June 2014



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20th Feb, 2014


Hello everyone! I'm back and it seems you've managed to go and get yourselves into a bit of a mythological beastie problem, on the heels of a ghostly ship haunting and creepy Christmas, we really are hitting a stride here. Never the less, I am back and wonderful to be so, so let's go solve some trouble shall we?

19th Feb, 2014


For anyone who knew him, The Doctor -- mine and Clara's version -- is gone. I'm not sure when he left, but the TARDIS is gone and he's not answering my calls, so. . .there's that.

Also, I'd avoid Central Park, if I was you lot. Pretty sure I saw one of these things last night.

[Filtered to The Doctor (10)]

When you have a moment, I need to talk to you. Something's happened and it's going to need a Doctor.

[Filtered to Dr. Grey]

How is Suri? I mean, I can see the AI is answering on the network, but physically. How is she?

29th Jan, 2014






28th Jan, 2014


There's something here. It's like looking around and only seeing something in the corner of my eye once I've looked away. It's very disconcerting.

Castiel? Anna? Meg? Have you seen anything more than just a shadow?

Perhaps we could... find the source.

And I have my blade, perhaps that will work.

27th Jan, 2014


Did everyone else hear those voices last night?! Oh it was brilliant. Flickering lights, ghostly voices, and eeries shadows lurking around all of us. It's really quite terrifying, and that's fantastic! Haven't said that in awhile, definitely not me.

Still, oh it's not enough we've got a reality-hopping time-ship with a snarky AI, but now we've got one with a ghost or demon popping in and saying hello. Though I suppose it could just be the engines, though they don't often speak coherently enough to say 'Get out'. Which, I mean really, that's just a bit rude. It's not as if any of us asked to necessarily be here, kind of forced us here in the first place.

Anyway! Doing some investigating, but first fixing up those pestering lights.

25th Jan, 2014


Suuuuriiiiiiiiii. I'm afraid to touch the hologram buttons 'cause I'm pretty sure if anyone could find a way to break 'em? It'd be me. I've got a question!

And uhm. I think I've decided alcohol is evil. Why do people like drinking it so much?

11th Jan, 2014


The library on this ship is vast, possibly one of the more impressive ones I have ever seen. I enjoy reading, and before now, had never had the time to indulge in things such as fiction.

Colloquialisms will never cease to give me pause, however.

4th Jan, 2014


So. How many of you bitches actually came up with some fuckin' brilliant new year's resolution but already failed four days in?

Come on. Tell the truth.

Anyway, I hope this place takes us somewhere more interesting next. Although, the snow was pretty nice. Haven't seen that since I was a homeless kid in Boston.

2nd Jan, 2014


Time travel is great, isn't it? Where I'm from it was barely autumn, but now it's just a new year completely.

It's okay though. Always do like a good excuse for something fizzy.

28th Dec, 2013


Belated gifts (as in, definitely received the day after Christmas) from the Buffster:

26th Dec, 2013


Buffy )

Cristina )

Puppy )

[OOC: ignore the fact that I totally wasn't thinking and combined their gifts in one]

25th Dec, 2013


Left for Castiel )

Left for Meg and Castiel )

Left for Buffy )

Left for the 10th Doctor and Rose )

Left for the 11th Doctor )

22nd Dec, 2013


A small man just informed me that I am not nearly cheerful enough, and that I am "drinking the egg nog wrong".

I am not sure how you can drink something incorrectly. I did not swallow improperly or choke.

I did, perhaps, prove the first portion of his argument correct when I told him to mind his own business and stop speaking.

16th Dec, 2013


Oh my god, oh my god!


Totally building a snowman before scoping out the creepiness. Who's with me!?

4th Dec, 2013



Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

Could the weird universe have picked a more inconvenient time to fuck with me? Seriously, universe, you suck.

Where am I? What the fuck is this? And who do I have to slay to get off this damn thing?

And more importantly, B? Shit, B, please see this. Please answer me. You were just waking up. I can't - who will - goddammit!

2nd Dec, 2013


So.. next time the ship stops, we get a Starbucks right? 'Cause.. I was kinda used to just having one around, zero zip nada is less fun.

And 1400-whatever Florence isn't exactly what I'd call Frappuccino heaven. Or is it? Do they have 'em here!?

Please tell me we don't have one on board and I totally missed it.

1st Dec, 2013


Right, so this is mine, now. I have nothing but love for t-shirts and jeans, but there is something really exciting about having a dress on.

I forgot that.

[Filtered to Cas]

So, now we can totally go on fancy dates. Except I kind of forgot that when I was here last time, I had, you know. . .boobs. That makes a difference in how the things fit.


30th Nov, 2013


Oh look at the pretty dress I bought! )

29th Nov, 2013


Oh! 1453! Great year! Well, not for the Byzantines, or the French or English... but in terms of history, you humans should really be happy with this year. Fall of the Byzantine Empire leads to the Age of Discovery, which of course leads to the world we all know today. Not to mention the beginnings of the Renaissance, including a year after the birth of Leonardo DaVinci.

And the very early beginnings of the Ottoman Empire in what would become Turkey. Mehmet II, Sultan, bit of an angry sort. Played dice with him, may have also invented Draughts a century early. Well... the Draughts where you jump each other.

And Florence! Oh, that's even more brilliant. Might have to take a look around, though Florence really hasn't become what it eventually will yet. Bit sad there. And far too few baths... very smelly time. Smell of history!

12th Nov, 2013


Hello everyone!

Hope everyone is scratch free, well I suppose you're probably not. Well I know you're not since you've all, or some of you, have made reference to not being scratch free. Though I do hope that some of you are at least!

Working meticulously on getting the TARDIS acclimated to using power without a time vortex. Really not built for that sort of thing, so it's not going all that well, but I may have it soon. May have to head into the core, haven't done that since... well recently I suppose I have. That was a bit harrowing. Still she could definitely be useful as a sort of 'shuttle'. Oh... I don't think she'd like being called that, continue to refer to her as TARDIS everyone.

Also, yes, been listening to music. Absolutely brilliant stuff, human music. I really feel a need to listen to more of it.

That's all I believe... is that what these are for? updating like that? Never had to 'update' a status. It's like Facebook, curious thing that. Not a big fan of Twitter though, it's where human creativity goes to die.

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