June 2014



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15th May, 2014


...So I looked through one of the cat flaps Suri apparently installed. I wouldn't recommend it.

And we apparently have an atrium now. At least I think that's the word.

There's a lot of apparently's. But we have a place to grow fresh vegetables. Maybe.

14th May, 2014


I TOLD Rhiannon those brownies tasted funny. Damn. So, is this like. . .an elaborate joke or a hallucination. I've got some stuff to do, so if someone could just tell me where I can get off of this. . .ship or how I can stop tripping balls, that'd be great. Yeah. . .

13th May, 2014


Guess this ship ain't such a bad place. Lot bigger than I expected, from what I was in last time I traveled anywhere. Just heading for the mess hall, anyone got any tips?

12th May, 2014


Hello, Suri. Are you familiar with "death notes" dropped by death gods?

There were acceptable levels of candy at the space station.

30th Apr, 2014


Not again. And they always catch me in my pajamas. It doesn't matter if I've gotten new clothes; they still always manage to catch me in my dressing gown and pajamas.

Where am I and how did I get here this time? Something about collapsing universes? I've been to the end of the universe; it didn't include hotel rooms.

24th Apr, 2014


The conservatory here is amazing. I don't really recognize half the plants, but there's a lot here that's edible. And there's people willing to help outfit Suri with one so we can grow food as well as use whatever we gather in storage. Someone scientific should probably be here before I agree to anything in case I'm doing something misinformed.

Just uh...don't get too close to the purple pitcher plant. It's three kinds of Little Shop.

[Private to Cas]
You'd probably like it here. Some of these trees have pink leaves. They aren't even cherry blossoms.

Although there's a couple places here we should try.

13th Apr, 2014


I've almost finished clearing out most of the debris in Sector 18. Most of it's just broken lights or metal siding of some kind - I figure someone more experienced can tell me how to fix it. Seems like a good time for a miracle. And if anyone in Sector 7 or 36 needs help, let me know.

[Private to Castiel (_castiel_)]
At the risk of sounding like the clingy girlfriend...I'm gonna ask for an update. Let's just say the sound of your voice would be nice about now. I know it's just texting, but it's the sentiment that counts. It's my first birthday since my parents were killed...bear with me.

30th Mar, 2014



Why am I in space? Hello? Cloud? Barrett? It's Tifa! What's going on?

23rd Mar, 2014


Good planet! Loads of fun. Never met this species before, but I quite like them. Not too fond of the fighting bits, of course, but it appears some of us have liberated several from such a fate! I've got one, bright yellow Pikachu to call my own now. Sits on my shoulder, think I ought to have a pirate ship now! Or is there one on the TARDIS? Got to check that. Never know, might be right alongside the gymnasium or the bouncy castle. Every vessel needs a bouncy castle.

( Amelia Pond )

Would you like me to tell them now, about Suri?


All right. Time to let all of you know something tremendously important about this ship. Specifically the AI, Suri. Not everything is as it seems, I'm afraid. There is a young girl on this ship in a very deep coma. To draw her from stasis could lead to her death, which is a risk I will not take unless she asks it of me. That very girl has become attached to this ship's entire mainframe and manifested herself as a hologram. It is the only reason she's able to continue living apart from her medical chamber. Suri is a young girl, too young, and quite sick. As long as I am here, I will be responsible for her. The ship's good doctors have been taking care of her as well, and thank you for that. There, now.. If you've got questions, I suppose I can attempt to answer them.

22nd Mar, 2014


So, I mean, I'm pretty good about making sure Arya is fed and Frank takes care of himself, so. . .am I supposed to be feeding the thing that followed me back to the ship? I say followed. He rode in one of those ball things. Anyway. Just. . .really. He's been here awhile and he doesn't seem to be like. . wasting away or anything.

Well, anymore than he probably did when he was alive. He's pretty damned sturdy.

They should have handed out pamphlets or something.

17th Mar, 2014


So, these weird furballs! Not that I don't love Shadow (which, by the way is his name now. Thanks for the votes, peeps) but damn did I jump on that too soon.

...stop starin' at me, kiddo, you know you're the only one for me.

ANYWAY! I can't get enough of this place. But, real talk, why are there so many of 'em? What nuclear plant dumped its mess in the water 'round here to produce these things?

8th Mar, 2014


So I've been all over the planet - it's nice. It's different, but...it's no worse than Earth. I'd look out for the yellow and purple things to the east of the Surprise, though. They can hear our thoughts. Or dreams. Wide circles.

Also...some of these things can produce electricity or fire with their bodies. I'd be careful of that too. They're not all chihuahua-sized.

I found an island with a beach. If you're interested in a swim.

1st Mar, 2014


Minotaurs have bad breath, I mean really if you're gonna run around breathing in other faces, have the decency to brush your teeth. Unfortunately it's not a violation of any conventions, but it really should.

Also, just had lunch, amazing little thing. The buffalo wing. Which makes me think we're in the wrong year, or being told wrong, buffaloes don't evolve wings until the late 30th century. Never the less, quite tasty! I'm going to make my own. In an omelette.

24th Feb, 2014


I wish to name the kitten Atticus.
From the book I just finished reading.

20th Feb, 2014


[The Doctor]
I'm sorry for your losses. I...would suggest the intake of alcohol or violence, but I know they are not your ways.

Amy's mentioned a minotaur. I'm thinking of challenging it before it has the opportunity to commit heinous acts.

11th Feb, 2014


Text to Anna


10th Feb, 2014


Filtered to Castiel

I -- hello.
May we speak?

28th Jan, 2014


Oh man. This isn't cool.

I'm Korean. We don't even make it through our own horror movies.

Why does space even have ghosts? (They are ghosts, right?)


There's something here. It's like looking around and only seeing something in the corner of my eye once I've looked away. It's very disconcerting.

Castiel? Anna? Meg? Have you seen anything more than just a shadow?

Perhaps we could... find the source.

And I have my blade, perhaps that will work.

25th Jan, 2014


Suuuuriiiiiiiiii. I'm afraid to touch the hologram buttons 'cause I'm pretty sure if anyone could find a way to break 'em? It'd be me. I've got a question!

And uhm. I think I've decided alcohol is evil. Why do people like drinking it so much?

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