, 2014


Not again. And they always catch me in my pajamas. It doesn't matter if I've gotten new clothes; they still always manage to catch me in my dressing gown and pajamas.

Where am I and how did I get here this time? Something about collapsing universes? I've been to the end of the universe; it didn't include hotel rooms.

28th Apr, 2014


How the fuck does a reality just stop existing?

26th Apr, 2014


Brand new space station teeming with extra-terrestrial lifeforms... it's positively brilliant! Whole sets of languages and their respective dialects to be learned, new foods--well, wouldn't advise trying what they've pawned off as 'mutton'--and mysteries! Love a good mystery, though not as much as I do solving them.

I am curious as to the rooming arrangements though. Are they short on available space, I wonder? No matter.

Anyway! Do take care. If any of you find trouble, make sure I'm not far away, hm? Odds are I won't be, hah!

23rd Apr, 2014


The people here are rude. Several threatened to eat me in a language that I'm told is Zhorish, but only half that number sexually propositioned me. One also offered me food, but she seemed confused when I informed her I have no need of sustenance.

I would suggest traversing the station armed. For your own safety.

19th Apr, 2014


Suri! Hello! Good news for you, I think. Ship's in a workable state. We've collectively managed to tidy up, salvage the engines and I expect other me's tended to life support as planned by now.  There's one more thing I'd like to do. The ship needs better repairs than what we can manage like this. I'm going to give the ship a lift so that you can better conserve power. That all right with you?

FILTER: Rose, Jack, Martha, Zev, Castiel (celestialintent), Amy, Clara, Eleven
I'm going to need your help very soon. All of you. Get shifting to my TARDIS. Left her in the observation deck.

Chinny, hope you're ready for a bit of nostalgia. Don't think we'll need two TARDISes for the job, so I do hope you'll suffer my apter choice in interior for a ride!

You're all brilliant. Absolutely outstanding. If I see you in the halls, I'm going to hug you.

13th Apr, 2014


Well, it looks like I've arrived at either the right, or the wrong time. Wherever and whenever that might be! Captain Jack Harkness here, and wondering if anyone has any clues as to what's going on, and if anyone is aware there appears to be a very large hole in the side of this ship?

11th Apr, 2014


FILTER: Bowtie
This ship needs our help, I'm sure you understand. Might I suggest we split the tasks accordingly? Well, going to anyway, but I would appreciate the assist, Doctor.

FILTER: Companions (his+Eleven's!), Zev, and Castiel (celestialintent)
Do let me know you're all in one piece as soon as you can.

Hello, Surprise! As you know, we appear to have been egregiously injured and in urgent need of aiding Suri in massive repairs. A ship this size isn't ideal for collisions, but she's got something going for her: there's me! And the new-new me. Better yet, there's all of you. Time is of the essence, you can imagine. If you don't mind, I'd like to organise the lot of you for the places that would need you the most.

Whatever skills you've got, technological or otherwise, tell me now. No matter how useless you think it may be, I need to know. Every single one of you is important. You're all briliant, clever sorts capable of more than I imagine even you realise. Your assistance is invaluable to me and this ship that's salvaged us from certain nonexistence.

Doctors, I don't expect I have to ask you to stay with Suri, but do let me know if there's any curious or sudden changes in her condition.

10th Apr, 2014


Assessing Damage Report...

Collision experienced at approximately 12:00 A.M. Night cycle interrupted. Injured passengers should report directly to the Med Bay in the common area.

Port side sensors failed. Running diagnostic...

Damage in Sectors 7, 18, and 36. Cabins depressurized and sealed. Oxygen levels low in Sector 3. Minor technical damage in Engine Room 1. Repairs and calibrations are needed.

Requesting assistance...

All secondary and tertiary systems going offline. Conserving power.

Please remain calm until further instruction is given.

