June 2014



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20th Jun, 2014


So, I was playing around in the Library today. Spoiler alert! I know who Lana's baby daddy is. I wish there'd been a pool. I would have made BANK. Either way, in the process. I think I found my spirit animal.

Look at
it's stupid
I need twenty.

18th Jun, 2014


So. . .um. Out of curiosity, how exactly do you all deal with it when it sort of hits you that everything you knew has just. . .puffed out of existence.

Cause I think I'm having a moment here. Is there like a counseling service or just. . drinking?

17th Jun, 2014


So, I don't know how long it's been here. But Suri seems to have added in a dog park. Or something resembling a dog park anyway. Emma certainly seems to like it.

I wonder what else has popped up that we haven't noticed.

And why Suri doesn't send out like. . .messages or something about it when she does. Nothing like going where you think there was a loo and find a skating rink. Which I haven't found yet. But who knows.

2nd Jun, 2014


Is it just me or are things extra quiet around here lately?

To get out of this weird feelin' we seem to be in, I'm throwin' a party. Why? Because my room was re-done. OK, so the party itself won't be in my room. But hey, it's as good of a reason as any to throw a party, yeah?

I'm proposin' we throw it in the observatory. Mainly 'cause that's just my favorite place on this hunk of metal. I'll bring booze and cigs. Either you show and drink and have fun with me, or I end up drinkin' it all by myself and wind up drunk-network textin' you bitches late into the night until you turn off your devices.

You're choice.

27th May, 2014


So, I just tried Turkish Delight for the first time.

It was good. Not 'sell out my family to the White Witch' good, but it was okay.

I don't get it. . . .

15th May, 2014


...So I looked through one of the cat flaps Suri apparently installed. I wouldn't recommend it.

And we apparently have an atrium now. At least I think that's the word.

There's a lot of apparently's. But we have a place to grow fresh vegetables. Maybe.

13th May, 2014


I've spent some interesting times in interesting places in my over 2,300 years travels, but I reckon that station had its fair share of experiences all on its own.

Has anyone noticed anything different since we left there?


Guess this ship ain't such a bad place. Lot bigger than I expected, from what I was in last time I traveled anywhere. Just heading for the mess hall, anyone got any tips?

12th May, 2014


I think something died in my head. Ow. Coffee time.

So can we talk to Suri? Hello, Suri, in case we can.

ugh Christ, need coffee.

2nd May, 2014


I need to find a bar and do my best to drink it dry so can someone point me in the right direction for somewhere decent?

This place has tequila, right?

28th Apr, 2014


How the fuck does a reality just stop existing?


Voice transmission

Jake? Jake! What the fuck is going on, and where the fuck am I? Is this hell?