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27th Jan, 2014


[Private to Yuna]
You doing okay with everything that's going on? They come after you too?


Those lights that were flickering, as well as the voices last night, is that normal for a ship of this design? If so, I must comment that this is a nuisance and a design flaw. I was working on construction for my lab and when the lights flicker in such a manner as last night, it does make it rather difficult to work.

If, however, it is not a usual occurrence, perhaps the ship is in need of repairs. I would be more than happy to offer my services alongside those who typically take on this responsibility.

14th Jan, 2014


As tempting as it may be to take a sort of vacation from life while residing on this ship, I am unable to accept a life of simple existence.

Does anyone know how I might possibly find another room on the ship to utilize as a lab? I am aware I have my own room already, but I need space to think. And now that I am without Robert alone, it may take some time to acclimate to working alone as well.

If anyone has any more information concerning the destruction of the multiverse, do let me know. While I appreciate the information Norman provided, there is only so much I can do with it.

I thank you all in advance.

13th Jan, 2014


Do you mean to tell me that EVERYTHING on this ship is free? Food, clothing, shops? There's no money in this place? Just pop round to the shop and pick up whatever you like, no charge? I'm no flipping economist but tell me how does that work?

No no no. Don't tell me. Don't say a word. I don't want to hear anything about economics when I spy shoes. Good thing the TARDIS has infinite space because I'm going to need A BIGGER CLOSET.


Many of you... forgive me if I'm rude, but... it's so different! I know that I must appear to be equally unusual, and that's alright. We all come from different worlds, don't we? But, then... I only ask, because... I would like to try something new while I'm here! Hee! I've never had that chance before, and... it sounds nice! Maybe.. a little daring?

Only... I don't know where to go or where I would even start! Could.. someone help me? I hope that.. it isn't too much trouble.

10th Jan, 2014


[Filtered to Norman]

So, bear with me, cause I'm bored and when I get bored I get creative and there's only so much time Cas will spend watching me sing all of All Time Low's discography before he asks me to find something else to do.

But here's a fun little exercise. I know you profile people for a living, so what would your profile of me say? :P

6th Jan, 2014


So, I'm not dreaming, which is cool. Legitimately on a bigass spaceship in space. And a planet based on Christmas and other PC holidays exists. This would be more awesome if I didn't have to believe everyone I knew's been blinked out of reality except me.

Yeah, that part blows. A lot.

How do we fix the universes so I can go back to my people?

2nd Jan, 2014


Fact: I am completely and thoroughly corporeal and I have no control over it.

Fact: I am told the multiverse is collapsing and I can see with my own eyes I am stationed on a ship.

Typically, why does not interest me. I would prefer to have an answer to the question: how?

And more importantly, where is Robert? What am I going to do without him?

Things are supposed to be more fluid. Only sureties stay constant.

29th Dec, 2013


I've probably eaten about six candy canes in the course of the last six hours. The box is pretty much empty at this point.

If you suck on one long enough, you can get it into about the right shape for a shiv. You know, for when we land on the planet of the killer gingerbread men or whatever.

I think I'm a little hyped up on sugar. I want to jump on things.

What can I jump on?

16th Dec, 2013


Has anyone seen my other ski? I'm afraid I've set it down somewhere.

7th Dec, 2013


I liked that last reality. I hope it stays stable, especially with the refugees that stayed. One world collapsing on them would be bad enough.

[castiel (celestialintent)]
I heard you met demon aliens. What were those like?

My head's on its way to being sorted out. Ready to hold up your end of the deal?

[doctor (timeskipping)]
In all the excitement over her arrival, I don't think I said. I'm glad you got one of your near-impossibilities back.

29th Nov, 2013


Well. Happy Thanksgiving, to any of you that celebrate. I almost didn't even notice the holiday.

I guess I'm thankful for still existing? And that you all still exist, too. That there's still a chance for everybody else's existence. All important things, right?

You guys were the ones that reminded me. Thank you, for the food.

26th Nov, 2013


The machina on this vessel is amazing! Have.. many of you come from worlds where it was not deemed forbidden? I wonder... what that must have been like to grow up with freely!

How many worlds.. do you think are left? I hope that we can find a way to return them.

18th Nov, 2013


So, I swear I'm not trying to welch on our deal, but I'm trying a Doctor first instead of a doctor. You could do the same, if you wanted. Or we can both still go to the doctors, especially since it's not guaranteed that he'll be able to help me yet. But I'm seeing someone about my problem, so you still have to do the same.

If you would rather not have to deal with your memories of hell... I may have found someone who can help you with that.

14th Nov, 2013


Weird how a disaster like the one we just left can make you pretty alright with being on a ship you really weren't sure you were okay with before, isn't it?

[castiel (both, but separately)]
How's the whole having a double thing going? And anything else, really.

You know we're going to have to talk about the thing that we haven't been talking about, right?

...I was actually just going to say hello, but then that came out instead. And I'm not taking it back.

1st Nov, 2013


Sam, Meg, and Doctors Ten and Eleven, please tell me none of you are in that city right now.

[Anyone who stayed on the ship]
We should get things set up for the people coming back - if there are any doctors still aboard, we're gonna need you here. Tell us what to do, we'll follow, and if you're scared of Suri, tell her to fuck off. We live here too now.

24th Oct, 2013


I can honestly say I've never explored a planet other than Earth before. This ought to be an experience.

... And I feel like I should tell everyone to be careful, although it's probably not my place to do that.

Feel like going for an interplanetary patrol with me?

20th Oct, 2013


Hello! Try to stay with me on this, but I'm the Doctor! Please no Spartacus references, that is a slightly but not really fondly familiar avenue I'd just as soon avoid. Should we go with numbers for differentiating ourselves? Well, that would be ridiculous. I've an identity, shared as it were, scratch that suggestion immediately.

Lovely ship, by the way! Brilliant AI system. Can't wait to pick its artificial intelligence, but bigger matters! Shouldn't be here, could be cataclysmic actually, especially because, well, now I've unintentionally lied. To me. Future me. My TARDIS is here, bizarre thing, having two around and all.

I trust any and all answers I could possibly want would be found in Suri and anything else would be useless fluff I could infer on my own? Yes, of course. So, leaves me back where I've started upon waking from the sort of end upon which there ought to be no waking. Details.

Too long don't read, or as I love to see used: tl;dr: I'm the Doctor. I'm a time traveler. This is unprecedented and I am truly excited to meet all of you.


Hello there! Not really sure what this is.

Is this a Twitter? Sure hope not, doesn't seem to be it's not sucking the life out of me and turning me into a mindless zombie.

Still definitely has that feel.

Nevermind that though, hello! I'm the Doctor. I don't suppose anyone has any connection to the time vortex? No, I suppose you wouldn't. No matter, I'm sure I can get my TARDIS moving, in the mean time hello!

Already said that...

18th Oct, 2013


I know it technically doesn't exist anymore, but according to the little communicator thingy it should be getting close to Halloween back home and I think we should at least decorate the food court for it. Maybe we can find things to make costumes and things. Something to keep things as homelike as possible.


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