7th Apr, 2014


I've been here for about a week now, attempting to get my bearings and understand as much as I could about what's happening in this place before I said too much or spoke too loudly. I've learned that the multiverses are collapsing, that worlds are being destroyed and a powerful conciousness has brought us to this ship. That makes us survivors, and it makes us responsible to the well-being of what brought us here, and the well-being of each other.

It also means that, honestly, I think we should be devoting as much time and energy as possible to understanding what's happening and convincing what controls this ship to find as many other survivors as possible.

My name is Steve Rogers, formerly of the 107th Infantry Regiment, United States Army; SHIELD Espionage operative, rescue and recovery division. And you have my word that respecting those here, protecting those that needed and helping other survivors will always be my only priority.

6th Apr, 2014


All right, not knowing where I am in space or time, that I can handle, but collapse of the multiverse sounds a tad problematic. I don't suppose I'm going to be lucky enough that someone will tell me the introductory message is simply overdramatic.

Really, someone please tell me that. I might have lived through a year that didn't actually happen, but at least everyone was mostly fine once we fixed things.

I'm Martha Jones, by the way. I don't suppose there's any chance my family's here, too?

2nd Apr, 2014


There is an absolutely dreadful smell coming from the kitchen, I'm pretty sure it's a dead cake or something. Still, might be good.

Anyway, I did not keep one of those critters from the world we last visited, but I see a few of you have. So I figured it might be important to point that there are no animals allowed on the TARDIS, well except for metal dogs. Those are fine.

It is not because I'm not a fan of animals, but because they seem to get lost quite a bit. I once found a lost Sabertooth kitten in the green house. It was no longer a kitten, and it certainly was not pleased with being aboard my ship.

Got him out just fine though.

Also the TARDIS is now working to full functionality, or so she says, so it may cause some irritable temporal shifting, and if you feel at all nauseous, or that you're living two lives at once, that's completely normal.

23rd Mar, 2014


Good planet! Loads of fun. Never met this species before, but I quite like them. Not too fond of the fighting bits, of course, but it appears some of us have liberated several from such a fate! I've got one, bright yellow Pikachu to call my own now. Sits on my shoulder, think I ought to have a pirate ship now! Or is there one on the TARDIS? Got to check that. Never know, might be right alongside the gymnasium or the bouncy castle. Every vessel needs a bouncy castle.

( Amelia Pond )

Would you like me to tell them now, about Suri?


All right. Time to let all of you know something tremendously important about this ship. Specifically the AI, Suri. Not everything is as it seems, I'm afraid. There is a young girl on this ship in a very deep coma. To draw her from stasis could lead to her death, which is a risk I will not take unless she asks it of me. That very girl has become attached to this ship's entire mainframe and manifested herself as a hologram. It is the only reason she's able to continue living apart from her medical chamber. Suri is a young girl, too young, and quite sick. As long as I am here, I will be responsible for her. The ship's good doctors have been taking care of her as well, and thank you for that. There, now.. If you've got questions, I suppose I can attempt to answer them.

20th Mar, 2014


Some kid just came up to me and Emma (it's what I named the fox) and asked me what my "Vulpix's stats are". I nearly slapped him. I thought he was getting cheeky.

Apparently, Emma is a Vulpix. So, these things apparently have different classes or what-have-you. The kid drug out some little handheld thing and it started rattling off a bunch of information about the Vulpix to me. That was surreal.

13th Mar, 2014


I absolutely adore this place! Just little creatures running about everywhere; however, they're all a bit friendly, though some of them really aren't. Got blasted a few times by a few different attacks. Met one though recently who's a bit of an angry sort... the little pink puff began to sing to me, which I thought was absolutely brilliant, even if it was most definitely not my first serenade. Still, she was rather good at it, and her voice was alright. Though her lyrics left much to the imagination.

Never the less, put me to sleep. Woke up with marker all over my face. I find it absolutely rude, but definitely a good interactive show.

8th Mar, 2014


I don't know what this is, but I gave her a vanilla biscuit and now she's following me around.

Um. . .apparently she breathes fire.

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