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2nd Dec, 2013


So.. next time the ship stops, we get a Starbucks right? 'Cause.. I was kinda used to just having one around, zero zip nada is less fun.

And 1400-whatever Florence isn't exactly what I'd call Frappuccino heaven. Or is it? Do they have 'em here!?

Please tell me we don't have one on board and I totally missed it.

29th Nov, 2013


Oh! 1453! Great year! Well, not for the Byzantines, or the French or English... but in terms of history, you humans should really be happy with this year. Fall of the Byzantine Empire leads to the Age of Discovery, which of course leads to the world we all know today. Not to mention the beginnings of the Renaissance, including a year after the birth of Leonardo DaVinci.

And the very early beginnings of the Ottoman Empire in what would become Turkey. Mehmet II, Sultan, bit of an angry sort. Played dice with him, may have also invented Draughts a century early. Well... the Draughts where you jump each other.

And Florence! Oh, that's even more brilliant. Might have to take a look around, though Florence really hasn't become what it eventually will yet. Bit sad there. And far too few baths... very smelly time. Smell of history!

27th Nov, 2013


I have been instructed to make myself "more comfortable" for our present passengers. Therefore, I will be landing on the date of 91512.93. For those of you lacking in your understanding, this is tomorrow morning at what is approximately 6 A.M.

You may enjoy your swimming pool, McDonald's, and shop of sexual persuasion in a few days. Please do not interrupt the remodeling process.

I have also been instructed to answer any questions.

25th Nov, 2013


So some decided to stay on the planet by the look of it? Well we seem to have less people on board than we previously did. Or at the very least I am assuming that is the case as I cannot find someone.

16th Nov, 2013


This ship... it's so...! Goodness, I've almost forgotten myself! Manners first.

My name is Yuna. My home seems to be... one of the many others lost. Is that true? I don't want to believe that it's lost. We'd worked so hard to save it... and the people on board here! Some of them are dressed like... well, maybe I'm just thinking too much.

It's not a very good introduction, is it? I'm sorry. I'm not sure what to make of all this, it's a lot to take in... Hello then. Who's out there? Does anyone need help?

14th Nov, 2013


Weird how a disaster like the one we just left can make you pretty alright with being on a ship you really weren't sure you were okay with before, isn't it?

[castiel (both, but separately)]
How's the whole having a double thing going? And anything else, really.

You know we're going to have to talk about the thing that we haven't been talking about, right?

...I was actually just going to say hello, but then that came out instead. And I'm not taking it back.

9th Nov, 2013


Okay - what happened down in Zanarkand was bad. And if you need to talk about it with someone, you should. But it could happen again, either when we land or if something happens up here. Our doctors are the best you could ask for in this situation. We'll take care of you and make sure that you get what you need. It's just that sometimes, bad things happen and they aren't always giant whales in the sky.

So I'm offering - anyone who wants to learn basic first aid and triage methods, we can teach you. This won't make you doctors or nurses. We can't certify you. But I think that right now, learning is good. So if you wanna learn, let me know.

5th Nov, 2013


I am glad to see that we all of us, as far as I know, managed to get off the planet alright after that attack. If anyone still needs medical help, I and the other trained doctors I'm sure will be in the infirmary.

30th Oct, 2013


So I discovered something pretty cool today. Blitz ball. I was wandering around down on the planet and found the stadium. It's like water polo on crack. I'm probably going to go again tomorrow if anyone wants to come with me.


So, I bought this stuff at the market earlier. I don't know exactly what it's meant to do, but the guy selling it kept going on and on about how it was supposed to reverse death and appeal to the powers of the phoenix and whatever and I'm not sure what all of that means, but it sounds like medicine to me and that's probably something we need.

Now I feel like we should test it to be sure, though.

29th Oct, 2013


Does anyone else find the act of going to the bathroom tiring? It's nearly unacceptable, the amount of needs the human body seems to have.

25th Oct, 2013


[Filtered to Meredith & Cristina]

So, are we. . .disembarking? That's a word, right? I feel like we should look around. We should look around. Maybe there's like a. . .I don't know, something awesome that we need to see.

I'm going stir crazy stuck inside this ship.

22nd Oct, 2013


Alright, I do not appreciate being kidnapped like this. My sister and my friends need me. Especially since Wash has just died. What is the name of this ship, where are we and how do I return home?

20th Oct, 2013


Hello! Try to stay with me on this, but I'm the Doctor! Please no Spartacus references, that is a slightly but not really fondly familiar avenue I'd just as soon avoid. Should we go with numbers for differentiating ourselves? Well, that would be ridiculous. I've an identity, shared as it were, scratch that suggestion immediately.

Lovely ship, by the way! Brilliant AI system. Can't wait to pick its artificial intelligence, but bigger matters! Shouldn't be here, could be cataclysmic actually, especially because, well, now I've unintentionally lied. To me. Future me. My TARDIS is here, bizarre thing, having two around and all.

I trust any and all answers I could possibly want would be found in Suri and anything else would be useless fluff I could infer on my own? Yes, of course. So, leaves me back where I've started upon waking from the sort of end upon which there ought to be no waking. Details.

Too long don't read, or as I love to see used: tl;dr: I'm the Doctor. I'm a time traveler. This is unprecedented and I am truly excited to meet all of you.


Hello there! Not really sure what this is.

Is this a Twitter? Sure hope not, doesn't seem to be it's not sucking the life out of me and turning me into a mindless zombie.

Still definitely has that feel.

Nevermind that though, hello! I'm the Doctor. I don't suppose anyone has any connection to the time vortex? No, I suppose you wouldn't. No matter, I'm sure I can get my TARDIS moving, in the mean time hello!

Already said that...

19th Oct, 2013


If anyone is around, could you please pick up...?

I don't know where I am or who any of you are, but if you can tell me anything that would be great. I don't even know if I'm doing this right. I can't find my friends either. It seems to be just me.

18th Oct, 2013


So. . .I think that whatever was causing the anomalies or whatever we're calling them has gone away. Because all of Frank's little homies have gone away.

Except, he's still here. When I asked him if he didn't want to go back with them, he said that he thought staying on the ship would make a great adventure and that he would be one less son fighting for position when his dad passed away.

He also said to tell you that if you want to pet him, you just have to ask. He said he won't bite unless provoked.


I know it technically doesn't exist anymore, but according to the little communicator thingy it should be getting close to Halloween back home and I think we should at least decorate the food court for it. Maybe we can find things to make costumes and things. Something to keep things as homelike as possible.


16th Oct, 2013


Would anyone care to tell me how the hell I ended up on a spaceship? Because I'm pretty sure this is not normal and I don't think I'm drunk or hallucinating.

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