June 2014



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6th Mar, 2014


So...if we seriously have 12 cargo bays, one that clearly has some kind of animal or monster living in it...how long until we go through all the others and see if there isn't stuff we really need?

I mean, if they didn't want us going in there, they wouldn't even give us clearance. So maybe there's things we can use in there. We need to explore the ship more as it is. I didn't know we had a cryochamber until yesterday. If someone here dies or gets sick, we could freeze them.

1st Mar, 2014


It just seems... quieter around here lately, huh.

Not really sure how to bring up about people leaving and all...


Minotaurs have bad breath, I mean really if you're gonna run around breathing in other faces, have the decency to brush your teeth. Unfortunately it's not a violation of any conventions, but it really should.

Also, just had lunch, amazing little thing. The buffalo wing. Which makes me think we're in the wrong year, or being told wrong, buffaloes don't evolve wings until the late 30th century. Never the less, quite tasty! I'm going to make my own. In an omelette.

19th Feb, 2014


I always lose them, I suppose. Even the ones that never got to come along.

Ah, well.

I do hope you're all enjoying this version of Earth. Think I'm keen on a jaunt through Ancient Greece in the spirit of things.

[ Clara & Amy ]
I'm sorry you lost him, Bowtie. I'm not your Doctor, so to speak, but you're both welcome on my TARDIS. Perhaps he'll return, he could be on to something.

20th Feb, 2014


[The Doctor]
I'm sorry for your losses. I...would suggest the intake of alcohol or violence, but I know they are not your ways.

Amy's mentioned a minotaur. I'm thinking of challenging it before it has the opportunity to commit heinous acts.

15th Feb, 2014


(pretend the date is valentine's day k)


Rose! This Earth is brilliant! Imagine all the places we could go. Blimey, I could go re-meet Shakespeare. Before all that though, Rose, there is somewhere in particular I'd like to go. Just the two of us. That all right?

Ohhh, Suri, you are good! Butter you up a bit? Hope so, because I'm going to tamper with these cuffs.

That all right? Going to do it anyway, but I am trying to be less rude.

Earth, always a fond choice! I do hope you're all ready to go on adventures with me.

10th Feb, 2014


All of the ship's computers keep talking about Valentine's Day and how it's a significant human holiday. I don't understand, is it like a form of harvest? All the hearts are misleading.

8th Feb, 2014


Well! All's well that ends well, I suppose! Good saying, think I'll use it more often.

Speaking of wellness, she's well again. My TARDIS. Have I made any indication that I'd some good news to share? Might've been it. Slight possibility.

Fancy a trip?

29th Jan, 2014


So. . .yeah, there are ghosts and that's horrible, but. . .when do we start to worry about the basic radio silence from the crew?

I mean, should we maybe start looking for them?

27th Jan, 2014


Well. Being told we're all going to die is a bit of a damper on my good news, isn't it? Relay that later for when I've sorted this situation out! I'd say we're in for a haunting, but that goes against a considerable amount of my rules. Everyone all right? Aside from the spectacular attempts to unnerve the lot of us, that is?

Rose, Donna: The TARDIS is being stubborn and not letting me in. I suspect it doesn't want to give whatever is affecting the ship a chance to take a stab at her. Not on board her, are you? Oh, foolish question. Really should have just checked the little shops first.

Would have--oh, now that is rubbish. Gone and written nonsense on my ship! Got to fix that, then sort my priorities.

Bit tingly though! Got to solve the mystery of the unhaunting!

22nd Jan, 2014


ARGS are very nice, but even I don't know what's going on all the time with the technical stuff.

So I'm thinking I'll stop being a distraction and wander around the Surprise a bit more. Anything I should definitely be seeing? Or avoiding? Or anything you think I should be avoiding that I'm definitely going to see now?

21st Jan, 2014


It's nearly Deanna's birthday
So at what point do we

Alright. I need something to do, or I'm going to start climbing the walls. If there's nothing actually useful that needs doing, does anybody want to spar?

How are the TARDISes coming? Anything I can do?

14th Jan, 2014


Ugh, is this seriously life when we don't stop on other worlds? Like...constantly movin' into a big vast batch of nothing?

'cause, I'll be honest, I've never been one for space. You know what space is made of? Nothin'. And when you reach the end of it, you know what you get? More nothin'.

Someone play with me. Someone entertain me.

Or else I'm just gonna give myself lung cancer and destroy my liver with all the smoking and drinking I do to pass the time.

13th Jan, 2014


Do you mean to tell me that EVERYTHING on this ship is free? Food, clothing, shops? There's no money in this place? Just pop round to the shop and pick up whatever you like, no charge? I'm no flipping economist but tell me how does that work?

No no no. Don't tell me. Don't say a word. I don't want to hear anything about economics when I spy shoes. Good thing the TARDIS has infinite space because I'm going to need A BIGGER CLOSET.

8th Jan, 2014


This wasn't how I planned on retiring, but I'll take it.

But I'm on a spaceship full of strangers, which doesn't help. Major Kaidan Alenko, Alliance Navy. Served under Commander Shepard on the Normandy in the

You know what, this probably means nothing to any of you. I, uh I'm Kaidan, I'm 35, a soldier, and I'm from Vancouver back on Earth. I like cards, cooking, beer, and there's nothing better than a good steak sandwich and ... what exactly do you say when your reality's supposedly blinked out and you're supposed to introduce yourself to refugees from other worlds? This sounds like an extranet dating profile. I usually like long walks on the beach but I might be on crutches for a bit and we're without beaches, so that's out.

4th Jan, 2014


She's right, you know. Donna, I mean. You found a way back.

I'm sorry.

So, how many of you were tempted to stay behind on that planet?

2nd Jan, 2014


So since we're technically in another reality is it still 2014? What the hell? Happy New Year.

Mystery solved, ladies.


So New Years was brilliant! Never celebrated a New Year before, I mean in reality everyday's a new year for me. Actually I don't really see the whole reason for the celebration... although I suppose any reason to celebrate is a good reason.

Absolutely love those twirly things that buzz when you twirl them.


Fact: I am completely and thoroughly corporeal and I have no control over it.

Fact: I am told the multiverse is collapsing and I can see with my own eyes I am stationed on a ship.

Typically, why does not interest me. I would prefer to have an answer to the question: how?

And more importantly, where is Robert? What am I going to do without him?

Things are supposed to be more fluid. Only sureties stay constant.


What the hell do you mean, the multiverse is collapsing??



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